I noticed that the timer I'm using has more than doubled in price!

Your idea should work. The one thing that might be of concern is the water pressure dropping as the level in the cooler drops. That can result in different amounts of water going to the plants with the varying levels.

I've already considered this part about pressures.

The gravety pressures are increased with res height (like the water towers I still see all over the world); so, my plants may be nearer to ground level while the feeder reservoir will be about 3/5 feet higher up on the deck on some kind of tabletop.

Plus I don't intend to use small hoses that will unnecessarily bottleneck the water flow (something like regular garden hose). So setting up the flow times, measures and frequency is my main unknown.
I see you have Chris S & Old Salt on board. I think your in good hands...:thumb:
I just don't know jack squat about hydroponics. I play in the dirt. But I'll watch and maybe you can teach me. Your plant looks healthy.
Look at CBD like gravy. Mashed potatoes are good, but with gravy...:drool:
It's good to always keep some CBD on hand. I guarantee you'll like it.
Thanks for making me laugh man!

While I was texting my granddaughter abou the subject of laughing, you sent this to me! So the sun popped out even through this cloudy, rainy Detroit day.

I was only looking for an experienced eye about exactly what the first "sighns" of budding/flowering looks like.

Never grew one before but went to 12/12 lights and just notice the newest growth looks weirdly different (hairy/spiky and the tips are chunky).

That's something I had hoped to find some definitive pictures of, but Google seems to be ignoring my keyword searches.
Sorry about that.

I started posting the issue "with pics" since the weekend on one thread I've been involved in about the "unwanted CBD" that you commented to so I hoped you would remember the name "warezaholic". However i had no reply yet so i thought to ask the last one that spoke to me prior.

My phone is not great with color plant pics so I'll include both color and mono.

These long, white growths (may be called pistols) are different as well as the new top growths are smaller and tighter. And zoro experience and little reference, I am clueless as to what to watch for at the very start of a flower! It was included free with a failed batch of seeds, so it's exact formula to THC is unknown (which inspired the term "unwanted cbd" (pig-in-a-poke" dilemma! I have a history with it because it lives in spite of me!


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Those are preflower spots. She’ll do a little more stretching (maybe even a lot) for a week or two, then you’ll start seeing those pistols show up.
Let me offer you this invaluable link. I still use it myself. I love it! Bookmark it and save it.

I guess it would be considered the Bible of :420:.
I'm not in the habit of of looking for balls since I had to stop playing golf! I'm very relieved to hear she's finally starting to show me a little respect!!! I'm a firm believer of coincidence and this is true-..

The night before I found these changes, I stood over the plant with my granddaughter beside me, telling her about somehow moving it outside if it don't flower by the time I require the space in my closet for the 3 new resident seedlings. This obstinate woman must of heard that clear and with fear!!! Especially since all the pampering it's had to compensate for my abuse would basically make it a homeless bag lady, and me, her soup kitchen.....
I'm not in the habit of of looking for balls since I had to stop playing golf! I'm very relieved to hear she's finally starting to show me a little respect!!! I'm a firm believer of coincidence and this is true-..

The night before I found these changes, I stood over the plant with my granddaughter beside me, telling her about somehow moving it outside if it don't flower by the time I require the space in my closet for the 3 new resident seedlings. This obstinate woman must of heard that clear and with fear!!! Especially since all the pampering it's had to compensate for my abuse would basically make it a homeless bag lady, and me, her soup kitchen.....
I like you. You ramble until the joke falls out. :laugh:
Reminds me of someone.
This is an early flower. What you should have coming if your lights are set for 12/12.

Hey I just smoked some CBD bud. 1:1 ratio with THC (Dutch Treat). It won’t knock ya down, but everything is chill and relaxing.

Even as a child I never understood the appeal to peanuts while reading those important funnies on Sunday morning. I could sense the authors depression and could barely wait to skip it and see how Garfield stuck it to Ode. After lunch I was stuck going back for the leftovers in the “funny” papers. SUFFER... And please shoot the guy that thought that would make a good cartoon for kids! After watching one cartoon my reaction was still “What the hell was that?” It’s not comedy, nor funny, or entertaining.
The peanuts are to dark for me.:rofl:
Chuck and I were kindred. I grew up with a schizophrenic oldest brother and his sidekick, (the second oldest) and he spent my "entire childhood" yanking that damn proverbial football away from my kick just to see how hard I can hit the ground!!! THEN,

But, (on a lighter note), my first beer joint was Snoopy's (bar and grill) a short walk from our family's restaurant. They were sued out of their name rights for having the Peanuts character on their signage.

It's never the actual comics or cartoons I could sit through but there's a few characters I can look back on. Like Popeye and his steadfast "I Yam, What I Yam" and his faithful can of courage allowing him to stand up to his relentless bully! 60's tv shows inspired me to leave home and have a pretty adventurous youth and subsequent (what I call marriage) afterlife!!!
You see, Snoopy to the rescue again... :laugh:

Kids are cruel. But it’s a necessary experience for them to explore and understand it. We all experienced those learning moments when you figure out you’ve got the upper hand. Even you can’t believe how mean you can and could be. Right? It sure beats teaching them that everybody wins. That sure as hell ain’t how life pans out. But even the meek find a way to get under the skin of the powerful.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Autoflowering CBD Nuggets? What "might" one of them look and weigh like??? Because, even If each primary branch, only at the tops, produces just one healthy flower top (what we around home called bud back in the day) and I have well beyond 2 dozen potentials, I want to attempt a calculation of the plants potential (count my chickens).

I just wish I could "back to the past" and avoid my seed/ling failures, I could have a full crop at this point.

As it is, that full crop is just now starting out. 5 plants within a month of age and about a week apart..

Back to the objective of this document tell THAT story...

Mono photography works better for my lights. All these are feminized autoflowering.

ONE OG Kush seedling at 4 weeks old

TWO Russian Roulette also at 4 weeks

TWO Quebec Gold, 2 weeks or less.

The 2 RR are in coco and designated for outdoors in the sun.

Maybe, while they're still so small, I should/could swap one each of the Q.G. & R.R. (for insurance purposes) inside and outside, and see which bares more fruit?
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