Quite time? What’s that?!? Twin 4yr old boys make sure we never rest And turbo, I don’t know if you have room under your table to stack a second tote on the one you have, but I was cheap and didn’t want to buy a 55 gallon drum when I had my 8 plant rdwc soo I stacked 2 totes, I cut a hole in the lid of the first tote and the base of the second tote, had a 1.5 inch pvc pipe glued to the base of the second tote, once the top tote pumps to a certain level, it drains into the bottom tote. Had a drain line on the bottom corner of the top tote soo I could pump both totes into my rdwc. Worked pretty good, possibly a solution for you? Or a float valve with an external reservoir, but I’m sure your trying to avoid needing an air pump