Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

Good question! The blue part is the original 2 gallon pot- I figured more room for roots would be a good thing, so I cut the bottom off of the original pot-, and sat it in a 5 gallon bucket full of dirt...plain old "yard dirt", so it weighed about a ton...but it worked pretty well...
Unfortunately, that plant was the weakest pot I've ever grown (Kerala Krush) it got me about as high as a CBD plant, but it was (allegedly) a THC plant. :hmmmm:
Wow. That's not what I thought I was seeing!

Still, I'm glad I asked because that was very interesting what you did! :Rasta:
Welcome back Carmen! The girls look great :thumb:
Thank you BK :high-five:
So glad to see how great your plants are looking Carmen! Well done!:yahoo:
Thank you Boo :)
Nobody missed a beat while you were gone, but I'm sure they're glad you're back! I was going to suggest what Carcass recommended and it looks like you did a great job with that bend.
Thank you Shed, I missed them while I was gone and it was quite a surprise to find the LB looking so much taller when I got back :)

Don't keep the lowers down or they won't produce like they could if you let them grow. Eventually you want them all at the same height as in Carcass' amazing example.
I'm not sure what you mean. I have taken a couple of pics of where I have the hooks now. I thought it was part of the process to pull the branches out sideways so that the bud sites get an equal opportunity. Am I wrong? Which ones should I leave alone? I also still have the leaf issue, creeping upwards slowly. I'll make another post and tag you.
Your gardening love and care is looking great Carmen, you're on a roll now!
Thank you Stunger :green_heart:
Looks like you grew her in a kiddie pool! :)

Is that just a training aid on top with tons of soil underneath?
Hi GDB :) I was so busy looking at those buds that I didn't even take in the detail below. Glad you pointed it out and asked about it.
Good question! The blue part is the original 2 gallon pot- I figured more room for roots would be a good thing, so I cut the bottom off of the original pot-, and sat it in a 5 gallon bucket full of dirt...plain old "yard dirt", so it weighed about a ton...but it worked pretty well...
Unfortunately, that plant was the weakest pot I've ever grown (Kerala Krush) it got me about as high as a CBD plant, but it was (allegedly) a THC plant. :hmmmm:
How interesting that those fantastic buds lacked in potency, Carcass. What do you put that down to? Did you maybe harvest too soon? It's supposed to be a potent sativa :smokin:
Wow. That's not what I thought I was seeing!

Still, I'm glad I asked because that was very interesting what you did! :Rasta:
Thank you for asking :)
Welcome home girlfriend :)

While I missed you heaps, your plants don’t look like they missed you one bit lollinggg.
Thank you Tra :) I had such a lovely weekend with a lifelong friend in the countryside and I met some really nice people. I was glad to see my planties again when I got home though!
Hi @InTheShed My first pic relates to your comment regarding the LST and the tying down of the lowers. I was drawing them out to the edge of the pot to expose the bud sites. I thought that was what @Carcass said to do but have I misunderstood you guys?

My second pic relates to the leaf issue... the rusty looking spots appear to be moving slowly upwards. The manufacturer was very defensive about his soil, so I crossed that off the list but I'm not sure what I am looking at here, so please have another look.

Thank you!
Not sure if you've read my thread on LST (in my sig), but the training is based on moving growth hormones (auxins) in a way that's different from how a plant normally grows. It not related to width or exposing bud sites to light.

Plants will move the auxins to the highest buds (to make them biggest) because those stand the best chance at pollination. Once you break the apical dominance of the top by bending it lower than the lowers, the plant sends the auxins to the lowers because they're now higher. If you keep those lowers down then the apical top remains the tallest flower and you haven't tricked the plant.

Here's the link to the LST thread and the opening post explains it in detail:
Not sure if you've read my thread on LST (in my sig), but the training is based on moving growth hormones (auxins) in a way that's different from how a plant normally grows. It not related to width or exposing bud sites to light.

Plants will move the auxins to the highest buds (to make them biggest) because those stand the best chance at pollination. Once you break the apical dominance of the top by bending it lower than the lowers, the plant sends the auxins to the lowers because they're now higher. If you keep those lowers down then the apical top remains the tallest flower and you haven't tricked the plant.

Here's the link to the LST thread and the opening post explains it in detail:
Thanks for the link Shed. I have read it a coupla times and I'm still getting it wrong in practice. Thank you for pointing it out to me. I have removed the hooks, with the exception of the two branches on the node below the tops.
Caramel King is looking budtastic. Since I got confuddled by the watering schedule and training with this plant I am quite pleased with the bud development... I'm always amazed at how much abuse these plants can handle. Should I be taking anything more off or leaving her be?
Welcome home, Carmen. I'm happy you had a nice time with your friends.

