Trala’s Tent

Omg I had the best shift ever last night! On with my A Team, cruisy patients and a nice easy workload. Tge night just flew!

Bit of a funny, when my wardie started this morning at 6 he said “I got you a present”, we’d been talking fairy floss the fortnight before, it’s legit my favourite sweet on a stick. Anyhoo he’s like “here you go… the description reminded me of you” *long pause* “except you’re hard and bitter”



Right I need to walk this bacon and egg McMuffin and hash brown off and try and stabilise my mood for today. See you in a bit for a Sunday Summary. I have a cheeky me day and I’m living for it!
Happy Sunday!!!
Omg! I’ve had the best day! It was meant to be a me day till my kid ruined it! lol. Fuck I love him. He’s everything I did right in a blonde dreadlocked, 6 foot 5 baby faced package! I’ve just poured a wine and had a good sigh. I really love a good sigh. Just a yup, finally sitting, life is good sigh.

So grow wise, we are still perpetually on track. Kind of lol. Coz they grow so fast in coco I might have to talk to my Rainman like numbers guy. I’m thinking shorter veg. Omg coco! This is how Azi must feel when he bible bashes his SIP message! Why isn’t everyone growing in coco? And you don’t have to complicate it with pH and extra shit. Well I haven’t yet. It’s just me, coco and mega crop and I swear my plants have never looked better! And not one cocogirl has nits. Early days, sure. But so far, fucking love it!

Kk let’s fuck this duck!

Sunday Summary

🌹The Flower Girls

Omg she looks so cooked. So soooooOooo cooked. She’s done Thursday and not a day longer ✂️

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 157 Days
Flip Age: 83 Days
Days in Flower: 63


Win is an ugly bitch. Bud sites for days, and she’s big too, but nothing about her makes me want to dos si dos lol. She is defs better than a kick to the coota tho. But ultimately I’m here to make you swoon with me. She’s no swooner. She might do okay in the pipe, but to look at. Meh.

Winter Bee aka Dos Si Dos 33
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 121 Days
Flip Age: 79 Days
Days in Flower: 44


Now this girl has the X. She is mint. Beautiful shape and that Sativa scent. I’m about fresh fun bud. She’ll deliver fo sho (if I don’t fuck her lol)

Teri Bee aka Gelato OG
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 98 Days
Flip Age: 74 Days
Days in Flower: 15


Don’t do anything to shock an auto they say. Me: uppots 3 times and completely changes the grow medium. Lol! This is easily the best auto I’ve ever grown. Also proves just coz you believe something is true grow wise doesn't mean it is. And I don’t care how many links you provide. It’s weed. Just do you. Let your plants tell the story. Not that my autos tell an awesome story lol. But for me, she’s mint.

Breezy Bee aka Watermelon Zkittles Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 44 Days
Days in Flower: 15


Omg this manic plant. She went pretty, ugly, ugly, omg fuglyyyyy, pretty, pretty, omg she’s fucking fire! Easily the most changeable plant I’ve ever grown. I have no idea what next week will bring, but this week the Loopy Loonstar is beautiful!

Lupita “Looney” Bee aka GMO
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 70 Days
Flip Age: 63 Days
Days in Flower: 1



🌱The Veg Girls

Apple is ready to flip. Only problem. She still has one more uppot and two more weeks of veg. I’m a kitkat finger off fucking up my perpetual feelz.

Apple Bee aka G13 Haze
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 49 Days


Still boring but a bit bigger.

Rainbow Bee aka Gelato
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 25 Days


Happy birthday!

Serendipity Bee aka Pellezino Cookie
Seed from Sponsors Original Sensisible Seeds
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: Today Years Old



I’m so chill right now. We are so lucky, just to be here. So lucky, you know. I’ve had so many young people, our age have the finish line decided for them this month. Last night I had a guy 42 with end stage COPD. How the fuck is that even possible? But back to people, the sick ones. Omg so many young ones getting the diseased handgun to the head. One I love, some I’ll remember, most I’ll forget lol. And they’d do anything not to have to finish life. If you aren’t getting what you want out of life or you’re in a funk or you got da sads or the poor me’s. Try and change your circumstance. Dreams don’t come true and the universe ain’t gonna save ya. You got to get up, pirouette and make it rain sparkles. Coz we’re worth it. Well not everyone, there’s that go eat shit and die demographic fo sho, but for the most part humans are just awesome. Xo
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