Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic


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The seeds were from a male CH9 comm. btw, Smokey, not a hermie,
so the seeds I have are all regular and I have a new strain to create :)
-at a later date-
good morning and a fine weed to you Rico:)
Damn those ladies are looking good Ricorico. Can you expound on your views of a SCROG vs an lst grow? assume it benifits with even canopy and whatnot, but Id love to hear your opinion sir. :)
Damn those ladies are looking good Ricorico. Can you expound on your views of a SCROG vs an lst grow? assume it benifits with even canopy and whatnot, but Id love to hear your opinion sir. :)

I'm too much of a novice yet, but I am impressed at the amount of flower-heads.

I'm thinking of a 2nd screen to even out the canopy, This is both LST and Scrog, I think.

Supercropping would even it out as well, though a second screen would offer better support.

I'm outside a lot today. I'll post pics later.

Everyside :)
Hey RICO friend. I love double screen Scrog. Mine just didn't work out lol
Ended up rather in Scrog like

I have the forceps for defoliation, so let's hope it goes ok.
I want to wait still, but not too long.
I'm sure yours will run smooth RICO. I was in to much of a hurry to stop training. Resulting in having 40 colas and 40lower branch double buds instead of having 80 flowering tops!! 7 days more training down and I'd of had a cracking canopy. Happy as it is but potential lost for me is large
40 Colas is a lot anyway. Hardly a disaster, lol :)

I "built" a rectangular greenhouse tent today where the little white window greenhouse was.


Cannatonic in 10 gallon growbag in the foreground, Dieseltonic at the back in a new, larger growbag...

Then I scrogged them.

After it got dark...

The screen is tied down to the shelving-bars with garden wire.

Looks pretty crappy now, but it did look better in the dark...

I shall tend to it tomorrow.

Any advice would be, as always, very welcome. (Any = Good)

U are quite the man when it comes to the greenhouses RICO :)
Those girls as all of ur girls do look very healthy.

My only advice would be to move those girls maybe 1-2ft more apart and tease all those branches outwards into the space uv created,
Just my little opinion :)
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