Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Sounds like you already decided Vick :winkyface:

Your plan makes a lot of sense. You have no time or space to veg monsters, but you can take enough clones in time for a SOG. I agree with canna, SOG then monsters. I love getting 4oz from a plant, but it's a lot easier to trim a SOG. :blalol:

btw, I love your renders. That's SketchUp, right? I wanna draw out my basement. That might work well for planning. I have Chief Architect, but it really wouldn't lend itself to designing a grow room.
Welcome folks!

This will be my 4th grow journal hare at 420 magazine, and hopefully my best yet.
I must again start by saying that without everyone here, and the amazing knowledge this site bleeds, my progression, and learning curve would not have been possible. Ive met so many people on here that I now consider my friend's, and have offered me unconditional support throughout my grows.
So thanks again 420 magazine, for creating such a great community that is so welcoming and helpful to anyone interested in learning how to grow this wonderful plant. And I feel it's important to give back any knowledge that I have gained here to hopefully help someone else down the line..

Now I know in my last grow that I stated it would be my last grow with OG Kush because I was becoming anxious to try out other strains. Although I did introduce some new Ambrosia beans that will be highlighted inthis grow. Fate brought me back to this amazing strain for many reason, but mainly because it's just that good!!
On my last grow I had Powdery mildew show up right at the worst possible time, and it was bad. I ended up throwing away a lot of bud. A bit of a bummer, but even though it was really fun growing 40 headed monsters, in the porta scrogs. IMHO that many colas crammed into a 5x5 tent? no matter how good your ventilation is, you're just asking for mold. In a matter of 3 days it showed up hardcore. Live and learn, no regrets, I had fun.
But I will be taking precautionary measures to make sure that sum bitch doesn't come anywhere near this grow.

There will be:

- 14 OG Kush clones that were received by a close friend.
- 2 OG Kush that popped from my last grow. (Still haven't sexed yet)
- 6 Ambrosia regs that still have not sexed yet

Nutrients and additives i will be using on this grow:

-GH Flora line base nutes, grow, micro, bloom.
-GH Calimagic
-GH Bio Root
-GH Florolicious plus
-GH Liquid Koolbloom
-GH Koolbloom dry (last week before flush)
-Pro Gaurd (silica)
-Drip clean
-RB Liquid GOLD

Growing medium is 70% Coco, 30% Perlite planted in 3 gallon pots.
Feeding schedule will be pretty aggressive this round. 6 feeds, then 1/4 strength flush using RO then repeat.
Final flushing will be with straight RO water.
CO2 will be administered via a 20LB bottle and regulator with timers to cycle with exhaust fans. A better more efficient dehumidifier will be introduced just before flip to insure and maintain lower humidity levels.
When it gets hotter into the summer, the lights will have their own intake and exhaust to keep em running nice and cool, then the room will be scrubbed through a charcoal filter and exhausted outside by it's own fan.

So now that I've explained a bit about who's playing, and whats on the menu. Let's move onto the changes I have made to the grow space to make it more efficient and effective.
I used a program called Sketch up to design my own space using all the same dimensions as my room.
The first photo shows how I had it before with my 5x5x6.5 Secret Jardin tent.
The second shows what I had mapped out in my head. Since I had an extra light collecting dust it only made sense to find someway to use it, while giving the space more flow and lumens.
3rd and 4th photos are different angles with me praying to the Cannabis gods.

I used the existing frame from my old tent for the whole support system as I didn't want to start drilling holes and searching for anchor sites. This way when I decide to move, its an easy quick tear down with minimal patching needed.
Many cool advantages about this new space over the old.
-2 lights duh!
-better airflow
-more room so plants aren't as cramped.
-more height, (7' 9") so I could grow monsters if I wanted.
-easier to do maintenance
-and well, it's nicer to look at at:cheesygrinsmiley:





And then I got really high and carried away with this program, to see what I could actually do with the whole space if I was crazy enough. Only enough room left for officer Bob to stand there in amazement.




Umm... Yeah, that'll never happen..

So here's some quick recap photos of the babies before they made it to the new room, and some of the new space!





















Some really healthy white roots at transplant into 3 gallon pots.







