Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Some people have so many problems cloning, and others could put them in a glass of water in the corner and a week later they have roots!
I think most people's fail's are contributed to unhealthy mothers.
If Mum isn't happy then chances are the clones will have a tough time rooting too.
My OG's just started popping roots. They took about 5 days longer than the Ambrosia's which is good to know when I'm about to take a lot clones for a SOG..:;):

Day 21 of flower was yesterday.
Going to do a minor defoil tonight and hopefully get some new photos up.
I can't believe the trichome development on the OG's!
:love: Thank you SNS and everyone at 420 magazine!!!! :love:


bugs and mold don't stand a chance in my garden anymore!! :blunt:

Nice huh vick?, I just started with the nutrients on a practice plant.......I can't figure out if you're supposed to use them solely, I have been using the grow one mixed with some triple sixteen and anything else I decide to throw far so good......3 treatments. I'm questioning the daily applications?....won't work in dirt!
Nice huh vick?, I just started with the nutrients on a practice plant.......I can't figure out if you're supposed to use them solely, I have been using the grow one mixed with some triple sixteen and anything else I decide to throw far so good......3 treatments. I'm questioning the daily applications?....won't work in dirt!

Totally bro!

Super happy about the SNS line too.
I haven't been using the SNS nutrients yet, and have actually been wondering the same thing about using them solely.
It must be pretty diluted to be applying it daily like the bottle suggests.
Might test it on some outdoor and see how it stacks up.
A quick email to SNS would probably give us some answers.

But I have been using the BPN 2 part since it arrived. (on Ambrosia mum.)
Running aggressive growth at 1/2 strength with Cal mag, bioroot and Grozyme.
She aint complaining!
You tried it yet?

I'll get some photos up tonight when I get home.
This working 60 hours a week, and managing the garden is becoming pretty challenging.
Not to mention the deck garden going in this weekend.


Totally bro!

Super happy about the SNS line too.
I haven't been using the SNS nutrients yet, and have actually been wondering the same thing about using them solely.
It must be pretty diluted to be applying it daily like the bottle suggests.
Might test it on some outdoor and see how it stacks up.
A quick email to SNS would probably give us some answers.

But I have been using the BPN 2 part since it arrived. (on Ambrosia mum.)
Running aggressive growth at 1/2 strength with Cal mag, bioroot and Grozyme.
She aint complaining!
You tried it yet?

I'll get some photos up tonight when I get home.
This working 60 hours a week, and managing the garden is becoming pretty challenging.
Not to mention the deck garden going in this weekend.


This is the mix...the last two are molasses and sea grow 16 - 16 - 16 respectively.
The victim, bottom leaves are immaculate....two treatments and two plain waterings since a NON - GROWER started the program. If a person can't follow the directions and get positive results with minimal experience....I throw it in the trash!
This is the mix...the last two are molasses and sea grow 16 - 16 - 16 respectively.
The victim, bottom leaves are immaculate....two treatments and two plain waterings since a NON - GROWER started the program. If a person can't follow the directions and get positive results with minimal experience....I throw it in the trash!

Looks pretty damn healthy to me!
Shooting everywhere!
Thanks for the SNS feed info MC.
Sorry it took so long to get some new photo's up guys.
Ya'll know how it can get sometimes..

before defol:


Then some during and after's.
Defoiliation wasn't super heavy.
But heavy enough.
Everyone has total light coverage now, and fits perfectly into the hood's footprint's.
Will be putting tomato cages on them in the next week, so they have somewhere to lean.






sorry about the greasy thumb print..;)
Now that's looking pretty. Vic I see some major possibilities in there. I'm not much for defoliation myself, seen people do it with decent results, but it goes against what I was schooled with. Glad to see you didn't get crazy or anything. Sure I lolly pop my plants to keep air circulation flowing, and I trim leaves out from covering bud sites as needed, but this dude I learned from wood beat me like a red headed step child for ever trimming a sun leaf. Them are the power plants for production. The more square inches of green, the faster a plant will grow. Kind of like if I cut the leafs off my plant can I kill it? I've seen plants that get stunted growth just from a topping.
Well dude you got your hands full and it's looking great. And glad I can rep ya atleast. Keepem Green
looking incredible vick. these are going to be some dense flowers. why didnt you grow into the tomato cages from the start? any reason?
Now that's looking pretty. Vic I see some major possibilities in there. I'm not much for defoliation myself, seen people do it with decent results, but it goes against what I was schooled with. Glad to see you didn't get crazy or anything. Sure I lolly pop my plants to keep air circulation flowing, and I trim leaves out from covering bud sites as needed, but this dude I learned from wood beat me like a red headed step child for ever trimming a sun leaf. Them are the power plants for production. The more square inches of green, the faster a plant will grow. Kind of like if I cut the leafs off my plant can I kill it? I've seen plants that get stunted growth just from a topping.
Well dude you got your hands full and it's looking great. And glad I can rep ya atleast. Keepem Green

Thanks Wood man!

Yeah, although I've had pretty decent results from heavy defoiliation in the past.
I'm going to ease back on it with these 2 strains for now.
Now that they have plenty of room after day 21's strip, and when I put cages over them for support.
I'm probably going to skip day 45's defol and just let them go nuts til the end.
Of course like you say, general pruning here and there to keep sites lit.
Instead focus on other things to help these babies bulk up and keep stress to a minimum.
Stay on preventative bug maintenance. Carb loading, lots of soil drenches to keep these fungus gnats away from my roots.
& Routine flushing, should all help me bring these babies to a decent harvest.
looking incredible vick. these are going to be some dense flowers. why didnt you grow into the tomato cages from the start? any reason?

Thanks man,

Originally the plan was to just let them go nuts with minimal fussing.
But you're right, putting cages on early on and having them grow right up and through them is a great way to do it, and I have done it that way in the past.
Since these OG's seemed to be pretty skinny stalked from the start, I wanted to give them a chance to build strength by themselves without offering too much help early on.
Now that they're flowering, those buds are going to get heavy (hopefully), and rather than bamboo stake each plant, tomato cages will provide perfect support and anchoring as they finish.
Big fan of tomato cages.:winkyface:
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