Trala’s Tent

It's mostly wolf / dock spiders here in Ontario, especially in cottage country.
The largest spider I've ever seen out at my family's camp was nearly the size of my palm.
It was sitting there on the kitchen counter while my grandmother was cleaning nearby.
She spotted the spider and went and got my grandfather to have a look and kill it for her.
She was terrified of spiders so we never told her that he'd missed :laughtwo:
Hey regrowth I have a sex question, where do babies come from? Just kidding lolling. If you had to use a public toilet would you choose the door with the lady on it, or the door with a man on it? Because I'm thinking lady and I'm hoping lady coz the boys outnumber us :)
@Trala when are you going to do a DWC setup in that pool? :laughtwo:

That sound's terrible. is that a common thing? From the mix or from some kind of root fungus?
I know when I transplant or do some digging the smell tends to bother my asthma.

I quit smoking tobacco cold turkey 2 months ago. I'd been mixing it with weed for almost 6 years in a water bong and was a cig smoker for almost 10 years prior to that. My lungs are right toast atm.

They are getting a little better now though. Someday I'll take a big hoot again... doing these little wee tokes in the meantime lol
I don't know what DWC is!

It is more common than you think. Potting mix is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Your body is talking to you, if dirt/pollens affect your lungs def wear a mask. TBH the most important and effective treatment for asthma is your preventor, like a Spiriva or a Steritide inhaler taken daily. I don't actually have asmtha but I have nursed plenty who have had an exacerbation of it just because their asthma wasn't managed.

If your lungs are fucked it's super important you exercise them, and I'd be going down the edible road. Fuck dying from COPD.

Good work on giving up the darts. I have withdrawn from so much in my life and nothing compares to nicotine withdrawal. I smoked for over 20 years.
Haven’t caught up on your latest video yet but looking forward to it. Was reading along and this reminded me of your critter fest Bobrown14 aphids see post #5127 from Bobrown has good link on aphids but read his comments on next page or 2 about other tips. Uses flashlight on leaf underside at lights out to make aphids create shadow on leaf for easy spotting & squishing
Thanks doll ;)

You are always such a great help to me :)

Hopefully they don't go banana sandwich while I'm away.
Even huntsman not followed by "the size of a bread and butter plate launch at me" isn't going to be a good spider story!

97.3% crush &100% CBFF! Have a great holiday!

^ think we're neighbours Regrowth, I see big enough spiders near the swamp and lakes...
I love having you as my cheerleader CBFF! I really do :)

I'm defs 98.7% crush and 100%CBFF Xo

In the car for our too many hours drive now.
So I'm on the highway and my babies are firmly disappearing in my rearview window :(

I have done my best to give them all the best chance at surviving our Qld heat. I gave them all another soak and I have put them in perlite with a weak nute mix and each has a litre of water. Fingers crossed.

They will get 14hrs of light which is hopefully enough to keep them in veg.


Now the one in flower is my second stress. I have taken the mars light from the tent. I have her on 12:12 light. I have the exhaust fan pumping semi fresh air and 2 fans for flow. I have also got the humidifier on 2 hrs each day to help with moisture.


Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard is emptying fast. I'm hoping to be able to replenish before she runs dry.


Temp and humidity on fleek


Keep everything crossed it ain't fucked or taxed while I'm away.
@Trala jeez, now I feel emasculated lol. There's plenty of men who don't enjoy the company of spiders.

DWC (deep water culture) is a form of hydroponics where the plants are submerged constantly in water and given oxygen to the roots by an air pump.

I was only diagnosed with asthma around two years ago and my doctor was upset that it went unnoticed for so long.
I did an allergy test and the nurse told me I was allergic to my cat but in reality it just seemed like she was trying to rush me out of there the whole time. It was a day where the doctor couldn't make it because of the weather and she placed that cat test right next to the histamine one which is a trigger for anyone... Had I not told her I have a cat prior to the test who knows what would've happened. But that's me being skeptical.

I said is that it? she said 'oh maybe sweet grass' and added it too just to appease me lol.
To be honest my cat doesn't bug me so much and I love her too much to avoid her even the slightest.
My biggest trigger was always the tobacco but they couldn't test for it apparently.

Honestly, I haven't needed the puffers since I quit smoking. I know I should be keeping up with the preventative one but only the rescue inhaler ever helped (salbutamol). I tried spiriva, symbicort and some other one.

Sorry for the giant rant, I do agree with you that it's probably best that I don't smoke and switch to vaping or edibles.
I think it's mainly a money and availability thing - which hopefully gets alleviated a bit with growing my own cannabis.
@Trala jeez, now I feel emasculated lol. There's plenty of men who don't enjoy the company of spiders.

DWC (deep water culture) is a form of hydroponics where the plants are submerged constantly in water and given oxygen to the roots by an air pump.

I was only diagnosed with asthma around two years ago and my doctor was upset that it went unnoticed for so long.
I did an allergy test and the nurse told me I was allergic to my cat but in reality it just seemed like she was trying to rush me out of there the whole time. It was a day where the doctor couldn't make it because of the weather and she placed that cat test right next to the histamine one which is a trigger for anyone... Had I not told her I have a cat prior to the test who knows what would've happened. But that's me being skeptical.

I said is that it? she said 'oh maybe sweet grass' and added it too just to appease me lol.
To be honest my cat doesn't bug me so much and I love her too much to avoid her even the slightest.
My biggest trigger was always the tobacco but they couldn't test for it apparently.

