Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Garden Update


Apart from a little Spittlefly damage, all Fine Fine :)




CH9Commercial/Ice Cream

And the Window Lickers 1.0

Thank you Flo, so is your poem :)

If you don't mind me quoting..

Him is who? and I is what?
If he is you and they is them
And us is we,then I is she
Not many round here are like me.

But there's one thing that we all agree
And it's lovin growin our marijuana tree
He or she it's all the same
We all play the growing game.
Enjoy the day my 420 friends
Silly poem so now it ends.

Not silly, Brilliant
DLS may or may not hurt yield. but I like what it does for my grow! yall do what you think is best:)
Hey RICO I like the sound of dls put onto by fish I started it then after a week threw the girls on to 14/10 which they've had for a good 2 weeks now

That is a bit abrupt, is it not?

I plan on doing it 1/2hr less light per week.
So, "Do Like Spimp" gives nanners? or what ? I don't believe it :)

Sorry :rofl: That was a half azzed response by me. ;) I kinda looked at your reference to alexs post and misread it to say you thought he was light stressing his girl. My bad yo. :)
Since we are on the topic of lighting, Ill give you my unprofessional, probably wrong, theory.

In the real world the suns lighting of a plant is as abnormal as it gets. The amount, if any, is propably only the same for 10% of the life of a plant. Whether its shade, storms, clouds, whatever, real world plants deal with light stress every day. I look at the examples of outdoor grows high sinsemilla rate by growers as being a wisp of truth that light stress is exagerated.
The main argument is most 'wild MJ' hermies. I think this is because of how mature wild MJ is. Mj seems to have alot of mechanisms to catch pollen. It will even grow well after it should (foxtailing) to produce calyx with fresh hairs as a last ditch effort. But wild MJ is well, well past its prime before it dies. Often a month or more than when farmers would be harvesting.
So basically, I dont really time my plants. I get up at the same time M-F. when i get up the lights come on. Around the same time every nightthe lights go off. But it can flucuate up to 2 hours. I was more careful during flower just to make sure it was at least 12hrs dark. But no set amount of light. If I slept in on saturday, so did the ladies. :)
Im not saying that may way is better at all. Because in ALOT of cases its not. Commercial growers need it timer'ed and comtrolled. Anyone wanting to use DLS to expedite harvest needs timers. Anyone trying to yield more than a few onces should as well.
Wow, this turned into another stoned rambling session...Ill shut up now. :rofl:
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