Hey Brother :ciao:
Shape of the leaves says she has some p&k in the mix.
Probably mixed into soil with the other amendments, need time to cook into the soil.
Might be a touch early but not damaging anything, just unique looking.
The cupping is definitely p&k related imo.
Combined with heat or wind gives her that appearance.
My apologies for missing your grow the last little while.
Been away and still trying to catch up with everyone.
I will read back when I get a minute and see what I missed get a better idea of what's going on.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
so I'm not thinking it's heat. Although, I agree that it does look a lot like heat stress.
I was going to agree with bluter but depending on where you are, plants can show that kind of stress from the intensity of the sun even with air temps in the 70s. Measuring actual leaf temps is helpful there.

Some phenotypes of Candida grown completely outside will always wilt from noon to 2pm from the sun, not the air temps.
could it be that the canola oil in the TakeDown spray I'm using
Are you spraying after sunset? Also, I wouldn't use that in flower because of the pyrethrins in it.

It looks like too much water and too much N. She is usually a lighter lime green color.
Hold off on watering her for a few days. The leaves look swollen.
Have a lekker day
Agreed. I'm holding off on the watering now. And, I'm also wondering if the Take Down Garden Spray is the culprit here. As I remember, I had a plant that didn't do well with the very same symptoms like this. I can't seem to find what thread I posted it in... been looking for 30 mins, still can't find it.

Anyway, on the chance that this is what's causing the stress, ANYbody got some good advice on what natural stuff I can use for black scale, thrips & spider mites? Should I go back to using neem?
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I'm thinking about the coco as well.. wouldn't mixing in coco act as a water retainer? if you only use coco it can drain out fast, but I'm wondering if it's mixed in with soil doesn't it then become something that holds water too long?

And I'm just reading this bit here How much Nitrogen to feed in coco?
As I was thinking how does N uptake behave when you cut a bunch of coco in..
Good thoughts for sure. This is what happens when too many things are changed all at the same time. Just for convenience, I'm including my soil mix here... ⬇️

Back Yard Soil - GeoFlora

For each hole, mix the following into trash cans:

  • 1 bag FFOF (1.5 cf each)*
  • 1 bag Coco Loco (2 cf each)*
  • 1 bag Worm Gold Plus (0.7 cf each)
  • 1 bag Bu’s Blend compost (1 cf each)
  • 1 cup Gypsum
  • 2 cups Bone Meal
  • 2 cups Fish Bone Meal
  • 1 box Green Sand
  • 1 box Kelp Meal
  • I box Alfalfa Meal
  • 10 cups Soybean Meal
  • 6 cups Insect Frass
  • 2 cups Rock Phosphate
  • 4 cups Neem Seed Meal
  • 1/2 cup Epsom Salt
  • 4 TBS Dolomite Lime
  • 1 & 1/2 cups Azomite
  • 2 TBS Humic Acid
  • 4 cups Blood Meal (not for Table Mountain Sativa strains)
Additional ingredients mixed into soil Just B 4 placing into holes.
  • 2 cups Mykos mixed into soil
  • 2 cf Perlite
*Note: 1.5 cubic foot bag = 10 gals

Because of the full bag of compost and worm casting, the soil is much heavier than just coco... so I'm finding it difficult to zero in on what's causing the issues for my Wild Lady. Hmmm... 🤔
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Agreed. I'm holding off on the watering now. And, I'm also wondering if the Take Down Garden Spray is the culprit here. As I remember, I had a plant that didn't do well with the very same symptoms like this. I can't seem to find what thread I posted it in... been looking for 30 mins, still can't find it.

Anyway, on the chance that this is what's causing the stress, ANYbody got some good advice on what natural stuff I can use for black scale, thrips & spider mites? Should I go back to using neem?
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
@Sierra Natural Science makes excellent pest control that you can use up until harvest. I also have used Dr. Bonner’s Castile soap. CL🍀
Good thoughts for sure. This is what happens when too many things are changed all at the same time. Just for convenience, I'm including my soil mix here... ⬇️

Back Yard Soil - GeoFlora

For each hole, mix the following into trash cans:

