VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Morning Rut-Jumper. I hope your better half is hanging in there. I was reading older posts and saw you mentioned some exercises recommended. As you know I suffer from this similar condition, though thankfully its faded into background during my new adventure. I do those exercises every day, and though it took a couple of weeks to take effect, I feel they help enough that I do them every morning as soon as I wake up. Followed by some stuff for my lower back and some yoga, but those specific vertigo exercises helped me control the symptoms substantially. Thinking of you guys everyday.

I have an RSO attempt upcoming, Gee64 gifted me two bottles of everclear. Well, it's a trade but he offered for free. What a guy, am I right? What's the daily dose do you think for someone who has low/no tolerance? I still only partake about once or twice a week even after developing the vape juice, so I'm still a relatively cheap date. I'd be interested in hearing from you how you found or find, you benefit from RSO. I'm not looking to cure my cancer or anything with it, besides in a few weeks I wont even be able to get RSO to make contact with the tumour because I'll be on a feed-bag attached to my small intestine. Sorry if that's gross. But as I descend into the symptom-hell I can already tell that access to a wicked-strong indica-based oil would bring some welcome... diversion from reality.

You're gonna get through this winter together with your sweet lady, and be stronger for it. I know being on the backside of the mountain ain't for wooses, I peaked a little early so I'm there with ya. I get it. But a glorious spring awaits anyone with enough courage and goodwill to climb their way down from such dangerous, lonely heights, into pleasures reserved only for those who have braved such dangers.
What are the vertigo exercises I missed them, I know a couple people who might try them. Thanks
Green House
Double 6 ml poly
10’ x 20’ x 10’
Fans by @VIVOSUN :yahoo:


700 litre capacity of River Water
25 Girls Coco @Bill284 Method
You know Bill, for next year, that touchpoint between the plant and poly wall can be eliminated. Dew point happens almost every night on those walls in September and that's a lot of water they wouldn't take on otherwise. It seems unavoidable but I remember a method (that can be used for the ceiling too) that works. The method is to string up fishing net 6 inches from the walls before the plants get very big. Ceiling too although it has to droop so make it so droopiest point is 6 inches from the poly, and it'll back to 0 inches at peak and wall join point. The net really does stop the branches ploughing into the plastic and thus the nightly dew point contact with the buds in September. Nets don't have to be tight, just hanging. For some reason branches stop pushing toward the wall. I dunno why it works because its been a few years, but I do remember that it does work. A thought. Gorgeous harem you got there.
Nice looking plant Bill Things are going good.
Just finishing up work.
I've got visions of Bill Murray on the Train Tracks. ;) Anyone?
I've done literally thousands of feedings on those girls. :oops:
And it's all down to the next 4 weeks.
I feel like my money is on green 00 and I'm just waiting for the wheel to stop spinning.
All my money. Hehe.
I should be cleaning up before Stacey gets home but I just had to sit down.
The boys bring in half the yard every day.
Constant tug of war to keep up.
Hope things are dry and windy there my friend.
I have a forecast of cool windburn and 52 rh.
Fighting the good fight.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
What are the vertigo exercises I missed them, I know a couple people who might try them. Thanks
Vertigo Exercises.

I often see our physiotherapist perform these manoeuvres on patients suffering with acute vertigo. It can work like a reset.

I know there can often be a Big Pharma distrust and hatred in here but the drug Stemitel can be helpful initially too.
What are the vertigo exercises I missed them, I know a couple people who might try them. Thanks
I ain't forgot you Northward... {just the damn name of the damn exercises, even after Bill's post reminded me of it once again, only a couple damned days ago(!)}

Truth be told, my brain filled up just a tick earlier in life than I'd anticipated. Result being I've had to empty the trash folder every time I need to remember something new, for mebbe a year or two now, and you know how ridiculously hard taking out the trash can be sometimes, right? (right? anyone... ?)

''I ain't forgot you Northward..." *chuckle* Just realized, I was subconsciously referencing Brokeback Mtn. :oops: Guess I might as well play the fool, with all the damned use I'm bein'.

Watch this space, for I will get this trash out momentarily, and then...
I ain't forgot you Northward... {just the damn name of the damn exercises, even after Bill's post reminded me of it once again, only a couple damned days ago(!)}

Truth be told, my brain filled up just a tick earlier in life than I'd anticipated. Result being I've had to empty the trash folder every time I need to remember something new, for mebbe a year or two now, and you know how ridiculously hard taking out the trash can be sometimes, right? (right? anyone... ?)

''I ain't forgot you Northward..." *chuckle* Just realized, I was subconsciously referencing Brokeback Mtn. :oops: Guess I might as well play the fool, with all the damned use I'm bein'.

Watch this space, for I will get this trash out momentarily, and then...
...then while I'm writing this Trala will skate in, and save my sorry ass. Yessir, let's hear it one more time for "Reservoir Dog" ladies and gentlemen!

