Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Starting off with some babies today.

Moving along...
The DDA gals.

Big one is having issues. Hope I can iron her out quickly. Probably gonna transplant her really soon. Get her into a tent.

The other one...whorled phyllotaxy.

I'll transplant her soon as well.

What else? I do have the B'natches. They are also suffering due to the low temps in my room.
Tacoing leaves due to cold temps and mag def. On the positive side of things, they are turning purple.

Aside from the temp issues things are going ok, I guess. Doing my best to get the temps up and correct any issues.

Hope y'all are doing well.
Nice some babies, and that cold is a double edged sword. Purple vs Mg def...decisions decisions!

Congrats on the taxi too. :welldone:
I was gonna try to reverse one of these plants.

So which one!?!? Lmao

The tall uggo or the short, slow ,trifoliate??
You want selfed DDA seeds? There seem to be a lot of those floating around, but I would at least go with the most vigorous grower.
Buttercup has some more but they are getting pretty old.
I'm worried about losing my crappy looking mutant DDAs. Thought that I should practice at any rate.
Then practice on the taxi! Three heads are better than two. :)
I know that some folks actually breed for it. Guess the plants are 33% bigger?
That doesn't sound very scientific but rather a stab in the dark.
We'll go with it in this case..
The other one...whorled phyllotaxy.
I had a plant last year that started out with whorled phylotaxy. Lasted about 5 nodes and then went normal. Ended up winning PotM for me. :)
I had a plant last year that started out with whorled phylotaxy. Lasted about 5 nodes and then went normal. Ended up winning PotM for me. :)
I'm curious to see what she does now.
DDA is what earned my PotM.
If I may ask,what strain did they end up sending you for your win? I'm ever curious.
If I may ask,what strain did they end up sending you for your win? I'm ever curious.
CannaPot sent me 5 SensiCheese (Sensi Star x BB Cheese) from Ape Origin and 1 Sugar Breath from Humboldt Seed Org. Looking forward to giving them a try. :cool:
:ciao: Garden is looking great! Those B’natches are looking pretty chonkey :yummy: Hope all is well with ya today! :Namaste:
Highya VG,

I hope you're okay! Haven't heard from you in few days. I've been using wild lettuce in a tea and honey for headaches. Found a large amount on our property and have been using it. Works for me.
I hope B'natches has warmed up. She looks like some great smoke. Your babies are looking healthy too. Good job, girl! Happy Smokin'
Very nice VG, it’s been a while and I apologize. Your garden looks nice as always though, and I can see the DDas never fail to give surprises. I’ve also grown a weird mutant tall spindly DDa… I culled mine though, too bad. Your POTM one started out that way too if I remember right?

Man I had a DDa fauxto that I flowered.. I should’ve kept the clone alive. I impatiently smoked the flowers and wasn’t impressed so I dumped the clone. Once I revisited that flower months later I was sad about the decision.
CannaPot sent me 5 SensiCheese (Sensi Star x BB Cheese) from Ape Origin and 1 Sugar Breath from Humboldt Seed Org. Looking forward to giving them a try. :cool:
They both look like winners. Sugar Breath.....what a sweet name.
:ciao: Garden is looking great! Those B’natches are looking pretty chonkey :yummy: Hope all is well with ya today! :Namaste:
I'm doing ok.
I was tired this morning but I did manage to wipe down and vacuum my 2x4 and all the equipment inside. I need to hang a new carbon filter this afternoon.
I also need to get some pots ready to transplant tomorrow or this evening.
So much to do and so little energy...

Hope you're having a great day :hug:

Them B'natches b chillin nice V!
Something is up with them. I'll post about it tomorrow. Lights are out now and I probably won't update again tonight. They are really close to being done so I'm not gonna freak myself out about it.
Highya VG,

I hope you're okay! Haven't heard from you in few days. I've been using wild lettuce in a tea and honey for headaches. Found a large amount on our property and have been using it. Works for me.
I hope B'natches has warmed up. She looks like some great smoke. Your babies are looking healthy too. Good job, girl! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode.
Glad the wild lettuce is working for you.
Not sure if I have any around me. I may have to look it up.