  • 1 bag FFOF (1.5 cf each)*
  • 1 bag Coco Loco (2 cf each)*
  • 1 bag Worm Gold Plus (0.7 cf each)
  • 1 bag Bu’s Blend compost (1 cf each)
  • 1 cup Gypsum
  • 2 cups Bone Meal
  • 2 cups Fish Bone Meal
  • 1 box Green Sand
  • 1 box Kelp Meal
  • I box Alfalfa Meal
  • 10 cups Soybean Meal
  • 6 cups Insect Frass
  • 2 cups Rock Phosphate
  • 4 cups Neem Seed Meal
  • 1/2 cup Epsom Salt
  • 4 TBS Dolomite Lime
  • 1 & 1/2 cups Azomite
  • 2 TBS Humic Acid
  • 4 cups Blood Meal (not for Table Mountain Sativa strains)
Additional ingredients mixed into soil Just B 4 placing into holes.
  • 2 cups Mykos mixed into soil
  • 2 cf Perlite
*Note: 1.5 cubic foot bag = 10 gals

Because of the full bag of compost and worm casting, the soil is much heavier than just coco... so I'm finding it difficult to zero in on what's causing the issues for my Wild Lady. Hmmm... 🤔
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
That's quite the cocktail, sounds good though.
Compost can be quite potent.
Were they first vegged indoors? as indeed Solar can be quite fierce.
Tacoing can be a way to avoid light or heat but also a way to avoid transpiration as she can't move enough water to compensate for the heat.
As today opening the thread I thought aren't they just really thirsty? instead of being overwatered? as these plants can move a lot of water when they get going.
So yeah is she droopy because too much or is she droopy and closing off because she can't move enough water?
Reach in and grab them by the rootball 😆 is it wet or dry.

Does it still get pretty cold during the night? as I don't think it will be too hot for the plant but rather outdoors still too much of a drop compared to daytime, that messes with the nutrient uptake household especially when all is available in abundance to the roots.
I was going to agree with bluter but depending on where you are, plants can show that kind of stress from the intensity of the sun even with air temps in the 70s. Measuring actual leaf temps is helpful there.

Some phenotypes of Candida grown completely outside will always wilt from noon to 2pm from the sun, not the air temps.
I agree with you and others that this is beginning to look more like symptoms of heat stress.
Are you spraying after sunset?
Yes... Always after sunset. I learned that lesson many years ago.
Also, I wouldn't use that in flower because of the pyrethrins in it.

And I don't think I will ever use this product EVER again, even during veg, as I despise setbacks.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
That's quite the cocktail, sounds good though.
Compost can be quite potent.
:thanks:Yes, and historically I've found that adding compost makes the girls shine.
Were they first vegged indoors? as indeed Solar can be quite fierce.
No. I've learned that lesson too. As soon as they emerge from the soil in their starter tray, I stick them outside. So they're raised by the sun of Father Sky.
Tacoing can be a way to avoid light or heat but also a way to avoid transpiration as she can't move enough water to compensate for the heat.
I agree with you on this one too. To me, this is looking more and more like what you're describing here.
As today opening the thread I thought aren't they just really thirsty? instead of being overwatered? as these plants can move a lot of water when they get going.
So yeah is she droopy because too much or is she droopy and closing off because she can't move enough water?
Reach in and grab them by the rootball 😆 is it wet or dry.
I normally wiggle my finger down deep into the soil to see how the soil moisture is doing. Not soggy and not dry.
Does it still get pretty cold during the night? as I don't think it will be too hot for the plant but rather outdoors still too much of a drop compared to daytime, that messes with the nutrient uptake household especially when all is available in abundance to the roots.
Morning low temps are in the 50's f, and daily highs are 70's and low 80's f. Historically, this has not been a problem with other cultivars. And, if I remember correctly, this cultivar does well even in cooler weather... from what I understand.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Hey Brother :ciao:
Shape of the leaves says she has some p&k in the mix.
Probably mixed into soil with the other amendments, need time to cook into the soil.
Might be a touch early but not damaging anything, just unique looking.
The cupping is definitely p&k related imo.
Combined with heat or wind gives her that appearance.
My apologies for missing your grow the last little while.
Been away and still trying to catch up with everyone.
I will read back when I get a minute and see what I missed get a better idea of what's going on.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
No problem man, I understand. Take care of you. When one of us is not able, tons of other people are here to help. That's why I love this place.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:

While I've been totally swamped with all the busy things in my life right now, I've been peaking in and taking note of all the wonderful advice and insights from all of you. So, thank you all... :thanks:

And now I'm catching up with everyone here.
1st, I'd like to say: Wow! Lot's of good stuff here! You guys are really helping me to figure this out. I love this process of back'n forth... bouncing ideas and opinions off one another.