PS Please tip your server, because we refuse to pay them a living wage.
Morning Rut-Jumper. I hope your better half is hanging in there. I was reading older posts and saw you mentioned some exercises recommended. As you know I suffer from this similar condition, though thankfully its faded into background during my new adventure. I do those exercises every day
Hey Rd :ciao:
I try and do a 100 reps a day.
Though not necessarily all at once.
I just mentioned to Keith im driving down the tracks, don't know if its a train or an exit.
But i know ill wake up tomorrow and feed the girls. 😂
Do you want to throw up here or in the car i asked ? " Both " Come on these are gold. 🤣
I'm going to see Ned Ryerson in the morning for insurance.
I feed day after day after day after day.................
, and though it took a couple of weeks to take effect, I feel they help enough that I do them every morning as soon as I wake up. Followed by some stuff for my lower back and some yoga, but those specific vertigo exercises helped me control the symptoms substantially.
Enough ground hog day jokes I get anxious thinking about you out there.
We are ok no worries, roof and a big bag of dog food is all we need.
Keep at the exercises as best you can.
Anything that helps. :love:
Thinking of you guys everyday.

I have an RSO attempt upcoming, Gee64 gifted me two bottles of everclear. Well, it's a trade but he offered for free. What a guy, :thumb:am I right? What's the daily dose do you think for someone who has low/no tolerance? I still only partake about once or twice a week even after developing the vape juice, so I'm still a relatively cheap date. I'd be interested in hearing from you how you found or find, you benefit from RSO. I'm not looking to cure my cancer or anything with it, besides in a few weeks I wont even be able to get RSO to make contact with the tumour because I'll be on a feed-bag attached to my small intestine. Sorry if that's gross. But as I descend into the symptom-hell I can already tell that access to a wicked-strong indica-based oil would bring some welcome... diversion from reality.
I've got internal issues. To put it mildly.
After every test finger and camera in there had no definitive conclusion Stacey bought me RSO.
There are many other health issues unaddressed as an aside.
I probably took 1/2 a gram a day to start.
Before bed.
Results were positive, I slept more than an hour straight for the first time in ages, pain was reduced etc etc...
After a month or so I was starting to improve internally aswell.
Gradually I dropped back to a 1/4 gram or less and still have a big improvement.
I take cbd every morning aswell.
Your dose, I'd recommend copious amounts.
Stacey's girlfriend has cancer, won't touch rso because she is a lightweight.
Fek chemo and their drugs making you feel good? They are literally killing her.
But I have to sit on my hands and watch it all go south.
No one listens to me.
It's for cancer. RSO I mean.
I need everclear and moon shine, gallons of it.
Ill make enough RSO to cure all 3 of us and a couple extra.
I'm looking for more good alcohol.
If everything goes well ill have enough extra pot for everyone aswell.
But just as a way to relax and unwinding depending on strength of the RSO a 1/4 gram should put you down.
But you can start off with less to make sure.
You're gonna get through this winter together with your sweet lady, and be stronger for it.
Its a breeze believe me
After what I've been through this is heaven on earth.
I know being on the backside of the mountain ain't for wooses, I peaked a little early so I'm there with ya.
Closed Black Dimond run at Mt St. Ann.
I was too far down before i realized what fermé pour cause de dander ment.
All I saw was fresh powder.
Literally crawled into the lodge 4 hours later, dragging 1 ski.:(
At least that was down hill.⛷️
What's another winter right?
Once more into the fray.:oops:

I get it. But a glorious spring awaits anyone with enough courage and goodwill to climb their way down from such dangerous, lonely heights, into pleasures reserved only for those who have braved such dangers.
You started the novel yet.
I figure you could just block it out at first.
Rough just, approximately.
Before you take that dam talent of yours and put it to use.
Let the rest of the world read work.
Although much appreciated your talent needs a bigger audience than just 420.
Stacey is on the way.
Big Bad Bill is sweet William now, gotta finish tidying.
Gtg talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
One wonders just how eager the local corn-flake pissers would be to bust a man and his copper still if all he ever did with the booze was evaporate it way faster than he made it. Mebbe chuck a few feed corn in the dust and see how enthusiastically they grow, over yonder-ways.

Oncoming train/Exit, same result: You're not losing the very last of your good humour behind a bozo with truck-testicles and a ''baby on board'' tag. Fek that guy...

Oh hey, who-ow, hi Bill?! uh, love the truck!
Without the heat and extra light the co2 wouldn't be much good in the greenhouse.
But my @VIVOSUN co2 controller it the vivohut was a lifesaver in mid summer.
No AC needed, just a touch of co2 and wow what a different.
Definitely going to be my favorite toy.;)
You doing ok mucker?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yep you nailed it why it helps - bizarrely artificial Co2 release in this use case is good for the environment because the plants eat it and you can use less electricity on supporting them! (Its probably a mind trick when Input it like that 🤣)

All good mate! At BKK airport with one short flight left to getting picked up by the fam to go home ans see the plants after 9 days away!
Yep you nailed it why it helps - bizarrely artificial Co2 release in this use case is good for the environment because the plants eat it and you can use less electricity on supporting them! (Its probably a mind trick when Input it like that 🤣)

All good mate! At BKK airport with one short flight left to getting picked up by the fam to go home ans see the plants after 9 days away!
Wow I didn't think it was going to be that long of a trip.
Glad everything went well.
I bet everyone is excited to see you back. :yahoo:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Your greenhouse of jungle plants is looking wonderful Bill!

