Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Thanks, Med. I had to unsubscribe from ALL my subscribed threads, it all just got too much for me.

Now I just look at whoever's journal that writes here, or if Hydrogen sends me in a particular direction.
Happy bed time pic

Good weed Rico:)
Maybe next grow I might try coco. or a mix of it.
Lol . It's Wappa, actually. Pure Indica :)

Do I grow the plant?

Or does the plant grow me?
your knowledge grows with the plant:)
Your knowledge grows with experience. That's why it's a Know-Ledge.

The Plants grow regardless :) That's why we should regard them less and let them get on with it.

I control the plants destiny, I have the ability to change it....ergo, I'm growin the plant................it's what makes all men equal, the ability to alter ones destiny.
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