Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

I'm going to hold onto this Azi. If that space can work, I have confidence in the local growmes who I know grow great weed.
The tradeoff, of course, is smaller plants. To compensate I have my grow set up as a perpetual harvest with one plant harvested roughly each month. It's a new setup for me but it should be capable of growing a pound to a pound and a half a year if maxed out. I don't need anywhere close to that so I'm running it at about 60% capacity currently.

I'll start with Lavender Best, the seedling. I think her condition is improving. What say you?

The newer leaves are coming in looking nice so looks like you've turned the corner. Proper watering a hard thing to master as we want to baby the plants and give them every thing they need. In the process we often end up smothering them with love and then pay the price.

This thing is a weed and often benefits more from a little tough love as that makes for a stronger plant as it marshals its forces to protect itself from tough conditions. If it always has everything it needs there is little incentive for the plant to toughen itself which of course we want later on in flower.
@Carcass , do you think I am doing this correctly or should I leave well enough alone? When would I take off lower fans please?
You're doing just fine, Carmen- it's low stress training, so it doesn't bother the plant much (if at all)...
The fans should stay on for awhile, the plant needs them right now, but you can usually tuck them out of the way so they're not blocking any tops. You will probably have to re-tuck most of them every day.
Those yellowing leaves don't look good, though...maybe bump her feed up a little?
The tradeoff, of course, is smaller plants. To compensate I have my grow set up as a perpetual harvest with one plant harvested roughly each month. It's a new setup for me but it should be capable of growing a pound to a pound and a half a year if maxed out. I don't need anywhere close to that so I'm running it at about 60% capacity currently.


The newer leaves are coming in looking nice so looks like you've turned the corner. Proper watering a hard thing to master as we want to baby the plants and give them every thing they need. In the process we often end up smothering them with love and then pay the price.

This thing is a weed and often benefits more from a little tough love as that makes for a stronger plant as it marshals its forces to protect itself from tough conditions. If it always has everything it needs there is little incentive for the plant to toughen itself which of course we want later on in flower.
Thank you Azi. I am happy with smaller plants. I hope that the toughening up process hasn't hurt the plant too badly. Her condition has improved.
You're doing just fine, Carmen- it's low stress training, so it doesn't bother the plant much (if at all)...
The fans should stay on for awhile, the plant needs them right now, but you can usually tuck them out of the way so they're not blocking any tops. You will probably have to re-tuck most of them every day.
Those yellowing leaves don't look good, though...maybe bump her feed up a little?
Carcass thank you for the nudge to feed. I was a bit paralysed by not knowing what to do about the watering and I chatted to Emilya again. She is looking perkier two days later. I have given her some water in the top few inches around the root ball, and I included the recommended doses of these two products (below). Her color hasn't come back yet but I'm hoping it will in time. She is no longer so droopy but that shape is a mess to my eyes. It's a very tiny plant to be fiddling. I have a condition called Essential Tremor and I shake a lot. I am managing to tuck leaves. The accuracy of the hooking process maybe not so well.

DSC_7398-Edit copy.jpg

And here is Lavender Best. I also gave her a feed.
The accuracy of the hooking process maybe not so well.
I wouldn't worry too much about that, Carmen- the hooks don't really have to be "right on target" to get the job done- the only real damage you could do is to break a branch off, and that really isn't a big deal either, at least not from the plants point of view..
Just be extra careful with the two top branches- they seem to break off a little easier than the others.
Autos Update: - Thursday 2 June 2022

Lavender Best - 15 Days AG

I have watered down the sides today with plain water. I gave about 150 ml. I fed on 30 May. What an improvement.

Caramel King - 30 Days AG, 12 Days into flower
Unfortunately I did break off a branch one down from the top. That was yesterday. Today I bought some more bits and pieces and re-arranged the hooks. I also tried to bend the top over towards a gap in the shape that is becoming a kind of canopy. I gave her 2 L of H2O plus the Epic and the Biodine. I thiiiink that the green is returning to the leaves. What do you think?
I wouldn't worry too much about that, Carmen- the hooks don't really have to be "right on target" to get the job done- the only real damage you could do is to break a branch off, and that really isn't a big deal either, at least not from the plants point of view..
Just be extra careful with the two top branches- they seem to break off a little easier than the others.
Thanks you for helping me to get the hang of the process, and it was gut wrenching when I broke that branch lol. Those top branches really are stiff and determined to grow their own way. I am loving all the green foliage coming in below and hoping I can keep that main at an angle so that the lowers can catch up. Right now it doesn't seem possible but we'll see as the plant changes :)
Yessum look at all that new growth.... The older leaves will retain the damage or defect but the new growth looks great... Keep up the good work.
Hey Growms, thank you for the encouragement! I love the new color and it just goes to go to show how resilient these plants are, even on the auto clock.
I agree with Happy! (Congrats btw in the MotM win). Looks like you are on the path to recovery with them Carmen. :high-five:
Thank you so much, Boo. Touch wood that I am starting to understand how to water the soil now. Nervous about my next up-potting. What I may do with the Lavender is a bit of lst, but I am also considering leaving the plant to its own devices, just not sure. I better make up my mind soon :)
Looking good Carmen :)

Well done you!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thank you Tra :) The encouragement is hugely appreciated! :thanks:

