Trala’s Tent

Tonight is so weird. Like I don’t want people, but I don’t want to be alone you know?

Started mint! Not even joking! Look at this bath! Ignore the huge hole under my taps. I try to. And carcass and stinker I’ll be sending you both a sea salt scented candle for Chrissy! Legit smells like my house. It’s fucking mint.


But now I’m so fuckimg sad. Soooo sad. Like I’ve told you bad shit about Tan annd her cunt mum, and there is bad. But I haven’t told you good. There was good. She saw. Tan I mean. She knew. My lot in life wasn’t fair.

She tried to help me too. I didn’t tell you that. I reconnected with my dad after I had my son mainly coz I was outta options lolling. I had child protection breathing down my neck and I owed money to bad people. Really bad people. I moved, to dad, to her and hercunt mum. By then he was more her dad. I was his embarrassment. They let me stay for 4 weeks so I could save my single mother’s pension for a bond for a unit. I thought moving states would help me get clean. I think I’d hooked up a dealer within a week lol.

She tried to help me. She did. She tried to do an intervention. Her smug friends and her gorgeous boyfriend. He was a plumber. Look her friends weren’t smug. They were nice. I’d known them most of my life too. They were everything I wasn’t. Clean. Good. I remember looking at her ex as he tried to make me sit and listen. Swearing at them all, grabbing my baby and telling them they’d never see me again.

She did see me again. To lend me money I don’t think I ever paid back lol.

But back to good. We had the best night one night. I made her sneak out. We were so young. I somehow had Jimmy Barnes tickets on a VIP table. We did coke and had the best night. I ended up with Charlie Sexton, my only almost claim to fame. He was Jimmy’s guitarist and hot af, well to my 15 year old self or how ever old I was. Look in hindsight it was defs Jimmy Saville vibes, but at the time I felt so important. And it was the late 80’s. It was okay to groom kids back then lolling!

Bottom line is I’ll never be able to say goodbye. To thank her for trying. For giving me the white skirt with the pictures of fruit on it when I was 12. For looking after my son. For being so fucking fabulous I always felt like a dirty junkie in her presence.

The really fucked up thing. She never found true love and I did. She never bought a house and I did. She will never hold grandchildren and I do. How is that fair?

Anyhoo, I’m sad and I’m zooted but I’ll be sober in the morning lolling.
Omg andme and my man went out for brekky this morning and we were walking past a hock shop, I felt compelled to go in. Compelled I tells ya! Well remember that hot plumber boyfriend she had? Well he gave Tan a topaz friendship ring, which here was like a Clayton’s engagement ring. It meant serious love. It was a blue topaz and I can still fucking see it. Topaz is my birth stone. I rember thinking ‘I’ll never be given a topaz ring from a good man like that..” well in the hock shop case is a fucking topaz ring. No lies. Topaz. Mentally im thinking “I gotta have it. My Tan ring and I’ll fucking pay”


Me in full hock shop mode: I’ll give you a hunjy
Him: one fitty
Me: done.
Him: I’ll put it in a box
Me: no you won’t cunt- look I didn’t say that. I said can I just wear it please? And o n my fi ger it went.

Coz even in death I can find a way to make it about me and reward myself gold. Black heart for life.
I second that. I would love to see a behind the scenes tour lol
Hello you :)

Omg I woke to the best news! My grandsons both have cold like symptoms so my son is looking after them at home today. That means no little 3 year old terrorist to torture me. I’m a bit hung over, and the thought of “run with me GG”, “jump with me GG”, “draw with me GG”, “read to me GG “, “swim with me GG”, wasn’t super appealing lolling!

Not sure if you were serious or not but I got you some behind the scenes pics, coz I just love the sound of my own voice you asked.

So I’m all about working smart, not hard. My Sunday Summary pics take me 30 minutes from snap to collage. I just do the same thing each week. I like things to look nice. Whether that be a meal, a cupboard, a bed or a grow room. My eyes appreciate order. My eyes like the green and black. And I try to highlight Rob’s 420 Magazine brand where I can.

My Bloom Room was an old storeroom. My man tiled it and added some old kitchen cupboards coz he’s handy as fuck. It was his room, but I slowly took it over lol. It’s a narrow windowless space. He cut in a doorway so it can be accessed from inside. I wanted to create a black back ground. I often pick up free stuff on my walks. I found a pic and I spray painted it black, and I have black sheets I got from Vinnies for a couple of bucks. They provide the back drop.

