I discovered something good called Rapid Start from G.H. Since it's non-hormonal, I mixed it 1/4 ml to one ltr of distilled water. Supposed to be great for seedling root growth.

The picture diary inserts starts then!

AFTER the beans cracked I added 1/4 ml of that juice onto the paper. Want to see if it speeds up the taproot. I want a long taproot for sweeter transplanting into the same juice soaked medium. Let's see in 2 days (Tuesday).
FYI.. While the seeds are germinating, I always put the paper towel in a full vertical (upright) orientation so the root can follow gravity "DOWNWARD"!!!

I watched a Youtuber complain about a corkscrew looking tap from his seed paper! I'm willing to bet he germinated is seed laying flat, and the tap just couldn't find Down in Gravity so it just kept trying; producing a curly root.
I went to my ongoing thread in the newbie section to ask if there's a limit to how much light I can "safely" offer the 4x4 grow room with 4 auto's. I described my lights and explained 2 issues.

1. Is 4000 watts going to be harmful to the plants. And

2. I explained that when the room is all said and done my grow room's total electric consumption, including lights (and my normal tv stuff) is estimated at under 1100 watt total load on my bedroom outlet's.

One of the moderators started going on about how a 1000 wat light uses "1000 watts" and when i pointed out that a 1000 Watt LED panel actually USES under 350 of power; he treated the situation like I hadn't a slight clue about my power usage.

And really confused me when he started talking about the nutrient levels i already have charted instructions from them and I have zero issues with the feeding of the plants.

He got upset and wakked away from my thread!!! I hope he can calm himself think about how he was in week 7 of the very first grow: That's exactly where i find myself right now. Understanding some, still learning others.

Anyhow: tomorrow is the unveiling of the newly germinated seeds to check for rooting conditions. This will be 5 seeds of 3 different strains and if they look viable, they can start their "plant life". If not, then another day or two wrapped in their baby blankets.
Here's a real FUCK ME UPDATE.

Being totally new to growing, I just discovered that the only seed from a British batch that germinated (their so called freebie) turns out to be a damn CBD. It turns out that EVERY SINGLE BEAN FARM ON THE PLANET is shoveling these worthless CBDs down everybody's throat! I think it's a Massive conspiracy to prevent the free ni oc dworlds population from getting high!!!!!! ROFCryingOL

The only thing this plant is giving me back is learning how to grow.

I now have 6 beans soaking in the humidity dome (4 going into the hydro room and 2 outside in soil/coco). All autoflowering so now, it's another 3 months before I'm dispensary free (or until something else goes wrong)...⁉️


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I have read up on it and know the difference! I've sampled CBD cannabis and I'm a 1960s throwback and all this crap about CBD is only dividing and confusing my goals "getting stoned every night till my last breath". I'm not about to sit and cry about my painful, incurable diseases and begging eagotistical doctors for relief!
I have read up on it and know the difference! I've sampled CBD cannabis and I'm a 1960s throwback and all this crap about CBD is only dividing and confusing my goals "getting stoned every night till my last breath". I'm not about to sit and cry about my painful, incurable diseases and begging eagotistical doctors for relief!

I hear you. At least you have the option to visit those egotistical doctors for relief when things get really bad. My family physician will no longer prescribe any controlled substance for any reason. That's why I use medical cannabis.
I haven't used opiates since weed was legalized in Michigan but lately the wife passed away and I can't afford the dispensaries AND food so now im a reluctant farmer. One day when I can see results I can learn to love growing because it's "funfully fruitful". The only "MDs" I can call on is the VA and they couldn't give a rats ass about their veterans! They only show up to work because it brings them one day closer to their FUCKING PAYCHECKS!!!!!!!

SO fuck the entire medical system from doctors scared to death of government regs to the greedy insurance companies that lobby the laws to keep those doctors "working strictly for THEM".

Meanwhile thi CBD is just sucking up $$$.
So if you disagree and like the status quo, forget my thread and go ahead and vote for Trump...

And it's totally because of the corrupt medical system that the common joe-public is legalizing cannabis the nation over (not to mention the gigantic, commercial pot farmers vying for my dispensary $$$).

I now that I have about $2K invested in my own grow, the local dispensaries are really gonna miss me in 8/12 weeks.
I live north of the border. Our government run healthcare system has its problems too. In nova Scotia doctors are close to revolting. Many are leaving because the provincial government is paying rock bottom wages for them. I'll stay out of a discussion about the person occupying the office of your President, at least with Americans.

Perhaps someone will assist you with some decent seed. I can't, as I have none at the present time. That's what I'm trying to address in my current grow. I watched as one of my seeds didn't germinate, and three popped their heads above ground, only to die off. I started my last of that strain a few days ago. Hopefully it will make it. At least I didn't spend my time on a male.
That man is nobody's president. USA politics has been a total joke since Obama's first term (before he he turned into a media dog that couldn't follow through with any of "promises" a communist conspirator!!! They all worship only holy symbol of the free world, "$" trump is the KING OF FLAKES!!! He only worships that and won't rest until he gets his picture on a $3 dollar bill, (or a wanted poster) LOL.

