Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm Makes 3 - Perpetual 2000w

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

the green dragon is great...havent made any lately, the testers used it all...lol...did you know there is a golden dragon as well, same process, just from yellowish buds and such....just as strong, only more couchlock if possible....im now in the process of collecting mmj cookbooks....lets face it, im a collector, or all things mmj....lol...lavendar:cheertwo::cheertwo:very happy you are getting it...

Wow, Lavendar, you are a wealth of info. So thankful to have you at 420 and sharing your wisdom. I will ask him about the Golden Dragon. I know he likes my Strawberry Diesel to smoke and it has golden everything. Perhaps we'll have to do that one.

We decided that the advertising campaign for this most recent batch should be: "The most amazing drink you've ever FELT!" It burns going down. Its like liquid pepper. But the effects are immediate, intense, and long lasting. One shot was easily equivalent to the 5mg Vicodin prescription from the ER room, I would say probably twice as effective at pain relief.

I like your posts lavendar, gonna have to go check out your journal.

A woman after my own heart... Ms Horse's nickname is Alice, as in Alice B. Toklas :grinjoint:

Lavendar is a not only a wonderfully friendly and fun personality, but she is chock full of great info. Her journal is a blast to read. Anyone who's not seen t is highly encouraged to check it out. She has as many varieties going as anyone I've seen.

Ehy PG, just read about what happened.
I'm glad you and your friend are ok. Hope your nose will be good soon.
All the best to you, and the other innocent friend.

Glad you are all right Papa. I hate to think of how it could have turned out.

My indoor volde is kinda freakish as well, although two of them that were moved outside seem to have grown beyond it and look normal.

Thanks guys. Not hurtin too bad over here. Gotta go back next Thursday to get the stitches and staples out. Then I'll be going up to NY for 3 days for the shows. Then back here and reconstructive surgery on my schnoz on the following tuesday. Its a minor surgery, outpatient, in and out and back to work the next day. Pretty amazing actually considering both nasal bones are"shattered like eggshells in there" (to quote the doc).

I have been amazed by the complete inefficiency of the system. Apparently its up to me to find the officer from the scene and give her my statement. As I was unconscious on the night of the event she never spoke to me. The DA's office told me to drive to the police station and give a report to her supervisor or the desk sargent. So I walk into the police dept today at 2:45 on a Thursday and they tell me that A - they don't have a desk sargent and they don't know why the DA would say that. B - The only supervisor that can take the report has the same shifts as the officer. And neither will be on duty til Fri after 7:30 pm. They then informed me that it would help if I could bring the witnesses. So now I gotta try to wrangle up 3 other people and track down the cop Friday night or after. Ridiculous.

There was a story in the paper about the fight. They didn't mention me by name (thankfully) but they did say the fight came to a close when someone outside started yelling for EMTs because a man was unconscious on the sidewalk and bleeding profusely from a head wound. It was very weird reading about myself in the third person. And of course the reporter had gotten most of the other facts garbled as well.

I think the best comment I've heard so far was my great uncle. His reaction was,"This kind of thing only happens in the United States and other third world countries."


Re: the Volde outside - I am having the same experience. And I think I've solved it inside as well. I believe she likes SUPER light nutes the first few weeks of Flower. I have a few plants here that I have tested it on and I'll get pics up. No curling. No discoloration.

Everything is basically peachy here and coming along fine. Chopping away slowly. I am really glad I waited the extra days. I will post pics later when the lights come on of the Volde. I wish I had some from only two days ago, because the change is dramatic. Foxtails and budlets! And I'm lovin the look of her buds. Just cause they are so different from anything else I've grown.

And the Montana and Kali Mist are finishing very very nicely.

So I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll hit my 1 g/w goal, but the quality of some of the buds coming from the room is making up for the stress. I feel like I have upped my growing skills in lots of very small ways - 1% better here and there - and that has collectively paid off. Its a good feeling.

Once again - thanks EVERYONE for the well wishes.



Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000


Right on! Thats the way to do it PapaG! just that 1% is miniscule in iteslf, but together they all add up dont they? Everything in growing is a learning experience for me, just like life. I'm glad that your Volde is coming out wicked nice, and your other girls are doing wonderfully, and your recovery seems very good. I dread any kind of doctor contact so I'd be sweating bullets if I hd to get a surgery...even outpatient. Hell I dont even like needles. Ouch. Thats not to say that I havent had my share tho. I have very bad joints in my wrists, and they wanted to give me shots in my wrists with some kind of medication or something, and the thought of getting shots in my wrists about made me flip it. Hell no. Then they gave me some weird steroids or hormones or something to help with the joints, but I don't like to take anything I cant pronounce or spell. One of the reasons that I use MMJ.

anyways good luck with everything! and I hope you have fun at the show! I think you may want to stay out of the moshpit for now though.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa! You take that 1% and multiply it by all of us that learn so much from your journals, and that's a huge success! For our sake, keep up the GREAT work bruddah.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Glad you are feeling better papa. Really stinks you have to do the cops job for them. Talk about a broken system.
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

greendragon is a good way too go but i cant drink alkichol but i did make some with rubbin alcahol when it turned pretty much like what u have or have put some in a new jar wit olive oil didnt evap much work pretty good too rub on my achin bones the origanl brew is very dark an i only used 1 gram of bud wit 70% rubbing alchol the oil looks very golden darker then regular olive oil
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

about 1 gram dont have scale no use there was also some stems i saved jus for that this plant has so many uses well every year there new methods on how too use it not jus smokin even tho smokin is my choice been doin a lot of cookin wit it cuz not too mant people want me smokein im a nice coconut oil too
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

so i been doin coconut oil bud wit warm milk
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

thanks for the kind words and the plug for the thread....you're a sweet heart, and enjoy the shows....lavendar:thankyou::thankyou:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

I hope your laying back recovering well from the reconstruction surgery! It ws this weekend, right? well I hope all is well as can be for you now.

Get well soon!
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa.

Your great uncle had it right!
"This kind of thing only happens in the United States and other third world countries."
Might as well throw in our schools in that bag too!:smokin2:

I'm so glad that your recovering....good luck with the nose!:)

You humble old dog, your one of the best growers on 420 and your an inventive grower too.

Get blasted before surgery is my advice! :yahoo:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Papa... my best to you brother. I hate ignorant people that can just screw up someones life for a "badge" those idiots would have kissed your ass if they had really known you. Much respect to ya' and take care.
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hi all - just a super quick note to poke in and say hi!

I've had family in from out of town, police stuff, the harvest, etc.. been busy.

Got a few pics along the way but they sucked. Will get more tonight I believe.

Would you believe I JUST started the harvest of the Volde a few hours ago. Seems like eons shes been waiting. It looks good. The scrog has yielded mixed results so far. Two of the plants yielded doo-doo. Which I sorta expected. Then one has been average at best. Then the Volde was very good. And I think the Utopia will be very good.

No real estimate yet on the yield from the scrog, but I think about 1lb. dried. A little short of the 1g/w, but not a terrible result. We'll see in a few days when dried weights start coming in.

The drying boxes are filling fast - pics to come later I promise.

Thanks again for all the well wishes. Doing fine here. Just too busy to hold up my online social responsibilities.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Big Mahalos for the welcome!

Glad I found 420. Everybody (ok mostly) is cool and likes to share. I like this world.

Yeah I'm hoping that some of my sunshine grows carries me indoors. I chose LED for heat control.

Man you cover some prime grow issues and I'm just getting started on your thread. Good thing I got free time this weekend.

I'll holler back once caught up. :)


Had to holler even tho I'm only on pg 16 (life interuptus) cause Game 7 is historically right around the corner!

First, Reps+ for making such a fine thread. Flow charts, TV/movie tips, cloning, SCROG by the #s, bastardio Kelloggs & digital ballasts, budget presses and the list keeps going.

Your sub reminds me of a Combat Field Hospital (or Dexters playroom), very efficient and sterile. And the peeps! Really cool souls tracking your grow teaching me (or reminding me of my mortality...tanks mule).

For my gratitude, I'm taking this rip for you RoorRip and I'm going to roll with the Lakers in Game 7.

The last time I visited Staples was the summer Harley show in 01. Go Lakers...Go Papa Green! :cheertwo:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

sounds llike alot of things are converging in your life....wishing ez, joyful days ahead....the scrog sounds fine...thank you for all the help with mine...ever, lavendar, +reps if possible...:thumb:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Yah Ive been neglecting my journal for the same reason. Just too busy. now my light cycle is at night so it makes it even harder to get pics...

Oh and by the way.... Go Celtics ;)
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