Nice harvest PS! :welldone:

And the pic of those trichome-laden foxtails should dissuade anyone from putting down foxtailed buds. Stunning!

Thanks Shed! Now I just hope curing goes ok. Checked it out today and humidity was only 41% so I put the box in my original grow closet, and put a humidifier and a fan inside to move some air and add some humidity. Hopefully that helps!
My northern lights started her flower period a few days ago on day 48 from germination!


She's going to produce way more than my first plant! (Gorilla Glue Auto) She has 7 major bud sites with probably 10-12 smaller ones. For comparison the gorilla glue had 1 MAIN cola with 5 decent ones and around 4 small sites. Already getting a little better at growing, thanks to everyone here! Hoping for at least double the harvest this time around! Fingers crossed!

Well, I fudged the bucket on drying. Because I'm an idiot, I put the humidifier in my drying area almost empty. So when I was at work it wasn't working during one of the first couple of days. Dropped down to 41% for about 20 hrs. Stopped the curing process and left me with that crappy hay smell. Buds have been jarred for a week. Smells great when you grind some up, but to just smell a nug.....nothing there. Bummer!!!
Rehydrate a few and see if it helps?
Yeah tried getting it ice and humid for a while to re-moisten, but as I've read before, it didn't help much. Once it gets too dry you cant really go back I guess. Lesson learned! Still a very nice buzz, and still smells and tastes pretty good once its ground up. :)
I'd try a plastic container that will fit the buds you want to try and a cup of boiling water if you're interested. I rehydrated an entire AK-47 harvest that way last fall. The Santa Ana's blew through one day and took the RH from 68% to 26%!

About 30-45 minutes in there with the lid closed and then back in a jar with a hygrometer overnight and see where they land.
Too many choices! Dunno nothing 'bout the Bub Black but everyone here raves about the DDAs.

I noticed the community grow thread. It's what sparked my interest and convinced me to pick some up! Not sure on the bub black either, but free is good with me!
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