Hope to have some update photos tonight, as those last photos were about 5 days ago.
Training and topping have begun. Should be spreading them out and firing up the other light soon!!
Anyway, welcome to my journal. Please feel free to comment on anything, and ask questions!
Only thing I would change is put the intake low to the floor and exhaust towards the ceiling. Other than that + reps
It was pretty beat up, but worked fine.
I got it with charger, battery, 8gig card, and an extra telephoto screw on lens.
talked them down to 150.00
which is really really cheap..
These cameras usually sell used for 300.00, for JUST THE CAMERA!
There was a small scratch on the lens, (which happens a lot with these cameras.)
So I fibbed and said the autofocus wouldn't work because of the scratch.
They bought it, and so did I!
thanks craigslist..


:rofl::rofl: good skills vick!! and girls are looking mighty fine! :cheesygrinsmiley: reps to you mate- always an inspiration watching healthy plants thrive :goodjob:
Looking really nice Vick. Love the new render, that SOG looks like it will be incredible

Thanks bro,
Think it would yield pretty good, :winkyface:

Sounds like you already decided Vick :winkyface:

Your plan makes a lot of sense. You have no time or space to veg monsters, but you can take enough clones in time for a SOG. I agree with canna, SOG then monsters. I love getting 4oz from a plant, but it's a lot easier to trim a SOG. :blalol:

btw, I love your renders. That's SketchUp, right? I wanna draw out my basement. That might work well for planning. I have Chief Architect, but it really wouldn't lend itself to designing a grow room.

Quite the contrary actually.
I can't make my mind up.
SOG, or top feed DWC..
On one hand trimming a SOG would be awesome,
on the other, watering and tending to 80+ plants would be a lot of work.

Yeah I did the render in Sketchup.
Be prepared to have some patience when using it.
And if you don't have a pretty fast computer, the busier the design becomes, the slower the program is.
I love it for checking practicality. You can rotate around the whole room from every angle and plan things down to the cm.
Only thing I would change is put the intake low to the floor and exhaust towards the ceiling. Other than that + reps

That's exactly how I have it set up though.
The room is sealed up tight except for that room to the right.
opened window on the other side of the curtain.
small fan assisting the fresh air that is being brought in low and circular around the plants.
Then the carbon filter is set up pretty much as high as it can go, on 24/7.



:rofl::rofl: good skills vick!! and girls are looking mighty fine! :cheesygrinsmiley: reps to you mate- always an inspiration watching healthy plants thrive :goodjob:

Thanks homie,

i think if you can do a heap of cuttings brother.. can keep a few mothers going, then you should certainly look at SOG.. but you know.. alot of the SOG-style hydro systems utilize water pumps and reservoirs in one form or another- except possibly run to waste- but they too would still need a waterpump and airstone+pump etc, DWC being the exception with just an airpump+stone.
i think if you wanted to go SOG i would offer the possibility of going aero sog in a res just as seemore did in his "15pounds in 80days" dvd.. it has DEFINITELY been on my list of things to do with SOG, the ONLy thing that has kept me from that in the present has been the simple fact of no longer having space(for the time being) for a mother room.. or access to a heap of cuttings. i know it isnt what you are looking for in terms of your current situation.. but they(=the aero reservoirs) are certainly adaptable for any sized grow space.. are contained and can be clean as heck.. if need, just lift the whole res and move to where you need to.

if your not familiar with seemore's dvd check this: SeeMoreBuds 15lbs in 80 days - marijuana - YouTube
this is just a 'trailer' of sorts but it gives you an idea of his setup(esp around 1:10 for a shot of his SOg reservoirs) and what he was doing...

just an option for ya bro! and i feel ya predicament with trying to decide BIG and BEAUTIFUL or SMALL and PLENTIFUL! ;]]

all the best bro :Namaste:
Quick little update:

day 15 of flower
day 18 since flip

OG Kush





The Abrosia's have proven to be slow starters. Way behind the OG's as far as development. But starting to pick up some steam now.



The 4 Ambrosia clones have busted out lot's of new healthy roots.
transplanting into Coco tomorrow. The OG clones are taking a lot longer to root.