The Bloom Room Shots

Here’s my empty room:-



Omg I don’t know if that’s the right border now I’ve typed it. If it’s not swap it with boarder lol.

So for my bud pics first I choose a bud. Tbh I usually just grab the first one I see. My bud is pretty consistently good. Well I think it is. I never win NoTM or anything but I think they hold up beside the professional growers in here. Like if the NoTM is a 10, I think my bud would usually be around a 7. Not a winner, but not a omg why the fuck is she entering that embarrassment for?! lol


The Bud Booth Pics


Crop it, add a lighter for ratio and text to identify bud and bish bash bosh, done motherfucker!
It’s honestly such a simple set up but you make it look so beautiful. 🙏 Thank you!
❤️ Gotta find me a chalkboard and get out the kids sidewalk chalk! Try to get the Stains out of my sheets...

how do you feel about a Speed Racer background? Hello Kitty?
It’s honestly such a simple set up but you make it look so beautiful. 🙏 Thank you!
Thank you :)

I really like putting together my Sunday/HumpDay summaries.

Growing with you guys really is one of my favourite things.
❤️ Gotta find me a chalkboard and get out the kids sidewalk chalk!
I’ve actually painted those boards lol.
Try to get the Stains out of my sheets...
My eyes! My eyes!

Omg I’m legit clutching my pearls and I’m not even wearing any!

Stained sheets always go straight to the bin. They do not pass go. They do not collect $200. Bin mate. Straight to the bin. Lolling!

how do you feel about a Speed Racer background? Hello Kitty?
See that’s the beauty. You get to do you. Find a presentation style you like and make it sing for you. Xo
You're an organizational boss girl! Way to go!
Yeah boiiiiiii!

I don’t even have a junk drawer.

Everything in my home has a spot which is theirs. From tweezers to tea bags, they have a home which is theirs.
Everything in my home has a spot which is theirs. From tweezers to tea bags, they have a home which is theirs.
Ohh the trials and tribulations of bringing home a new item and where it belongs :)
My eyes! My eyes!

Omg I’m legit clutching my pearls and I’m not even wearing any!

Stained sheets always go straight to the bin. They do not pass go. They do not collect $200. Bin mate. Straight to the bin. Lolling!
But umm.. er uh.. ya know...

It's just...

Toothpaste! ❤️
From tweezers to tea bags, they have a home which is theirs.
No junk drawer?
But where do you keep your useless stuff?😁
Happy HumpDay!!!
I’m a bit late getting this up today. I’ve had such a good day! I got nearly everything I wanted done! My man is changing the flooring in his man cave so I had to do a bit of schlepping, which I learned this week is an actual thing lolling!

And I just want to say I’m sorry I’m a lot sometimes. Like you must eye roll me with the trama I bring here, coz I eyeroll me and I’m the one doing it! It’s a weird time for me, like emotionally. There’s radio silence on the side of my faux step sister and her family. Makes me think she has deteriorated quickly, but I’m not sure. And I’m struggling coz I don’t want to make it about me coz I’m not the one actively dying but I seem to keep making it about me. Then if I’m lolling or doing something I like, I feel guilty because she’s going through so much. Then I feel guilty for not contacting her when she was diagnosed. It’s just a lot. But thanks for letting me word vomiting if you have stuck with me, and sorry if my word vomits have made you uncomfortable and if you’ve unfollowed me, I don’t fucking blame you lolling! I’d unfollow me too! Lol!

But back to the summary.

Rooms are fire.

🌹The Bloom Room


🌱The Veg Tent



And it wouldn’t be me without an overshare!

Drink ✔️
Dinner ✔️
Dessert ✔️


Thanks again for putting up with me. Whether you actually read my dribble or just look at my pics, I appreciate you. Xo

Right I’m off to get fucking zooted!
I don’t fucking blame you lolling! I’d unfollow me too! Lol!
Fuck off cunt!
Yeah boiiiiiii!

I don’t even have a junk drawer.

Everything in my home has a spot which is theirs. From tweezers to tea bags, they have a home which is theirs.

We try and fail at that all the time! I get the bug and get organized perfectly one day and a week later I look and say WTF! Knowing everything's easier and therefore better sorted I still can't do the constant updates to the order. But you do! Oh well.
How'd I made you ^^^ appear to write that I don't know? A fiddling of the keys happened. Have a bangin day!

GREEN SO MEANS GO! I LIKE THE FLAT MOUTHPIECE MORE. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? :hookah::green_heart: :hookah: Good morning.
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