Vex's 1st Fluxing: Be Gentle, Cookies Kush, PS Dwarf Star, RADDWC, Dewey Misters

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Lmao gangsta thug life Dewey misters kick ass! It's showing above, the success from below .
Haha. I thought it was nice look on this bad ass Misters.

Keep it up Vex. They are going to be monsters in no time
Thanks, DA!

I truly hope so.
Dewey's are rocking this shit! .
Hell yea, bro! Thanks for introducing us... lol

I love capturing the Dewey drops flying!

I'm going to print this out to hang on my wall.

Dewey Art. .

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis


Yes, my first flux, pretty much my first grow. lol As I plan to see her through, good or bad.

My "official" first grow failed due to heat.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I'm so excited!! lol

I love all of the encouragement. Keeps me pumped! :thanks:
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Just take your time and if you make changes do it in small increments that way you can backtrack if you run into an issue.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

A couple morning shots before her nap, and quick clip of how I drain the system. I hope I'm not updating this GJ too much, just super excited at her growth.

Also lowered her right side a bit, as it seemed to be the dominant one. I need the left side to catch up.

Lastly, I've noticed a couple holes in a leaf or two. I don't see any pests and suspect the heat.

Any thoughts?


Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Probably just got caught on an edge and torn on the foil. No biggy! Looks great today! Daily updates are great no worries bro!

Keep the updates coming!

Thanks again, fellas!!

I'll be laying a panda sheet over the foil soon.

Nice lil flux.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Whoot! I'm pumped!

The foil tape, although amazing, is blinding me. Lol
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Vex you are doing awesome bro, cool setup is like to master myself sometime and your really starting to see some good results now. I'm sure the finished product will be well worth the wait. I'll definitley keep checking in on this ..
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Welcome. Scray!

I appreciate the luv. It's working out quite nicely. Im here if you have any questions. Although its a simple setup. .
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Hey all! Hope your day is well.

I can't wait to get home and check her out after today's nap.

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