Thank you to all who stop by and take and interest in my grow. Have a great Friday.
Hi Carmen! That baby looks 1000% better wow! I hope you're having a great day too!
Hi BK, I had a lovely day thank you. It seems you and I are definitely having a better time with our plants as time goes by :) So much more fun right!
Update 4 June 2022
I'll start with Caramel King Auto. Caramel King will be 5 weeks old in 3 days. She is recovering quite well I think. I have been watering her upper feeder roots with a combo of Epic and Biodyne solution and continuing with the hooking. I don't know what to expect from her but at least she looks happier. I still think she is small but she is spreading out in the 20 L.
CK Week 5.JPG
Lavender Best Auto is 18 Days old today. I up-potted her yesterday to the 20 L. I am not sure how I will train her yet but I wanted her to be settled in her final home before I started. I needed to get the hang of watering soil! I didn't water her to run-off. I gave her a litre of Epic and Biodyne solution in a well that I created using the circumference of her leaves as a size guide. I watered just around her root ball. When I up-potted the Caramel King I didn't give enough water and then over-compensated and gave her more than she could use.
LB Day 17 Up Pot.JPG
LB Day 18.JPG

Bruce Banner 2 is a fem photoperiod plant. It's my first time growing this plant. Welcome to the world little one
(Thank you @Jon for the advice on watering the babies!)

Wedding Cake is also a photo fem. I grew one outdoors last year. This strain helps me to fall asleep.

My plan is to veg the photo fems while I flower the autos, and then hope that Mother Nature flowers them for me.... going by local grow wisdom. HOPE is the magic ingredient here. My first challenge will be getting two more grow bags under that light... not quite sure how I will approach that. Possibly 4 L plastic pots until the autos are done?

Here is a shot of the plants together under the light

Thank you for taking an interest in my plants and visiting my journal. I hope your weekend is exactly how you like it to be.
Congrats on the new BB baby, Carmen. That's a pretty potent strain! :)
Finally! the CK and LB are looking like they're glad to be here!

Great work getting them back on track, Carmen :thumb:

Congrats on the new BB baby, Carmen. That's a pretty potent strain!
I have it on good authority that Wedding Cake is also quite the ass-kicker...:high-five:
Congrats on the new BB baby, Carmen. That's a pretty potent strain! :)
Thank you GDB :) I haven't tried it yet so am looking forward to the time.
Finally! the CK and LB are looking like they're glad to be here!

Great work getting them back on track, Carmen :thumb:

I have it on good authority that Wedding Cake is also quite the ass-kicker...:high-five:
Thanks so much Carcass! Lol, yes the Wedding Cake has a great sedative effect and body stone for me. I like to have it at night when I settle in.
Congrats on the new additions to the family! And it's hard to tell when the photos will be ready to move out of their 4L pots at this stage, but all you can do is give it a go. :thumb:
Thank you Shed. Yes, I feel nervous about it lol... I must just do it and in the doing will come the next steps :)
The tradeoff, of course, is smaller plants. To compensate I have my grow set up as a perpetual harvest with one plant harvested roughly each month. It's a new setup for me but it should be capable of growing a pound to a pound and a half a year if maxed out. I don't need anywhere close to that so I'm running it at about 60% capacity currently.


The newer leaves are coming in looking nice so looks like you've turned the corner. Proper watering a hard thing to master as we want to baby the plants and give them every thing they need. In the process we often end up smothering them with love and then pay the price.

This thing is a weed and often benefits more from a little tough love as that makes for a stronger plant as it marshals its forces to protect itself from tough conditions. If it always has everything it needs there is little incentive for the plant to toughen itself which of course we want later on in flower.
Nice @Azimuth. He’s spot on @Carmen Ray. This is the official version of what I keep telling you…
Less is more.
Update 4 June 2022
I'll start with Caramel King Auto. Caramel King will be 5 weeks old in 3 days. She is recovering quite well I think. I have been watering her upper feeder roots with a combo of Epic and Biodyne solution and continuing with the hooking. I don't know what to expect from her but at least she looks happier. I still think she is small but she is spreading out in the 20 L.
CK Week 5.JPG
Lavender Best Auto is 18 Days old today. I up-potted her yesterday to the 20 L. I am not sure how I will train her yet but I wanted her to be settled in her final home before I started. I needed to get the hang of watering soil! I didn't water her to run-off. I gave her a litre of Epic and Biodyne solution in a well that I created using the circumference of her leaves as a size guide. I watered just around her root ball. When I up-potted the Caramel King I didn't give enough water and then over-compensated and gave her more than she could use.
LB Day 17 Up Pot.JPG
LB Day 18.JPG

Bruce Banner 2 is a fem photoperiod plant. It's my first time growing this plant. Welcome to the world little one
(Thank you @Jon for the advice on watering the babies!)

Wedding Cake is also a photo fem. I grew one outdoors last year. This strain helps me to fall asleep.

My plan is to veg the photo fems while I flower the autos, and then hope that Mother Nature flowers them for me.... going by local grow wisdom. HOPE is the magic ingredient here. My first challenge will be getting two more grow bags under that light... not quite sure how I will approach that. Possibly 4 L plastic pots until the autos are done?

Here is a shot of the plants together under the light

Thank you for taking an interest in my plants and visiting my journal. I hope your weekend is exactly how you like it to be.
:woohoo: they seem to be recovering nicely.... And that little Bruce banner is a cutie.... Great job keep it up.

Oh and nice clear pics :high-five:
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