Trala’s Tent

Happy Sunday!!!
(Or as I call it Nurse FriYay!)

Just a quick drop and run. I'm out for a casual take out with the crew. Few drinks, a fire and a vape with people who make me lol is just what I need to further top up my cup!

My work is a lot atm. I mean yesterday was a brief reprieve, today it was back to cray. I was on with my jam so it was a good day, thankfully. And it ended with such a lovely. I really try and give each patient time. Even the fucktards lol. Coz in life sometimes all you want is someone’s time, where they just do you. Listen to you. Nurture you. Fill your cup. This is particularly evident when sickness hits. So I really try to be who you need me to be to get through what can be a scary/awful/painful time.

Anyhoo as I’m leaving I can hear yelling “nurse! NURSE!!!” My first thought is fuckkkkkk I was nearly outta this shithole! As I turn I see a patient who had been discharged at 2:30pm. He got collected, went to the shops and bought me flowers and returned to the hospital just to thank me for basically giving him time. Made me feel so grateful, so I gave him a cheeky wristy…. Just joking! Lolling! It just reinforces how privileged I need to feel to have this job and tbh it was just the top up I needed after a very trying and difficult month of nursing.


So let's dive in!

🌹The Flower Girls

I'm gonna leave this girl for another week. She looks good. Real good in fact. Prolly one of my best plants. X factor for dayzzzzzzzz.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 150 Days
Flip Age: 83 Days
Days in Flower: 56


Win isn't a pretty plant. She's huge and she’s got a lot of glitter sites, but no X factor... no mites either so that's grand.

Winter Bee aka Dos Si Dos 33
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 114 Days
Flip Age: 79 Days
Days in Flower: 37


Omg I'm so mad at me. I was carhooking Ter while mentally high fiving my brilliance at not snapping a branch in sooooOoo long and yup, CRACK! Look off a beautiful hand :( But outside that she's on a definite lean, but she’s lovely.

Teri Bee aka Gelato OG
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 91 Days
Flip Age: 74 Days
Days in Flower: 8


This Auto is amazing for me. I'm not known great autos but I've got a good feeling about this one. Shes another little pocket rocket.

Breezy Bee aka Watermelon Zkittles Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 37 Days
Days in Flower: 8



🌱The Veg Girls

Omg my girls just love the coco cocacobana! They are just lush! I’m shook as to why coco isn’t a staple for every grower! It’s so easy… so far lol.

First up, Loopy LoonBurger is absolutely singing! Shes Flippity Doo Dah tonight!

Lupita “Looney” Bee aka GMO
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 63 Days


Apple is exploding with good health!

Apple Bee aka G13 Haze
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 42 Days


Rain is slowly taking shape. That said she's still at boring baby lol

Rainbow Bee aka Gelato
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 18 Days



Omg I'm so glad this day is here! I’m feeling so grateful and reflective. My life really is waaaaaaay too nice for someone like me. My mum always said I can’t have nice things coz I’m not nice. I’m starting to think she was wrong lolling!


Have a great Sunday and cheers! And love ya guts. Xo
Well it’s finally nurses Friday and it’s started ordinarily. I’m like the messiest tooth brusher ever. I really put my back into it and I get real manic. My leccy toothbrush goes for 2 minutes, and people, I commit to that 2 minutes. Mouth open, toothpaste froth flying every which way. Today I got dressed in my scrubs before I brushed my teeth. Big mistake. I look like I’ve been jizzed on. Like I even have white spots on my knee! I’ve rubbed it, but it is now like smeared white blobs.

A better nurse would change. I am not a better nurse!

See you this arvo. Xo
At least you rubbed it out! :p
Off topic but I’m going to leave this here.

No one:

Me: well since you didn’t ask, let me overshare.


So my days plans have changed. My son and I were meant to see my step sister of sorts for the last time. Tbh I haven’t seen her in prolly 15 years at my son’s 18th. It’s a convoluted foundation we were built on. She is one year older. In my 10 year old eyes, she had everything. She was pretty, good hair, had beautiful clothes, cans and cans of Impulse, which was a fragrance popular to kids, and she had lovely friends. I was the opposite. Super plain, head lice lol, ill fitting clothes and I always smelled like damp laundry (she told me this and funny part, to this day I’m obsessed with smelling good. I have a work scent, a play scent and a nighttime scent, not even joking) and I had no friends really. She was a have, I was a have not.

She was exactly what I wanted to be.

I always felt like such a failure next to her and her siblings. She did everything right and I did everything wrong. My dad was the one thing we had in common. We both loved him dearly. He was her replacement dad. When he died, I broke contact with them, and then it became my time to grow, soar, create a beautiful life.

But back to today, I was meant to see her, but her daughter has reached out, she is in no state for visitors. Her cancer has infiltrated her brain. I’m so sorry I won’t get to see her. Part of me loves her so desperately. The thought of her suffering makes me suffer. Life is so random when it comes to disease.

So instead of seeing her, I’m just gonna do me. My man has a nightshift tonight, and I think it might be the perfect opportunity to absolutely write myself off! I’ll have one job and that’s not to drown in the bath LOLLING!
Hi :)

Im going to follow your advice so I have someone to blame if it all goes to shit ;)

Quadlining sounds so complicated, I will have to google fimming. I swear to God I am learning new words daily! Scrogging is an awful word! It sounds so revolting! They should call it canoping, that sounds heaps nicer! My seedlings have 5 sets, so do you think they are ready?I will just do the tops as I am worried I’ll mortally wound the poor little buggers. I will uppot tomorrow too (lolling! see how quick I’m picking up the lingo?!).

Light Schedule, 18 hours light 6 dark.

Timer, yes

Digital or analog, I have no idea what that means....
So your photography has me inspired to try my own Photo Booth. It’s a work in progress but baby steps lol


So your photography has me inspired to try my own Photo Booth. It’s a work in progress but baby steps lol
Omg my set up makes taking pics so easy! I even have a bud booth. It’s the background for my sing bud shots. I’ll show you next trim.

And for the love of decency! Iron that fucking sheet!
Hey I forgot. I took a pic last night for you. Such a good vibe too. There is something magical about watching a flame lick at wood till it destroys it, well I think there is. Xo


And omg, it’s an oldie but I’m living for this song atm.

I wanna see how you do your Magic!
I think alot of us could use a bit of coaching! ❤️
I’ll get you some video.

My set up is fool proof. Like I don’t have a fancy camera and stuff, just a black back drop.

Black like my heart lol.
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