To that end... I'm now of the opinion that it's the canola oil in the Take Down Garden Spray that is interfering with the stomata on the leaves, causing the heat stress symptoms we see here. When these stomata are clogged, the plant can't aspirate as effectively as it wants to, thereby causing these symptoms. I failed to remember this lesson from a grow a few years ago, when this happened to one of my other girls. Nearly all the leaves were lost on that plant, and I almost lost her. She recovered, and I thought I had learned that lesson... Now I have, again.

One of the things that's also helped me to see this is the fact that, early each morning she shows improvement. Look at this morning's pics and see for yourself:

What do you all think? Do you agree? Disagree? Please share your thoughts with me. Thank you... :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:

While I've been totally swamped with all the busy things in my life right now, I've been peaking in and taking note of all the wonderful advice and insights from all of you. So, thank you all... :thanks:

And now I'm catching up with everyone here.
1st, I'd like to say: Wow! Lot's of good stuff here! You guys are really helping me to figure this out. I love this process of back'n forth... bouncing ideas and opinions off one another.

To that end... I'm now of the opinion that it's the canola oil in the Take Down Garden Spray that is interfering with the stomata on the leaves, causing the heat stress symptoms we see here. When these stomata are clogged, the plant can't aspirate as effectively as it wants to, thereby causing these symptoms. I failed to remember this lesson from a grow a few years ago, when this happened to one of my other girls. Nearly all the leaves were lost on that plant, and I almost lost her. She recovered, and I thought I had learned that lesson... Now I have, again.

One of the things that's also helped me to see this is the fact that, early each morning she shows improvement. Look at this morning's pics and see for yourself:

What do you all think? Do you agree? Disagree? Please share your thoughts with me. Thank you... :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Definitely looks better.👍 CL🍀
Neem until pistils is my go-to for all pests as well as PM.
:thanks:... Thank you for this @InTheShed. I'm relearning this, again. Neem has always been such a good "go to" for so many things. I'll try to stamp this into my brain... permanently this time! LOL!!!
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Interesting on the suspected canola oil since I'm about to start a canola oil trial against powdery mildew! Mine might be a completely different dilution though. Coincidentally, I'll be posting about it later today in my journal!
I might be just a bit negatively biased on this, but I'd caution you on this. Have you ever used canola oil to cook with? Using this oil to fry eggs and other things leaves a far stickier film on everything than something like coconut oil, butter or ghee. I'm suspecting it's this gooeyness that's causing most of this problem. I realize that my use of the word "gooeyness" is an exaggeration, but I think you get my drift.

As to the dilution... On this particular grow, I only used the "Ready To Use" (RTU) version of the Take Down... whatever dilution ratio that is. Looking forward to your journal post on this.
Love My Girls... :smokin:
As to the dilution... On this particular grow, I only used the "Ready To Use" (RTU) version of the Take Down... whatever dilution ratio that is.
This is the RTU label:


I believe I'm looking at a 0.3% canola oil dilution for my test. Stay tuned to my thread!

While I've been totally swamped with all the busy things in my life right now, I've been peaking in and taking note of all the wonderful advice and insights from all of you. So, thank you all... :thanks:

And now I'm catching up with everyone here.
1st, I'd like to say: Wow! Lot's of good stuff here! You guys are really helping me to figure this out. I love this process of back'n forth... bouncing ideas and opinions off one another.

To that end... I'm now of the opinion that it's the canola oil in the Take Down Garden Spray that is interfering with the stomata on the leaves, causing the heat stress symptoms we see here. When these stomata are clogged, the plant can't aspirate as effectively as it wants to, thereby causing these symptoms. I failed to remember this lesson from a grow a few years ago, when this happened to one of my other girls. Nearly all the leaves were lost on that plant, and I almost lost her. She recovered, and I thought I had learned that lesson... Now I have, again.

One of the things that's also helped me to see this is the fact that, early each morning she shows improvement. Look at this morning's pics and see for yourself:

What do you all think? Do you agree? Disagree? Please share your thoughts with me. Thank you... :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Can I throw a thought in.
Nothing wrong with the plant.
Far as I can see but the heat stress maybe is correct. But not heat alone. Sun has been very high UV rays and may cause little of that . If plants feel dry and ruff. Might be disease being out side with other plants . I had one or two do similar. Never found out what it was . Best guess
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