Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

I don't believe it. (I noticed you conveniently did not show the pot!) šŸ˜

Seriously, very nice 9mm!
Grew 3 of them in that group...

1 gal coco in fabric pots. šŸ¤™
Grew 3 of them in that group...

1 gal coco in fabric pots. šŸ¤™
I need to bite this method big time! It will give me just what I need (and desire), smallish plants with nice buds -- still fat enough to pack a punch! But I won't end up with so much weed that I just have excess laying around for years. Easy to lift pots, more plants per sq. ft (Variety! Yes!), maybe just an all-around easier way for an old stoner like me to fulfill his quest to get through his seed collection!

I don't think such hefty girls would be easily achieved in 1 gallon pots of soil, but in 1 gallon of coco...oh yeah!

I gallon pots for the win, 9mm.:thanks:

No shame in my grow game! :Rasta:
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