Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Day 26 of flowering, btw :)


this photo has not been altered :)






Think of it as a phoenix rising from the ashes. All praise be to hydrogen. ;) She is such a good plant that when her first run was ruined, she made every attempt to please her man. Even a bad b*, is a good *j. :rofl:
I was thinking that she is kind of revegging. very leafy the new growth, but no fan leaves.

She's really old, now :) poor thing.

She has "bounced back" as well as one can expect for a dead auto :)
I hears a rumor, mind you i was stoned, of a perinial ruderal. And it was auto. But it was indoors and the guy said he had it over a year i think.
I would assume the law of diminishing returns has to take affect at some point. :hmmmm:
I don't think "return" is the word here for the freak :straightface:

More like "hanging on in there".

I got to practice extract making.

Is that a return?

Edit to add..

Ruderalis is a beast of legend.

No one really knows anything for sure :)
Oh course. Even a noob getting a month in and killing her off is a return. Knowledge gained my man, cannot be stripped by man. :) Thats a return sir.

That's the right answer :thumb:

Plusreps for attitude :)
:ganjamon::ganjamon: Lol.. Ill have to start throwing in random insults from now then, Just to piss you off a little!
And Cheers for the added pic of your lights, I see whats cooking now - And its cool - Ill go with you on the camera s' auto filter creating a shading effect;)
But I guess my grows look the same from back a little, the lower half is proportionally darker than closer to the tops obviously, thus creating the appearance of darker area.
Then flowers are looking good, If you get some good solid buds from this - ALOT of people should be shown your journal.. As its a good setup and you re going predominately with CFL s so it interests me to see how your flowering goes. I was going to do an all the way thru CFL, But with my lighting requirements its just more efficient to use the 1 400w MH, as I move my light left/right/up/down my grow space to allow for even spread of light over the day to the plant on both halves of the top surface, if that makes sense to you??
Either way I am looking forward to seeing the last few weeks of this mammoth effort! Have a good one Rico;)
Be good or Good at it! Smokemup:welldone::passitleft:
NO dirt on me, Aint growing Wild flower.. But its F%^k the world, get a child outta her, yeh my lifes a bitch but yo kno nuthin bout her, Bin to hell and back, I can show ya vouchers. Im rollin sweets, Im smoking sour,married to the game, but she broke her vows, Thats why my bars, are full of broken bottles and my night stands are full of open bibles.Ah, I think about more than I forget, But I dont go around fire expectin not to sweat.. Money out weighin problems on the triple beam, im stickin to the script - you ppl skippin scenes. Be good or be good at it, F$@kin right i got my gun semi automatic. Yeah stick a dick in they mouth so i guess its funk what they say, im high as a kite,up up and away man ill come down in a couple of days,ok you want it in a gauge then ill come out in beast mode, i got this world stuck and the safe combination is G code..
You get no love, noo love, no love..
Im alive again, more alive than I have bin in my whole entire life I can, see these ppls ears perk up as I begin, to scratch with the pen, Im a little bit sicker than most...

SORRY RICO!! Big HIJAK here<< lol.. I blameth you and your lil wayne comment:) I only really like a couple of his songs but Im a big hip hop/rap fan, So I listen to most street style old school stuff;)
And so now I got this song in my head all day.. Oh well could be worse! Later buddy, Smokemup:thumb:
I was going to do an all the way thru CFL, But with my lighting requirements its just more efficient to use the 1 400w MH, as I move my light left/right/up/down my grow space to allow for even spread of light over the day to the plant on both halves of the top surface, if that makes sense to you??

Hi Smokey :) Yes that does make sensi to me.

The sun also moves across the sky.

Though not up and down, Thank Hydrogen :)

I am using the big lamps for main lighting and the lil ones for 3D penetration.

My canopy grew unevenly in a healthy, shaggy organic kind of way.

Like vast tiny rolling hills of buds :)

I don't mind, but penetration would not be good without the little sticks.

The flowering stretch has stopped, So I don't have to adjust the height so much any more.

I'm sticking with Cfls for this grow at least,

My 3 fans and an out-of-wardrobe air-filter-blower have the airflow quite good now.

Canopy temps at 27 Celsius. Because of the height I now have above the plants, the hot air can escape.

With the autos which were taller, I was at max poss height with the lights & had Mazar killing temps inside.

If I can control the heat from 525 watts of Cfl Ballast, Then 400wat Hps may beckon in the future :)

Small plants and adequate ventilation are key to wardrobe gardening.
If this goes well, I shall be infinitely delighted :high-five:
Oh No, Smokey. Is that really Lil wayne lyrics?

Lil wayne says "be good or be good at it"? I will never say that again.

Reps for bringing that to my attention. My God :straightface:

I blameth you and your lil wayne comment

I only really like a couple of his songs but Im a big hip hop/rap fan,

So I listen to most street style old school stuff

And so now I got this song in my head all day

Oh no. Your poor head, Smokey. I am so sorry (really)

We just don't know what knock on effects our words will have.

I feel dirty now (not in a good way).

I read the words because I thought that you had written them.

My eyes are itchy from reading them.

Too many perverted, corrupting messages and confused imagery for my tastes.

You know we're not allowed to talk about him on 420, right?

He has a bad effect on children and my ears,

so I can understand why they banned him.

thought for sure the army boots would have been the straw! Dang it:)
Yeah cool mate..
I only rely on circulating air inside my G/space, I do have a passive vent I can open up top to let hot air escape - Ive had temps stable for weeks at +30*C, and RH of 20-30%. The plants grow fine as long as the soil isnt really hot and dried out and I havent had any issues with just using fans inside to circulate air. I may open the door a crack if its hotter ambient temps, just to allow some breathing now and then,But for the most part they grow ok for me in these conditions.
My 400w MH puts out heat, But I find it manageable So maybe later when you want to give it a go BUT IF IT AINT BROKE< DONT FIX IT THEY SAY:) Chat soon mate, Smokemup
Yeah well he was feat. with Eminem and I actually didnt mind his part in the song I guess. Havent listened to any albums of his, I heard of Lil John, then suddenly theres Lil Wayne, must be like Puff dayddy or diddy or Puff puff give:)
I like hard style rap, Street freestyle etc; but when your mainstream or such, you have to watch ya words more and your actions twice a s much!
thought for sure the army boots would have been the straw! Dang it:)

Sorry, fishcake :0

I must start finishing what I mean to say before posting :)

I write something, post it, read it, don't like it, change it.

I wrote that smokey had offended me with the lil wayne lyrics,

but then I didn't think that was truthful.

I was a little disturbed, but not offended.

The thing with the boots, yeah that got to me.

But I never let it show :straightface:
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