Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Hey Rico, How are you buddy??
Hmmm.. I have to say.. This looks interesting!:goodjob: Im intrigued to see what youll get from this wonderful creation??
I am praying for good things for you my friend, I like how you ve gone about setting them up - I grow in a similar way but I dont use a screen, I just tether certain branches to grow a certain way and most of the lower growth is trimmed off apart from large branches, and the top 2/3rds is where my bulk weight has to come from, So I need as many Apical tops as possible - 15 or so is good..
Have you thought about adding some side lighting or inner lighting among the branches??
I bought a cheap mechanics " Cage Light " which had an in-built reflector ;) BONUS! and it had a clip on the back to hang it from something, But as it was surrounded by the plastic cage I just rested it among the inner branchings so it put some light up into the middle section, I moved it around every other day to try spread out some light, it wasnt much compared to my MH, But I believe it mustve helped in some way as I raise my girls on the same CFL so for some additional Veg light I put it in there. I CANNOT SAY 100% THAT IT MAJORLY AFFECTED ANY GROWTH, I DIDNT LIKE IT BEING ALL DARK IN THERE:( lol.. How many globes do you have running, Soz if youve answered this a hundred times.. Theres no stress mate, Sorry if I offended you in anyway, I just saw from the pics some darker areas ( even tho we al have that during LST/SCROG ) that you COULD if ya could be stuffed add a couple more if you were able.
Otherwise, all looking great my friend - Them flowers gunna get BIG soon;) Hope that you do ok and get the results your after, Im sure you will:cheer::high-five: Lots of trichs starting to form I see, Good things are coming, Good things..
Chat soon mate, Later Rico./. Smokemup:thumb:
Good weed, Smokey :) I think you are very polite and I have never been offended by any thing you have ever posted ever.


Even here ;)

lol.. How many globes do you have running,

Soz if youve answered this a hundred times.. Theres no stress mate,

Sorry if I offended you in anyway, I just saw from the pics some darker areas

( even tho we al have that during LST/SCROG ) that you COULD

if ya could be stuffed add a couple more if you were able.

Just because you say "no offence mate, but...", or whatever,

doesn't mean that what you say afterwards isn't offensive.

When someone says something like that, I quietly wait to be offended...

But you always let me down, Smokey,

C'mon, I can take it :)

Tell me what you REALLY think :)

The dark bits are the camera adjusting the lens to block out so much light.

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)

The wardrobe is fitted with a 250 watt warmlight, a 125 watt coollight,

Locked together, perpendicular to each other in a pyramid of love, their reflectors hugging and holding folds.

Throughout the rest of the wardrobe, there are 5, tastefully positioned, 30 watt warmlights,

adding ambience and trying to eliminate shadow as much as possible.


I have 15 plugs on 3 bars on one timer.

Main fan runs all ze time, the other 2 come on with the lights.

5 normal lamps and 2 large-ballasted beasties seems enough for now,

I did add 2 last week :)

With the new fan and rearrangement, my temps are now steady at 27/28 Celsius

I am slightly cautious about adding more light atm.

Later, for sure :)

Maybe tomorrow?

Chat soon, M8 :) Good Weed :)

good weed Rico!
I hope I dont offend you but your ma wears army boots:)
Im sorry. Im only half way into my first cup of coffe. Im not following. :nomo: Can you break this down into morning numb mind chatter? :)Ive read it twice and thought it said something different each time :rofl: Im not a great morning guy... ;)

LOL, it does say a coupla different things..........some plants herm easier than others, but if you get a herm to breed with, you want one that doesn't herm easily!
so a fella is walking on a beach when he comes upon a bottle.
he picks it up and opens it. POOF a genie appears and tell the man "thank you for setting me free! for that I will grant you 1 wish"
the mans tells the genie "I have always wanted to go to Hawaii but I am afraid of airplanes and boats. I have a really nice car that I love to drive. so I would like a bridge from California to Hawaii!"
the Genie scratches his head and says "do you realize the logistics of building a bridge like that? it would have to stand up to storms be tall enough for ships to pass and that doesn't count the resources it would take to construct such a thing. How about something else?
the man thinks for a second and tells the Genie "ok can you make it so I can understand the way women think?"
Again the Genie scratches his head and asks the man "would you like 2 lanes or 4?":)

Jesus and Mozes meet up and decide they do all their wonders again to remember old times. So Mozes swings his stick at the sea, and they walk across easily wihtout getting wet. Then Jesus tries to walk back, but he sinks after a few steps. Tries again - sinks again, so Mozes starts to look at him funny. "Sup JC, see you lost your power after such a long time".
JC replies somewhat annoyed: "Yeah but there was no hole in my feet back then"

Uhmmm. I give a rep to anyone who knows a worse one :)

And plants look great!
Uhmmm. I give a rep to anyone who knows a worse one :)

Now there's a challenge ;)

So anyway, Superman is flying over manhattan,

when he spots Wonder woman

Sunbathing on the roof of a tall building...

Jesus and mozes meet up and decide they do all their wonders again to remember old times. So mozes swings his stick at the sea, and they walk across easily wihtout getting wet. Then jesus tries to walk back, but he sinks after a few steps. Tries again - sinks again, so mozes starts to look at him funny. "sup jc, see you lost your power after such a long time".
Jc replies somewhat annoyed: "yeah but there was no hole in my feet back then"

uhmmm. I give a rep to anyone who knows a worse one :)

and plants look great!
oh my!
Jesus, Moses and this old bearded guy are golfing one day. Moses tees off first, he swings and drives the ball straight into a water hazard.
Moses raises his club and parts the water hazard. then he chips the ball on to the green.
Jesus steps up to the tee. He swings and it goes to the same water hazard but the ball floats so he walks across the water and also chips the ball on to the green just a few feet from the hole.
The old bearded man goes to the tee. He swings and the ball goes flying right for a tree. it bounces off of it and rolls into the road just as a truck goes by knocking the ball down a hill and in to the same water hazard but this time a large frog picks the ball up in his mouth.
Just then a hawk comes down out of the sky grabs the frog with the ball in his mouth and takes off! this startles the frog and he drops the ball right on the green where the ball just rolls right into the hole.
Moses looks at Jesus and says "I hate golfing with your dad":)
Very funny. Mcloadie will like that.

I found a great thread for posting Lil W****e videos on to!

They also accept pictures of kayaks :)

For a limited time only :)
yeah I saw that thread and reported it:)
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