Wit so many new additions to (what for now is like) the refugee camp. It's now holding 5 children and one adult.

While rearranging the beds in this overcrowded dorm room,

You might remember the youngest that was reaching too tall that had to have that rockwool "leg-brace" for a couple days till the clay pellets could support it. Welllll, I was momentarily "Surrounded" by buckets" and the little darling snuck up behind me and I fell back and it GOT FUCKING SAT ON!

Believe it or not, it DIDN'T BREAK! Just severely bent! Now, the leg brace has been turned into a full body cast and it now needs me to suddenly find religion and throw it a prayer party (and myself a pitty party). I'm just glad they're like humans, so flexible when they're born we can drop em on their heads (like me) so, we grow up with little more than a damaged spirirt!!!

Better Make A Note for future reference:

NEVER hire warezaholic for any Ganga Day Care because I am a confessed Serial, Seedling Abuser.

Since it's my idea to grow SIX at a time, wouldn't that make a serial, seedling "Predator"??? ROF, LOL

I think i should include all the medically relevant abuses in my journal for posterity. REMEMBERING MY BIGGEST MISTAKES for a safer future in the camp!!!

So far all my seedlings have only been exposed to Rapid Root (even the water waiting below)...

My most enduring seedling is starting a few roots about to reach the water.


Should I wait for the roots to be "In Water" or sooner, before exposing them to the minimum veg nutes (I was instructed 300ppm is at min vegetative nute level).

So far the nutrients are confined to the Rapid Start solution and keeping the ph at minimum levels of 5.5 to 5.8. Is all the attention to the water "so far".

Here's a pic of this sweet thing's roots. She's doing leap's and bound's better than her sisters...


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Here's a better one and som updates on the CBD.

Immediately after i made the mistake of topping the CBD, a reader called Barney(something) mad a prediction of somewhere around or UNDER 1/4 oz.

I think this plant intends to make a joke over that prediction. I see flowering as far as 3, or 4 nodes from the top of each main branch and most of those branches have sub-branches doing just as well!

I wish YouTube could show me a glimpse into her future harvest!!!!!


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Yesterday, of the Canadian seedlings got sat on. The one started in coco. It's bucket was sitting behind me and with one step back, the bucket tripped me backwards and the seedling got sat on! I tried to nurse it back but, It's definitely gone now!


I'm just clumsy that way...
If this happened a year ago, it's last sight would have been a Much bigger ass! But in this case, an ass, is an ass! Nowadays I'm just a different type of one.
Seeing how this plant is reaching up, the fact that I topped it, might be a mixed blessing! The "evolution" of my light hanger configuration, at this stage she would probably have "already" be above my current max (now only 10 inches from max).

And any further "modifications" wouldn't produce more than 3 or 4 more inches (and only) if my engineering would survive any extra torque at the anchor points.

The hanging hooks would have required drilling big holes and leaving damage to this rental. And this is what I came up with to prevent "visible" mount drilling.

Engineering some kind of trusses may work as an "ad-on" alteration but there's another problem for a manic mind to work on. Current limit is 5.5 feet

All my kids are autoflowering; do they get taller than 6 feet? That height woud only require shorteng or omitting a short cable from 2 of the middle hangers (already shortened by half).

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