Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

Hey LA, awesome plant :thumb: About how many days into flower do you usually train into? For my next grow I think one of plants be Hawaiian Snow that I may train up to 3 weeks into flower from the way the mother plant grew in my test.

BTW, for your $50 buy a nice big air pot or two, if they have them, I like how they work, but a bit more high maintenance on the watering.
I 2nd the air pot motion! At least one to give it a go. They look like they work very well :-)
henman, yes OZ,
this is what my last one looked like half way through flower, for a Idea of how I train.
metaphor of the day: Light Addict is like one of those old school lion tamers, a whip in one hand and a chair in the other, bending the wild beast to his will!

I will add a brief follow up to the CO2... a yeast fermentation bucket needs an airlock, don pauls example has one in the form of a second bottle, I'm sure most of you guys know this but I often read co2 diy tutorials that say 'just throw some yeast and sugar in a bucket'. That will work... a little. I'm not an experienced grower but I am experienced in brewing/distilling, alcohol fermentation is an anaerobic process that is diminished by the presence of oxygen. The line out going down into Water allows the co2 byproduct to escape whilst excluding oxygen. I've used a 5 gallon bucket with a plastic cup of water glued to the lid. In the past, making mash for whiskey, I would mix up the yeast and water and 5lbs of sugar, mix, airlock, and within a few hours that baby is bubbling away (another advantage of the airlock is that you can literally see the rate of fermentation). In 1-2 weeks you'll see that the fermentation is stopped/slowed, just open the bucket and add another 5lbs of sugar, it will take off and bubble another 1-2 weeks! We actually experimented with hooking the co2 output line (using a bottle as an airlock, like don Paul, so there is a line out rather than just a cup of open water like I was talking about before) to one of those huge balloons to try to 'capture' the co2 for later use. Its not super effective though, because as the co2 builds up pressure, assuming you have no leaks, it will literally slow down and nearly stop the fermentation process in the bucket. Science is fun!

Light Addict, once again I apologize for hijacking your personal thread... it may be annoying when people fill up your hard won readership with their own ramblings... but you might also take comfort to know that your thread is become a nexus of knowledge and learning, like the Great Library of Alexandria! :)
Looking FANTASTIC LA! Your 1st journal is one for the masses.
spot on with the info on the co2 gen, you dont want oxygen getting in as it causes mould and this is what attracts the bugs, so using the bubbler part you stopping the oxygen getting into the yeast bottle, if oxygen did get in then im guessing bacteria would flourish and cause problems in the grow,
so great addition to the info, plius reps to Tom

@Light Addict, the doggest simpson product will last a long time mate so thinking you might not need nutrients, my plants have grown so damn quick since using dogget simpson that my flower room is now full wall to wall, so im going to have to set up a cfl flower room and move some plants to that as im out of room now and im only in the first couple of days of stretch, you can also use bag 2 and 3 for hydro or dwc, its just bag 1 that you cant, but bag 1 you add to soil before planting the plants, it may give them a boost but i find with compost you dont need to add anything until their in veg but ill give it a try next time i plant some plants and see how it compares to regular compost, but so far im pretty damn impressed with the DS products as my plants have never grown so quick and the product is so easy to use, i more than recomend it at the moment, not tried it in veg yet but for flowering plants at full dose im getting no signs of problems or signs of nute burn, so id have to say at the moment ill be using dogget simpson from now on,
that snow storm seems ok and if kind recomends it then im pretty sure its a good product, it just depends how it works with the dogget simpson products, or how it works with the products you got now,

what type of things are you actually looking for, i think your pretty sorted for nutrients, compost is ok for plants at least till half way through veg, this time round all my plants in fresh compost went right up to 12-12 without needing any nutrients, i could of went another couple of week without nutrients but wanted to try dogget simpson plus my plants had not had anything for flowering stage so gave the bag 3 a try,

so it really depends what you want and what you really need, if it was me and buy stuff i really needed and stuff id benefit from instead of stuff you may just use a few times, snow storm will help with yields it also compares to the similar product that helps produce purple plants,
let me have a look at what they do and ill see what i can come up with, the bag 1 of DS sounds like it would work well as its a beneficial fungus that attatches to the roots and the plant grows as if its got a lot more root mass, so i think we are pretty sorted with the DS products, im pretty sure you wont need to use bag 1 for seedlings but ill do a side by side with clones next time i take some, some with the DS mixed in and some with just compost and see how the results compare, its the only way im going to see how well it works
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