Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Whiteflies

Today we have way to many WHITEFLIES!! I will be reading up on them next. GardenFaerie help will be sought!!

None in the Fluxy tent, a small swarm in the garden around Muxy, I treated with SNS 203 & 209 organic treatment. again!

Any shared tips on eradication appreciated!!:thanks:

What about planting some marigolds to repel the whiteflies? They also help in killing nematodes...:)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Any shared tips on eradication appreciated!!:thanks:
You can greatly reduce numbers of white flies/gnats/fruit flies indoors, and even somewhat outdoors, in 5 minutes a day with a vacuum cleaner. Sticky fly paper can help too.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine long as you use a stocking or the like over the end of the vacuum cleaner so you don't suck your leaves and stuff in...:)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I prefer prevention rather than cure though's more natural generally to.

Stand near your whiteflied plant. Shake plant, arms and large objects around to disperse flies. Put a cover over plant. Problem solved.

I don't push this next view point on this site, but Im gunna now...sprays, oils, additives, you're smoking that stuff.

I choose to finish my story now. Have a great day/night/afternoon Trichs, we all got our fingers crossed for the lady mate :)

Edit: Even remember those kids I talked about before with the butterfly nets and the candy bar as a reward....roll another fatty, pull up the chair, call those kids back for another candy party, get a cover ready............. :)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I treated my yard and spray around the perimeter of the house and it helps quite a bit but I don't use anything around my gardens but I think because I kind of ward them off before they get bad they don't get in my gardens as badly. I hope that made sense and before the haters start on me for dosing my yard please remember I live in the middle of a old hay field and I only treat the area I keep cleared for "my yard" and if I didn't I would be carried away with thistles and ticks and other objective bugs. If that is not an option didn't you have a net you were using for a bit? Why would that not keep them off of her or something of the sorts until you can eradicate. You would be surprised too at how well those sticky fly paper thingys work that slow just mentioned. Hang em' on the wall behind her. They will help a bit too.... Breathe... In with the good.... Out with the bad.....:circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Any shared tips on eradication appreciated!!:thanks:
You can greatly reduce numbers of white flies/gnats/fruit flies indoors, and even somewhat outdoors, in 5 minutes a day with a vacuum cleaner. Sticky fly paper can help too.

Those gnats don't stand a chance by using a Wet Vac, after the Vac, place a thin layer of sand where the soil was removed & then place some topsoil back on top! The gnats can no longer go up or down! Be careful not to hurt the Ladies roots when doing so!

salt build ups and maybe even a starving of oxygen at the roots.

Hey Chap just spent an hour catching up in here.
OK firstly relax and stop panicking the worst thing to do is go nuts and throw everything you can at her!

Youve flushed, so let her dry out! As others have said stop the environmental changes and let her adapt to her surroundings outside now.
Problems with medium are a bugger, it may be the medium has layered itself. If you were in soil then transplanted to coco then maybe with waterings your soil elements may have silted down and caused a barrier level that would cause salt build ups and maybe even a starving of oxygen at the roots. Now this is just something that happened to me once, not a sure statement about your girl.

Epsom id folia feed with in shade, leaving your medium to dry.
Your in real good habnds here and my knowledge of outside growing is only learned from on here reading journals such as this one! :)

The other point I cannot stress enough is that part 3 of the D&S feed must be PHd and should have no extras added such as molasses. It really screws things up when used with anything foreign.
So sit back and and give your actions thus far time to work. In my opinion a transplant should be done as last resort and only if you think you have oxygen deprivation.
Now buddy I apologize as my outdoor and def knowledge is somewhat limited, yet thats my little input! :)

Thanks Light Addict, that's almost "12 cents worth!" :thumb:

I appreciate your taking the time to catch up, I cannot control the page speed!

We appreciate your sharing a similar nightmare that you had.

I'm glad that you come here & learn a little "outdoor" stuff & thnx 4 the D&S nute tip!

we'll get Fluxy remedied, good thing she's a brute, c u soon :circle-of-love:

gotta go chk the girls, be right

Also yesterday, OOPS! I wanted to thank TassieDevil :thumb:& 60cal:thumb: for great shares,

I appreciate EVERYONE's HELP!!:green_heart:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey my good friend! :) I wish I could call you by name as your a friend, your pain is my pain. Just wish I could aid more. Your fluxy and Muxy are dear to me, as are all fluxed girls. Yet being the original outdoor guy with his girls, I truly do care my man! Ill only ever wish the best success for you and all fluxers! Ill aid anyone just unfortunately Im training not defs etc.
My best green vibes your way my man!!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey my good friend! :) I wish I could call you by name as your a friend, your pain is my pain. Just wish I could aid more. Your fluxy and Muxy are dear to me, as are all fluxed girls. Yet being the original outdoor guy with his girls, I truly do care my man! Ill only ever wish the best success for you and all fluxers! Ill aid anyone just unfortunately Im training not defs etc.
My best green vibes your way my man!!

LA. :thanks: did u see that fine print when I said "LA stop reading here"? lol,

(she saw the stars for the first time last night!!)

Then she said, "Don't put me back in that thing you call a tent":green_heart:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Any shared tips on eradication appreciated!!:thanks:

Those gnats don't stand a chance by using a Wet Vac, after the Vac, place a thin layer of sand where the soil was removed & then place some topsoil back on top! The gnats can no longer go up or down! Be careful not to hurt the Ladies roots when doing so!


Thanks SABO!:high-five: great gnat share!

So, now that you lost your new leaf blower to my local pawn shop, maybe you could bring that new wet vac over,

maybe let me borrow it overnight? The pawn dude said , come back soon! I could get more grow gear w/ that $. lol

thnx again for the critter share:goodjob:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Thanks SABO!:high-five: great gnat share!

So, now that you lost your new leaf blower to my local pawn shop, maybe you could bring that new wet vac over,

maybe let me borrow it overnight? The pawn dude said , come back soon! I could get more grow gear w/ that $. lol

thnx again for the critter share:goodjob:

I'll take care of those gnats when they come around, if you help me with my Sig?

Re: WTF! Watch This Flux, 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing, presents "Fluxy Lady" fully restra

NICE TRICHOME shot in the sun, fresh pic Purple Muxy:circle-of-love:

Re: WTF! Watch This Flux, 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing, presents "Fluxy Lady" fully restra

Trying this petunia bait plant, as a MOTH ATTRACTOR/PLANT DETERRENT test,

I noticed a moth seemed to be more attracted to the red petunias, than purple MUXY, we'll see.

this could be a great help if the moths get bad, like they have in years past:circle-of-love:

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