Honestly, I haven't needed the puffers since I quit smoking. I know I should be keeping up with the preventative one but only the rescue inhaler ever helped (salbutamol). I tried spiriva, symbicort and some other one.

Sorry for the giant rant, I do agree with you that it's probably best that I don't smoke and switch to vaping or edibles.
I think it's mainly a money and availability thing - which hopefully gets alleviated a bit with growing my own cannabis.
Omg seriously LOLLING! Look sorry about that I know plenty of men who scream and jump up on a chair when a spider is in view, look maybe not plenty, but I know a few men who respond like that, a couple of men would probably be more accurate tho, and when I say couple I mean just you, Regrowth. Just you mate!

L O L L I N G !

Ipratropium helps with an acute attack and subutamol opens your airways so it too is an acute treatment, it treats the wheeze and shortness of breath. It is for the short game. Asthma is a chronic illness. Preventors play a different role. They help manage the long game and head off those awful asthma "attacks" which can be critical without treatment. My advice not that you asked, get a respiratory referral. You want the advice of someone who specialises in that area. Preventative treatment is the secret to the successful management of COPD type disease, in my opinion of course.

There is no tobacco test regarding lungs because well it's a given.

Yeah edibles are defs the go for you if you have dodgy lungs.
A couple of men, eh? Here I am just getting roasted by you. Maybe I should see myself out. lol

I have a specialist but I appreciate the additional medical advice. Don't feel concerned with giving it to me rough.
For you my dear. It's not that exciting though... Just been battling spider mites and my own inexperience. It's due for an update and could use the extra company.
Omg my next BIG dilemma.

I am going to a resort in North Queensland for a bit of R&R for a week and I have to leave the plants behind. It’s hot here, like hot hot. I have Twiggy on 12:12, and 5 plants vegging and one tent and one fucking light.

I was actually going to cancel my mini break until Bill suggested I put Twiggy in the tent 12:12 and put the veggers outside as we have 14 hours of daylight at the moment. Only problem, Twiggy is way too fat to fit in the tent so I need to modify my dark room. Then there’s the water issues. I’ll get some set up picks for you.

Anyone got water tips? While a week doesn’t sound long, in the Queensland sun you can literally fry an egg on bitumen.
enjoy your week away.
Gotta love a bit of Hunters and Collectors every now and again. I saw them on their "farewell" tour at the Playpen in Cairns. Around '97 it mustve been. Had 2 rums and proceded to vomit all over myself. Not sure why. Had to get carried out of there. So I didnt actually see them. I saw whoever was supporting them for about 30 minutes. Good times...

Your plants are looking great but just hearing the word nits makes me itchy...
So apart from a setback with poor little Lucky, I’m feeling like the mother of green dragons again. I washed everyone’s hair again yesterday and let their leaves dry in the sun. I applied the nit spray again, more as a prophylactic treatment as the aphids have all but gone. I’ve also applied stick pads which believe it or not, are trapping them. It’s barbaric tho, they stick then slowly die, makes me sad but it’s a dog eat dog world.

Twiggy Two still has some curly leaves which I’m not happy about, and the Twiggy clone doesn’t look especially clever, but my triplet special seeds are looking great. Their colour is so good, and the one armed bandit looks fucking great! She’d be better with two arms granted, but that one arm looks bionic compared to the other two.

Twiggy Two - she is a mofoing boss!




Twig Clone - not so clever as Bill would say


The Triplets - the one armed bandit is the first pic




My Green Familam

You are so a natural pro TraLa. look how happy these ladies are. it is a real bonus to see you stesssing about tech for a change too. Means your not panicking too much about that hermie'd second plant in the pics too. !!!!. ( only joking you big galah !) lol
glad you got the sig sorted now too easier to be found by the well deserved fan base. ( 'Move over Barry , we have a new dame in town"!!.heehee)
looks great here T. Nice work
Good morning :) :) :)

Been up every day before 5am to enjoy the sunrise.

I’m not sure what I miss more, my plants or you guys :)

(my plants be a country mile ;))

ps @Backlipslide it’s my light stand which hopefully hasn’t toppled.

Home tomorrow to check on the plants, then down to Byron Bay for a couple nights. If I’m honest I’d much prefer to be at home. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed Sunday night.

Good morning :) :) :)

Been up every day before 5am to enjoy the sunrise.

I’m not sure what I miss more, my plants or you guys :)

(my plants be a country mile ;))

ps @Backlipslide it’s my light stand which hopefully hasn’t toppled.

Home tomorrow to check on the plants, then down to Byron Bay for a couple nights. If I’m honest I’d much prefer to be at home. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed Sunday night.

heehee welcome to being a true growmie TraLa. I hate vacations for this very reason.heehee. last two years have been spent by the pools ect , on 420 fretting about plants at home and staying in touch Also was a great way to share "weed adventures abroad" as I found some the 1st day last year and it went from there to finding a local restaurant worker who got me a great supply for my break away( always my biggest concern being a weed junkie!!) . Love the pic. looks stunning. We have had a whip round on 420/crowdfunding and managed to buy a ticket to the nudist colony not far away , they insist on a photo diary to ensure our crowd funding is legitimate ( their bloody rules T, sorry !!). Have a great time and don't stress. all will be good .
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