Where did you get your seeds? How are you growing (hydro or soil'ish)? I know Canadian summers aren't much longer than Michigan but, but are you growing inside or outside? That's the reason I'm only attempting autoflowering outside.

The moderator (pennywise) in my other 420 thread just informed me that they have a new sponsor says they're a Canadian supplier. I'll ask him for the link and try to get it to you.

Only 3 beans of my Colorado purchase germinated and I opened my new batch from Canada yesterday and 3 (Quebec Gold) from Quebec Seeds and 3 are in the wet nap as we speak. They won't be transplanted until they grow long toes. I purchased 5 and I only received 4 ""but of course"" BUT they think they did me favor wit 2 free CBDs (aint that a laugh) I just wonder if there's any honest bean farms out there?

One order from Grt Brtn (4 beans) only had this one freebie CBD that actually germinated. Then the order of from Colorado only 3 of 6 germinated (3 wentto the trash after2 weeksin the wet nap).

2 Russian Roulette, are going to the outside in coco and 1 OG KUSH is going in the Skid Row Closet Grow along with 3 Quebec Gold (if they actually germinate).

I have 1 spare Quebec in the bank for the next planting. And hope it worthy of growing. We'll see in a few months! (working on a total of 6 seeds in the oven). The 3 are getting about 7/10 days till transplant.
Once you find a plant you like, save money by cloning. That’s what I’m doing now.
I grow in coco/perlite. The failed seed was from Humboldt via our sponsor Seedsman. I haven't contacted them yet, as I'm waiting for that final seed to show its worth. Seedsman is good in situations like this. Last year they gave me credit for failed V.C.D.C. seeds. I'm good for now. I have six plants at the seedling stage, and just harvested 180gm / 6.43oz of CKS Crown Royale. That will last until my next harvest.

I like Seedman, as they have stock from many breeders available.
Once you find a plant you like, save money by cloning. That’s what I’m doing now.

That's all well and good if you have the room for mother plants. I don't, which is why I'm taking the seed production route with any new strains I get. I'm trying Silver ThioSulphate to reverse the sex of a few colas on plants from feminized seed this grow.
That's all well and good if you have the room for mother plants. I don't, which is why I'm taking the seed production route with any new strains I get. I'm trying Silver ThioSulphate to reverse the sex of a few colas on plants from feminized seed this grow.
STS worked 100% success for me

Good way for relatively cheep seeds

And Pennywise isn't a moderator, just a fantastic member of the forum, and a crazy crazy CLOWN

Oh, last part wasn't towards u salt...you know who PW is
Good way for relatively cheep seeds

What? STS is for the birds? :rofl:

I understand what you mean. It cost $35 for the chemicals and $70 for the bottles to store it in. I got four 8 oz spray bottles, and four 32 oz bottles for storage. The bottles are all brown amber glass to prevent degredation due to light. I figure if anyone in my neck of the woods wants any, I'll be able to help them out.
What? STS is for the birds? :rofl:

I understand what you mean. It cost $35 for the chemicals and $70 for the bottles to store it in. I got four 8 oz spray bottles, and four 32 oz bottles for storage. The bottles are all brown amber glass to prevent degredation due to light. I figure if anyone in my neck of the woods wants any, I'll be able to help them out.
Cheap meaning lifetime supply for $50


I just got two bottles for $16, both 16oz, and had spray bottle/mister I just painted and taped up

Mixed up 500ml of combo stuff which is enough for like 2 gallons


Fem seeds rock
I already got told (a bit rudely like I was stupid) that autoflowering plants cannot be cloned so maybe i can find time during next winter to grow a photo. Plus my grow height is limited to about 6.5 feet (sorry, but I'm too old to learn metrics, so that's about 2 meters). Therefore, any photos will need to be topped at whatever proper times.

I was also told by that same rude asshole that I was stupid for not knowing that by "topping autoflowering" ruins half the yield... I had NO CLUES ABOUT CANNABIS TYPES when I began. Wasting time, $200 and aggravation because I didn't know about cannabis chatrooms and watched a YouTube about "reservoir hydroponic techniques"... i tried a 40 gallon rez with less success than the fails you explained earlier.

After I entered 420, I was taught about "BUBBLEPONICS" And ever since, I've been sailing along cheap and easy; (like the beatles wrote) I'm gonna get high with a little help from my friends"!!! After investing in all the amenities, All's that's left for me to do, is all the work!

Hopefully these auto's will afford me the time to play and experiment with photo plant and cloning over the winter...

Im still in a very steep learning curve with just autoflowering (supposedly the simplest thing to grow). This is my CBD AFTER I did everything in the book trying to kill it. NO JOKE! I even dropped a growl ight on her already chopped off head!!!!

She looks good and bushy. You may want to pull down some of the branches to let some more light at them.

Photoperiod plants don't need too much height. You can control it by your lighting. Indicas double, sativas triple in size and hybrids fall somewhere in between.

I like growing in coco/perlite. I've set up automatic watering, so for most grows it's simply a matter of mixing up a new batch of nutrient solution every four days. There's no messing around with pH or TDS once the solution is mixed. This keeps me out of the tent, and worrying prematurely.
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