I did get the temps up a bit. Most plants are doing ok.

Very nice VG, it’s been a while and I apologize. Your garden looks nice as always though, and I can see the DDas never fail to give surprises. I’ve also grown a weird mutant tall spindly DDa… I culled mine though, too bad. Your POTM one started out that way too if I remember right?

Man I had a DDa fauxto that I flowered.. I should’ve kept the clone alive. I impatiently smoked the flowers and wasn’t impressed so I dumped the clone. Once I revisited that flower months later I was sad about the decision.
No need to apologize.
I haven't been keeping up very well.
I'm always busy in the summer and struggle to find the time and energy to catch up.

Yeah, my PotM was a spindly gal when she started out.
I had a bad day yesterday. I dropped my taller DDA and broke her top clear off. No taping that one back. Looks like I'm now growing a topped plant.
The bugger is that I noticed internodal hairs at the top.
I had planned on putting them both in five gallon pots but may need to go smaller. Need room for the other plants that I'm starting soon for WSE.
I also don't think they are going to get huge since it's been so cool here.
A five may be a waste. I still need to mull it over.

Have a chill day.
Pics of the Chickies.

The babies...

The DDAs...

One of the B'natches sitting in her soon-to-be tent....

After I get the filter up today I will move them over.
I plant to put the DDAs in the 2x2 ,under the Nextlight Core.

My Skywalker Og is sitting in my closet with the hanging/drying Sirius Black. It is only temporary until this evening and I'll move her back.
I just needed a dark place to put her while I screw around with the 2x4.

There you have it. Hope y'all are doing well and your gardens are green
( where applicable).
B’Bach is B’ute. Sorry about the DDA, I guess the universe decided you should try a topped auto after all. ;) :kisstwo:
I had that same thought in my mind yesterday morning.

Sometimes I wonder why I try to plan at all
Holy smokes, have I been busy.
Got two tents vacuumed,scrubbed down. Moved the BB x Nachos to the 2x4 to finish up.
Hope they don't go into too much shock. There is a lot more circulation in there.

Glamour Shots™

At least the buds look good on all of them. Skywalker is using up her last GeoFlora feeding. That's why she's so yellow. I've tried to turn her around to no avail. She's almost done and I'm running out of patience with her.
The chop is near...

Had some craptastic leaves pop up on BB x Nacho #2. Flushed her but she's still eating them away. Could be some light burn, perhaps.

They are all on the tops of the main colas. Happened after I brought the temp up. Maybe she got burned from residual nutes that she couldn't take up during the cold? All of the plants seem to be different phenos so maybe she is the sensitive type? The others didn't show this type of damage.

What else?
Transplanting this evening but before that happens I need to trim up my Sirius Black. I'll go into that plant more on my WSE/Atreum journal.
She shouldn't be too bad to trim up.

Lol. I remember when I first started growing. It would take me four or five hours to trim up a plant. It only takes me an hour or two now.

Fun stuff...
New seeds from my gracious sponsor @Weed Seeds Express should be arriving tomorrow!!

I have wanted two of the strains since I began growing. They are very popular,iconic strains and I'm sure y'all have seen them grown over and over but I'm still super excited. The third strain is something I've been searching over two years for.
She's something that I think is going to be very special. Something that could possibly be life changing for me.
Hope y'all follow along for that grow.
I'll probably start the other two plants and wait just a bit for the other one.
She deserves her own personal spotlight imo.

Well, I'd better get back to work. It's gonna be a long day. I've been up since 4 am and would like to be done around 4pm. Did I mention that I have to make oil and capsules as well?

Time to have a smoke break. Need to prepare mentally for trimming. :blunt:

Love all y'all. Thanks for stopping.:love:
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