I’m on a new line that’s on
It’s shake down cruise. Me and 2 other guys are training with 1rst shift then in September we will go to 2nd shift and fire up the line for full production.
I liked the pre made net thing until harvest. Easier to put in than winding a bunch of string. It was a bitch to remove though because I like to hang the whole plant to dry. These should solve that problem. I'll hopefully be able to just unhook and go, more or less, they'll still be Tangled up but should make life much better. I order a 100 ft roll and a couple packs of end hooks to see how it goes.
Results from the hash run. 15g of really good 4-5* hash 10g of decent stuff and another 8g of low quality stuff for butter or other edibles. Pretty happy with that for a bunch of trim and the first time using the machine