Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine
Good Googgly goo goo dude. At this rate your going to blow my record of the longest journal dead out of the water.
58 yrs young not old dear & Trichster, you need not worry about her husband. You'll have to deal with me, her little brother first.Well, my Avatar...ahem, the cartoon that is supposed to look like me?
That Avatar? I have an actual photo of myself on my home page thing, but it only shows my eyes. I'm 58. Old.
Did someone say open bar?Congrats 60 what did you think? You've been reading for an hour and 35 minutes. Help yourself to my open bar, all that reading may have made you thirsty. cheers
Good Googgly goo goo dude. At this rate your going to blow my record of the longest journal dead out of the water.