CBD BudMan

Well-Known Member
My Wild Lady is struggling. I'm not sure if it's over watering or something else. Here's some history on a previous thread I posted, this may help to give readers some reference.

Here are some pics of my Wild Lady:

What's puzzling to me is that these two are nowhere near in the same shape as the Wild Lady.

I'm hoping for some help from anyone that can help... Maybe @Bill284 , @Table Mountain Sativa Co , @Lerugged , @InTheShed , @CaptainLucky , @Emilya Green , just to name a few off the top of my head... Thank you all. :thanks: :adore:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Beautiful plants btw.
Wild Lady is wildly thirsty.
I thought so too, so I gave her more water. Didn't help at all! My hunch now is that her feet are too wet. I say this because the soil has plenty of water. Thank you all the same. :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
My Wild Lady is struggling. I'm not sure if it's over watering or something else. Here's some history on a previous thread I posted, this may help to give readers some reference.

Here are some pics of my Wild Lady:

What's puzzling to me is that these two are nowhere near in the same shape as the Wild Lady.

I'm hoping for some help from anyone that can help... Maybe @Bill284 , @Table Mountain Sativa Co , @Lerugged , @InTheShed , @CaptainLucky , @Emilya Green , just to name a few off the top of my head... Thank you all. :thanks: :adore:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I wish I could think of something besides asking you if you’re positive about everything being the same? CL🍀
I wish I could think of something besides asking you if you’re positive about everything being the same? CL🍀
Very legitimate question. :thumb: I am one of those that is very meticulous when it comes to measuring ingredients for soil. And I am very clear in my recall here... that all the soils in all the trash cans were exactly the very same.

This is one of the reasons why I'm so stumped. I will say this: The Wild Lady has shown some of this droopiness while she was in her 2 gallon pot. I'd water to near runoff and she'd droop more than I like. As the pot dried out she'd come alive with her leaves pointing up like praying hands, like all cannabis plants do when they're happy. We'll eventually know If my overwatering hypothesis is correct or not, because I've stopped watering her completely to let the soil dry out. But it may take a while as the hole I dug is 42 gallons. And all of that soil was "watered in" as I filled the hole. I've done things this way for many years, with other cultivars, and this is the very 1st time I've ever had this problem (if in-fact it actually is an overwatering problem).

Question: Could the 2 bags of Fox Farms Coco-Loco (FFCL) be contributing to the soggy soil problem? In previous years, I've kept the soil to a 1:1 ratio of FFOF and FFCL. Could the extra bag of Coco-Loco make things too soggy?
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Very legitimate question. :thumb: I am one of those that is very meticulous when it comes to measuring ingredients for soil. And I am very clear in my recall here... that all the soils in all the trash cans were exactly the very same.

This is one of the reasons why I'm so stumped. I will say this: The Wild Lady has shown some of this droopiness while she was in her 2 gallon pot. I'd water to near runoff and she'd droop more than I like. As the pot dried out she'd come alive with her leaves pointing up like praying hands, like all cannabis plants do when they're happy. We'll eventually know If my overwatering hypothesis is correct or not, because I've stopped watering her completely to let the soil dry out. But it may take a while as the hole I dug is 42 gallons. And all of that soil was "watered in" as I filled the hole. I've done things this way for many years, with other cultivars, and this is the very 1st time I've ever had this problem (if in-fact it actually is an overwatering problem).

Question: Could the 2 bags of Fox Farms Coco-Loco (FFCL) be contributing to the soggy soil problem? In previous years, I've kept the soil to a 1:1 ratio of FFOF and FFCL. Could the extra bag of Coco-Loco make things too soggy?
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Good question but unfortunately I have no experience using it. I use strictly FFOF or FFHF. Or a combination of both. CL🍀
don’t want to be the one to say it but those folded leaves kinda reminds me of pics I’ve seen where plant had russet mites… let me shout at @bluter
I had wondered about insects too. So I took an entire lower branch to my hydro guy and he put his digital microscope on lots of leaves. We found 1 aphid and a couple of old spots of dead Black Scale. I've been treating all the plants with "TakeDown" to kill off the Black Scale. They seem to be gone now.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Good question but unfortunately I have no experience using it. I use strictly FFOF or FFHF. Or a combination of both. CL🍀
Anyone else? I'd love to hear more on this, as I seem to recall that Coco is often used for "soilless" media.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I had wondered about insects too. So I took an entire lower branch to my hydro guy and he put his digital microscope on lots of leaves. We found 1 aphid and a couple of old spots of dead Black Scale. I've been treating all the plants with "TakeDown" to kill off the Black Scale. They seem to be gone now.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
If you have a digital thermometer, one like a gun that you measure temperature I would check how hot the soil and leaves temperature gets. CL🍀
yep sometimes they fold up to reduce the amount of leaf surface exposed to light

truly hope I’m wrong about the russets, they are bad news
I was thinking the very same. But it's only been 77ºf here. There have been a couple of days of low to mid 80's here and there too. But this cultivar is accustomed to a hot climate. And all my plants have been outside since they were in dixie cups. So I don't know... I'm completely stumped.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
If you have a digital thermometer, one like a gun that you measure temperature I would check how hot the soil and leaves temperature gets. CL🍀
No I don't. The one I had has broken. This cultivar favors hot climates, so I'm not thinking it's heat. Although, I agree that it does look a lot like heat stress. Which just now got me thinking... could it be that the canola oil in the TakeDown spray I'm using is causing a heat-like stress, or same symptoms as heat stress? This has happened to me before with another cultivar in a previous grow. Hmmm, I wonder.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I was thinking the very same. But it's only been 77ºf here. There have been a couple of days of low to mid 80's here and there too. But this cultivar is accustomed to a hot climate. And all my plants have been outside since they were in dixie cups. So I don't know... I'm completely stumped.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
This one’s got me stumped too and I really want to learn what the cause is because it’s a mystery to me. CL🍀
I'm thinking about the coco as well.. wouldn't mixing in coco act as a water retainer? if you only use coco it can drain out fast, but I'm wondering if it's mixed in with soil doesn't it then become something that holds water too long?

And I'm just reading this bit here How much Nitrogen to feed in coco?
As I was thinking how does N uptake behave when you cut a bunch of coco in..
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