Ambrosia Mum, plugging along with a clean bill of health.


The Cotton Candy Kush clone is healing nicely and coming back with some nice growth.

That's exactly how I have it set up though.
The room is sealed up tight except for that room to the right.
opened window on the other side of the curtain.
small fan assisting the fresh air that is being brought in low and circular around the plants.
Then the carbon filter is set up pretty much as high as it can go, on 24/7.



I was talking about the animation not the actual
i think if you can do a heap of cuttings brother.. can keep a few mothers going, then you should certainly look at SOG.. but you know.. alot of the SOG-style hydro systems utilize water pumps and reservoirs in one form or another- except possibly run to waste- but they too would still need a waterpump and airstone+pump etc, DWC being the exception with just an airpump+stone.
i think if you wanted to go SOG i would offer the possibility of going aero sog in a res just as seemore did in his "15pounds in 80days" dvd.. it has DEFINITELY been on my list of things to do with SOG, the ONLy thing that has kept me from that in the present has been the simple fact of no longer having space(for the time being) for a mother room.. or access to a heap of cuttings. i know it isnt what you are looking for in terms of your current situation.. but they(=the aero reservoirs) are certainly adaptable for any sized grow space.. are contained and can be clean as heck.. if need, just lift the whole res and move to where you need to.

if your not familiar with seemore's dvd check this: SeeMoreBuds 15lbs in 80 days - marijuana - YouTube
this is just a 'trailer' of sorts but it gives you an idea of his setup(esp around 1:10 for a shot of his SOg reservoirs) and what he was doing...

just an option for ya bro! and i feel ya predicament with trying to decide BIG and BEAUTIFUL or SMALL and PLENTIFUL! ;]]

all the best bro :Namaste:

Thanks for the reps and your input Alk!
I can see that being a good floodless option for sure.
Would be pretty easy to DIY the units too.
And after seeing how easy these Ambrosia's clone? I'm leaning more and more towards SOG'ing them.
Looking really nice Vick - the clones have rooted well and have nice and healthy roots. We're around about the same time into 12/12 / flower but yours have have got loads more trichs, they're going to be properly frosty soon!
vick, come to my place today! i need someone thats good at cloning to preserve some of my genetics!
Looking really nice Vick - the clones have rooted well and have nice and healthy roots. We're around about the same time into 12/12 / flower but yours have have got loads more trichs, they're going to be properly frosty soon!

Thanks my friend,

They're frostier at this stage than they've been in any of my grows before.
Probably because I switched from molasses to Diamond Nectar this round, pretty sure that has something to do with so much more frost.
Hitting them with it at every feed, and every water.
vick, come to my place today! i need someone thats good at cloning to preserve some of my genetics!

I'll be right over!

It really is super easy and anyone can do it consistently!
The three main things that contribute to 100% success rate for me, are:
Clean water, (RO, or Distilled) Clean cuts, And GH Rapid rooters..
That's it!
Any rooting hormone will do. I use Stem r**t.
You don't need a heating mat, just a good humidity dome.
Keep a spray bottle full of clean distilled or RO water right by the dome, and give the rooters and foliage a good spray a few times a day, and make sure the bottom tray has about 5 cm's of water in it.
things like this always crack me up, so many ways to skin a cat- so to speak... when i take cuttings i dont spray/mist them what-so-ever! LOL i put em in a container with some plastic over for a dome(i have been using yellow colored plastic and seem to get 100% success.. wandering if color makes a difference to cloning success??)... high humidity of course... after a few days i let the medium(rockwool/peat jiffies) get a LITTLE dry to try and inspire water seeking roots to sprout... and thats it! :rofl: but thats JUST ME- im a lazy arse at times loL ;p
okay okay.. so i may over-simplify a bit there loL i cut JUST BELOW the 3rd set of nodes(as these are areas that are already growing, the reasoning is that roots will be more inclined to sprout from these areas too).. cut them back CLEAN and lightly shave off the epidermal outer layer of bottom inch... cut at 45 degree angle to increase surface area... tuck them in quite tightly to seal any possibility for free movement or air... voila :p
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