Cheers Bill, I intend to germinate some seeds to kick off the grow in the next couple of weeks and then off we go again! My main concern is because I have to keep them low is that with too long a veg period (growing outdoors) it'll be a challenge to keep control of them until stretching is over. I could start later of course, but the greedy bastard side of me just wants to kick off as soon as it's warm enough.
Your garden is looking incredible, like a whole rain forest, excellent work!
I get the greedy bastard part, I started those 1/23/23.
Way too early.
They are far too big for the greenhouse. :rofl:
When does stretch start there usually? Approximately?
At least I have 10 feet to work with.
You poor duck only have a railing.
That's not a lot of space for the amazing girls you grow.
You are pretty good at it.;)
I could never control them that well.
I'm more of grow them big as fek kinda guy, hehe.
I'm looking forward to another great summer for you Amigo. :thumb:
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Dirt bikes and buds. :thumb:
Hey Buddy how are you doing?:ciao::high-five:
Just showing off the helmet from my icon pic.
The ole Bell Moto III Brain bucket.
It was a terrible helmet compared to today's standards.
But saved my life many times.
Did you ride at all my friend?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
You know Bill, for next year, that touchpoint between the plant and poly wall can be eliminated. Dew point happens almost every night on those walls in September and that's a lot of water they wouldn't take on otherwise. It seems unavoidable but I remember a method (that can be used for the ceiling too) that works. The method is to string up fishing net 6 inches from the walls before the plants get very big. Ceiling too although it has to droop so make it so droopiest point is 6 inches from the poly, and it'll back to 0 inches at peak and wall join point. The net really does stop the branches ploughing into the plastic and thus the nightly dew point contact with the buds in September. Nets don't have to be tight, just hanging. For some reason branches stop pushing toward the wall. I dunno why it works because its been a few years, but I do remember that it does work. A thought. Gorgeous harem you got there.
Thanks Rd.:thanks:
Or I could just wait until summer before I pop my beans.
1/23/23 was a touch early. 😂
But a netting system would be great for next year.
I'll put it on the list.
I've already maxed out the budget for this year.
I'll get it finished eventually. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Vertigo Exercises.

I often see our physiotherapist perform these manoeuvres on patients suffering with acute vertigo. It can work like a reset.

I know there can often be a Big Pharma distrust and hatred in here but the drug Stemitel can be helpful initially too.
Morning T.:ciao:
So happy we have a resident nurse.
You have your work cut out for you.
We all need a little tlc.;)
Thanks :thanks:
Hope your having a great day.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
One wonders just how eager the local corn-flake pissers would be to bust a man and his copper still if all he ever did with the booze was evaporate it way faster than he made it. Mebbe chuck a few feed corn in the dust and see how enthusiastically they grow, over yonder-ways.

Oncoming train/Exit, same result: You're not losing the very last of your good humour behind a bozo with truck-testicles and a ''baby on board'' tag. Fek that guy...

Oh hey, who-ow, hi Bill?! uh, love the truck!
I can't believe no one touched the Ground Hog Day reference.
I'm stuck in this loop.
8 months, every day, day after day. :morenutes::morenutes::morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:
Freeken ground hog day to a tee.
If I start taking piano lessons just shoot me.:rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I get the greedy bastard part, I started those 1/23/23.
Way too early.
They are far too big for the greenhouse. :rofl:
When does stretch start there usually? Approximately?
At least I have 10 feet to work with.
You poor duck only have a railing.
That's not a lot of space for the amazing girls you grow.
You are pretty good at it.;)
I could never control them that well.
I'm more of grow them big as fek kinda guy, hehe.
I'm looking forward to another great summer for you Amigo. :thumb:
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Over here for me the stretching period is probably around mid February if I remember rightly. It'd be lovely to grow some plants freely as nature will permit, but if I can never let them get higher than 2.5 feet then that's ok, the herb jars never care what sized plant filled them and just having some herb is the main thing! But I'm still able to enjoy a big smile on my face and imagine the smell of the plants that other folk grow, especially when there are, as you say, 'big as fek'!
All the best!
Over here for me the stretching period is probably around mid February if I remember rightly. It'd be lovely to grow some plants freely as nature will permit, but if I can never let them get higher than 2.5 feet then that's ok, the herb jars never care what sized plant filled them and just having some herb is the main thing! But I'm still able to enjoy a big smile on my face and imagine the smell of the plants that other folk grow, especially when there are, as you say, 'big as fek'!
All the best!
Your quite the master at it.
I don't even start training until they are a couple feet tall.
But bud is bud. :thumb:
Like you say, jars don't care. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
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