Where are all my MA growers at?

Entering week 4 of flower

Happy Independence Day!!
thanks my first ever grow ,,,lol I am thinking another week or two but i am not sure ordered a loupe was hoping it got here today but maybe tommarow
Ok Mass. I need some opinions .
A place called heka health is opening in my town.
They will be cultivating for all the recreational places that they open once all the red tape is cleared up.

I bartend and through that I actually KNOW the guy that's going to be hard cultivator , but he's also a doctor .
I feel like this is what I'm passionate about and want to be a part of it all .

How would you approach the situation without sounding like an idiot .
Should I mail a resume in with pics?
Drop one off ?
If I can actually pull this off I think it may be what I was meant to do .
Let me know what you guys think it's not open yet but they are popping seeds I know for sure .

And again here's my work day 31 of flower
Facewreck haze


Next strains ---
La confidential , super sweet tooth, and just traded for these newbies -
Sour orange kush , sour grape kush , g13, and blueberry kush
( color coded for ease !).

I wanna do this right and get in on the ground floor as this movement takes over ..

Also subscribe and like on the FB if you can !!
Heka Inc. – Herbal Wellness and Relaxation Products
Ok Mass. I need some opinions .
A place called heka health is opening in my town.
They will be cultivating for all the recreational places that they open once all the red tape is cleared up.

I bartend and through that I actually KNOW the guy that's going to be hard cultivator , but he's also a doctor .
I feel like this is what I'm passionate about and want to be a part of it all .

How would you approach the situation without sounding like an idiot .
Should I mail a resume in with pics?
Drop one off ?
If I can actually pull this off I think it may be what I was meant to do .
Let me know what you guys think it's not open yet but they are popping seeds I know for sure .

My 3.75 cents:

1. If you don't have a degree bring that up front and counter with shit tons of online research which is evidence in your grow pics. Basically, I didn't go to college for this but I spend XXX amount of hours online doing research and take a look at my grow pics.

2. Be prepared for some hard ass questions about how you would treat his grow.....rewind the clock a little and let's say you had a space/permits to grow 1500 plants....one fucktard could ruin that grow on day one or close to harvest, how would you hire?. Do you have the knowledge to bring that grow from seed to harvest?

3. Face to face...is king.
--Growing Big--
Running a tent or three, or a few HIDs, is NOT the same as running a +60kw flower room. Not even close. Obviously. The scaling is ridiculous, and the work load is phenomenal. It's not "fun" it's a very, very serious industrial farming business.
Let's look at a simple breakdown.
10 strains, minimum, in constant rotation.
At 4ppl (plants per light) a 60kw grow is always rotating about 240 plants in flower alone, and another 240+ in earlier stages. So, probably 600 plants at any given time, always.
Also responsible for; Individual cloning schedules, veg times, pre-flowers.
Environmental controls, inc. A/C, CO2, heat/(de)humidity.
Pest controls.
Nutrient regimens, varying by each individual strain & flower times. Automated feeding tables utilizing multiple reservoirs.
Keeping every.single.fucking.point. at peak efficiency or you'll literally lose $1000's per DAY.
You know what happens when amateur growers with bedroom grow experience try to run ops like this? They crash & burn. I saw one of these ops recently. A million bucks in investor money tied up, an amateur running shit, and piles of un-smokable, utter fucking garbage being produced. Because anyone can build a "million dollar grow room" but there are very few people that can run them right. Fuck doctors & dentists trying to cash in on the green rush shitflooding the market, I hope they all go broke & lose their Mercedes & Botox'd mistresses. .
If you really want to get involved with a big fuckin' grow, be smart: Avoid management positions. And greedy doctor assholes. Go work for someone who has run at this scale before, in CO or CA, and spend a year or three learning the ropes. Then if you're not burntthefuckout, industrial indoor farming just might be your thing. .

Ok, ☕
--Growing Big--
Running a tent or three, or a few HIDs, is NOT the same as running a +60kw flower room. Not even close. Obviously. The scaling is ridiculous, and the work load is phenomenal. It's not "fun" it's a very, very serious industrial farming business.
Let's look at a simple breakdown.
10 strains, minimum, in constant rotation.
At 4ppl (plants per light) a 60kw grow is always rotating about 240 plants in flower alone, and another 240+ in earlier stages. So, probably 600 plants at any given time, always.
Also responsible for; Individual cloning schedules, veg times, pre-flowers.
Environmental controls, inc. A/C, CO2, heat/(de)humidity.
Pest controls.
Nutrient regimens, varying by each individual strain & flower times. Automated feeding tables utilizing multiple reservoirs.
Keeping every.single.fucking.point. at peak efficiency or you'll literally lose $1000's per DAY.
You know what happens when amateur growers with bedroom grow experience try to run ops like this? They crash & burn. I saw one of these ops recently. A million bucks in investor money tied up, an amateur running shit, and piles of un-smokable, utter fucking garbage being produced. Because anyone can build a "million dollar grow room" but there are very few people that can run them right. Fuck doctors & dentists trying to cash in on the green rush shitflooding the market, I hope they all go broke & lose their Mercedes & Botox'd mistresses. .
If you really want to get involved with a big fuckin' grow, be smart: Avoid management positions. And greedy doctor assholes. Go work for someone who has run at this scale before, in CO or CA, and spend a year or three learning the ropes. Then if you're not burntthefuckout, industrial indoor farming just might be your thing. .

I wanted to add a bit.
If you want to experience the bone jarring intensity of a big op, try this: Finance & run a 10kw, +6-strain, hyper-efficient grow until you have an essentially flawless calendar year. Manage every single of the above-mentioned aspects, and handle every issue that comes up without losing your shit or fucking up your garden. And while you're at it, produce perfect, world class herb. A pro tip: Amateurs react, professionals act. The vast majority of people trying to do this, would be drooling on themselves in therapy after a few months, And newly single. Out of 100, I'd say more than 99 wouldn't make it a year, making the success rate easily fewer than 1:1000 growers.
When it's a hobby, it's fun as fuck. When it's a job, it's an entirely different animal altogether. The trick is to love this SO much, that you can find a balance between the anarchy, the science, and intuition that it takes to make it happen.

Ok, ☕
Perspective !! Thanks !! The most I've done alone for the. Most part was a 5k watt flower room with 30 in at all times .... 30 in veg and 30 clones so I know it can be a great deal of pressure and time consuming .
Recently single and need to make some $$$!
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