You're right. That Caramel King is gorgeous. Love how she's stacking now.
I thought that was what @Carcass said to do but have I misunderstood you guys?
I did, Carmen, but my training method is different than Sheds, because I top mine early on, so there's no main top to train, just branches- I do it this way to keep the plant centered in the pot, which works the best in my somewhat small growspace.
You could probably combine the 2 methods, but you'd likely get better results if go with one method or the other..
Sorry for the confusion, Carmen.. :sorry:

I did, Carmen, but my training method is different than Sheds, because I top mine early on, so there's no main top to train, just branches- I do it this way to keep the plant centered in the pot, which works the best in my somewhat small growspace.
You could probably combine the 2 methods, but you'd likely get better results if go with one method or the other..
Sorry for the confusion, Carmen.. :sorry:

Thanks for explaining Carcass, and please don't be sorry. The fault lies with me in that I studied up too quickly and mixed things up in my head. Judging from the work that @Trala and @Adora did following your technique there is no breakdown in communication there :) I got a bit ahead of myself I think! :green_heart:
Welcome home, Carmen. I'm happy you had a nice time with your friends.

You're right. That Caramel King is gorgeous. Love how she's stacking now.
Thank you HG! :)
I got nothing on your leaf issue as a synthetic nute user, but the flowers are looking beautiful!
Hi @InTheShed My first pic relates to your comment regarding the LST and the tying down of the lowers. I was drawing them out to the edge of the pot to expose the bud sites. I thought that was what @Carcass said to do but have I misunderstood you guys?
I think the pic that Carcass posted was of an untopped plant, and he trained that differently from the ones he tops and uses his (now widespread!) CarHooks® on. At least that's the impression I got from the note on his pic that said "main top."

Your technique of bending over the top (on an untopped plant) is what I cover in my LST thread. That said, if the lowers on a topped plant are kept below the top nodes they will never get as big as they might have it they were allowed to reach the top of the plant, which is what Carcass is aiming for (using the CarHook® method) with the flat canopy.
I got nothing on your leaf issue as a synthetic nute user, but the flowers are looking beautiful!
Thank you! I might go back to synthetic nutes and coco-perlite if the same thing happens to my two seedlings.
I think the pic that Carcass posted was of an untopped plant, and he trained that differently from the ones he tops and uses his (now widespread!) CarHooks® on. At least that's the impression I got from the note on his pic that said "main top."
Yes, I agree. I think I was trying to do both at once. I'm very glad you caught it for me thank you.
Your technique of bending over the top (on an untopped plant) is what I cover in my LST thread. That said, if the lowers on a topped plant are kept below the top nodes they will never get as big as they might have it they were allowed to reach the top of the plant, which is what Carcass is aiming for with the flat canopy.
Now I understand. Oh dear, lol it's easier to read a bunch of journals and watch a bunch of grows than it is in practice right!
How interesting that those fantastic buds lacked in potency, Carcass. What do you put that down to? Did you maybe harvest too soon? It's supposed to be a potent sativa
Good question, Carmen!
I grew that one before I did any record keeping, so I can't be sure how long she flowered, but I think I harvested her at around 8 weeks, and she probably should have gone 12. I didn't really know how to tell ripe from not ripe back in 2014, although I learned about looking at the trichomes shortly after she was harvested (because I joined 420 :))
At least that's the impression I got from the note on his pic that said "main top."
You're exactly right, Shed!
That one started out in an even smaller box than I use now, so I did the LST so she wouldn't outgrow that box, although she still was a tiny 18"x18"x24"box.
I didn't start my current method of training until about 2 years ago...
Wednesday 15 June UPDATE


Caramel King
44 Days AG, 25 Days In Flower 27 cm tall / 10.5 inches tall

Watering is a regular amount 1 Litre every 2 days. Once a week nutes.

Bud Stacking June 15-2.JPG

Caramel King Stacked June 15.jpg

Lavender Best 29 Days AG, 6 Days In Flower now bent to 23 cm / 9 inches tall

I have removed all ties except the one holding down the main.

I have not needed to give water since my return 3 days ago. Once a week nutes.

LB Focus Stacked 15 June.jpg


Bruce Banner 2
9 Days AG, 9cm /3 .5 inches tall

3 Syringes of water given every 3 days around the sides seems to do the trick. I'll alternate with nutes / plain water.

BB2 focus stacked 15 June copy.jpg

Wedding Cake 9 Days AG, 7 cm / 2.5 inches tall

3 Syringes of water given every 3 days around the sides of the pot. Again, I will alternate between nutes and plain water.

focus  stacked 15 June copy 2.jpg

Touch wood, the seedlings don't seem to be afflicted with the leaf issues....yet....

Thank you for looking in and checking out my girls.
Things are looking much improved at your place Carmen! And you're either going to need to use an extension (like these two pics) to keep that top down or start training it around the edge of the pot. You've run out of room. :)
That's a clever extension gadget, Shed thanks! I was fiddling with that top earlier and thinking that I need to train her around the pot. I might try for that actually :)
Hi @Carmen Ray - sorry man I had some catching up to do…trim jail. Dude everything looks great! You are not overwatering! You’re alternating between nutes and water! No issues present. Awesome. You should be close to uppot fairly soon. Before that you’ll be watering to runoff, right? So far so good, excellent work.
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