Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

Couple pics of the recent PGC harvest... the Cootie Queen.
Disappointed in the bud size/structure; I was expecting this because of the early chop.
What I'm not disappointed with is the tricomes & terps. 🤘 She's frosty AF! and stinks like a fat guy's shoe. 🤣

Took down the cootie queen last night....

She was patient 0 for the bugs, I honestly think there are some aphids or something else going on below the surface. She was just too damaged for it to be only gnats. I'll be dissecting that root ball this afternoon to search for answers.

Anywhoo.... here's the #1 Purple Ghost Candy; taken down on day 70.

Terps remind me of a classic OG Kush. Kinda has a slight skunk smell, mixed with a bit of body odor. Overall, just a generic "good dank" smell about her.

Buds are pretty light/fluffy & underdeveloped. Might be decent smoke, but ultimately unimpressive.

The damage from pests had been done; she wasn't gonna recover, and bud growth had slowed to a crawl. I was more worried about her pushing nanners than I was about harvesting early.

Stay MotaVated y'all ✌️
I wouldn't be surprised if when you bust her open you find pockets of idk what it is, i think it's from the gnats, it'll look like a tiny city of weird brownish gray moldish substance with gnats and larva. Least that's what I found when I unearthed my plant that has been taken over by the gnat overlords. 🙏 I should have taken pics. It was disgusting.
I'll be going over the root ball with a scope later today. There are no signs of pests above the surface.

Never seen any pests on the stems, leaves, or buds. No bite marks, poop, or bugs stuck in the tricomes. Only visual sign I saw was gnats flying around the pot, but never seen gnats destroy a plant like this.

My guess is that it's just a weak ass phenotype. When only one plant out of 6 reacts to something, it throws yellow flags for me.
Russet mites are in the leaves. They're like white long maggoty in appearance.
Snapped a few pics out in the flower room this morning. Looks like the gnats are under control now; I actually haven't seen one since I removed the Cootie Queen.

The more mature ladies are on day 75 today:

And the younger two plants are on day 61

Getting near the end. 🤙
Looking good in there 9mm!

And "Cootie Queen" got my day started with a good laugh! 😁
The #3 PGC plants is one of the bigger plants I've ever grown indoor. A bit deceiving from the solo pics, but she stands a whopping 6' 3" from the floor.

LoL... the green garden stakes are 5' long. 🤘🤘🤘

She's the heavy drinker in the group. 3 gal pot needs feeding twice a day right now.
Oh my word! .... what a debacle.

I'm home with the kids alone for a week... tried my best to be the "cool dad" and order a pizza; which went horribly wrong. 🤣
Tried online ordering 4 times, but the Pizza Hut website wouldn't process the request. Decided to call the local Hut & just order it over the phone.

New girl stuck on phone duty tried her best, but didn't know how to process an order over the phone. I showed all the grace I've got in me.... it wasn't her fault. She was definitely undertrained & supervised by poor management.

I finally asked to speak with the supervisor to hash it all out. LoL, I eventually got a more experienced employee who informed me that they actually "don't fucking care if I place an order"

...probably some 23 Y/O twat.

Anywhoo.... I got McDonald's 🤣

Super-dad! Just half as cool. 🤣
Age restricted by YT... might be spicy... 🤣

Current flower crew is winding down. I may take one of the Chocolate Thai (middle) this weekend.
Will probably push the other two mature ladies (right side ladies) til next weekend.

The two Purple Ghost Candy on the left side of the room sitill have a few weeks.

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