Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

Light Addict,

I spent hours reading through this thread and following Gert. I have learned so much from this thread. Thank you for sharing. She was impressive and I am so sorry about what happened. I had no idea that could even happen!!!! I am very new at this and trying to learn as I am trying to make RSO to cure my husband of his cancer. Why does a plant die just because the light stays on for one extra night?? I know this happened to you months ago but I still am very sorry as I understand the timing was awful let alone all the time you had put into her.
Thanks for those lovely comments! The reason she cooked was I had to run the doorway to grow area open at all lights on periods. So when I tucked her off to bed as it were, the timer then failed and she was enclosed in the spot with a 400hps and nowhere for the heat to go! :)
Anyway please check my quick guide to fluxing as its a really good producing style with less time spent grafting away with wires lol.
You are welcome. You deserve the compliments. And thank you for your response. That makes sense now. I couldn't wrap my head around how that could happen.

I will check out the new style. I will look for it right now. :thumb:

Thanks for those lovely comments! The reason she cooked was I had to run the doorway to grow area open at all lights on periods. So when I tucked her off to bed as it were, the timer then failed and she was enclosed in the spot with a 400hps and nowhere for the heat to go! :)
Anyway please check my quick guide to fluxing as its a really good producing style with less time spent grafting away with wires lol.
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