Trala’s Tent

Happy Sunday!!!

(Or as I call it the day from fucking hellllll!!! LOL)
Omg my shift was so busy! It had everything from heartbroken patients to exploding colostomy bags, ileostomy actually. I earned my money that’s fo sho. But it’s now behind me. I’ve actually had a nice day. I’ve got all the things I wanted to get done, done. My last job will be a bath, a facemask, then a shower and hair wash. Then it’s pj time. Then I’m defs having a red wine and a vape lol

First oversharing! Omg my herb patch. It is so full of beautiful fresh herbs. I legit use them everyday. Today when I was grabbing a handful to use for tonight’s dinner, I saw a rogue self sewn tomato 🍅 made me big smile. And I’ve laminated my albums the painted areas. They look okay. Not great but I had to cover them to stop the paint and cardboard numbers peeling off. And here’s Beeboy. He stopped in yesterday and was proudly representing da Mag.


But enough chat!
Let’s dive in!

Sunday Summary

🌹Flower Girls

Omg! This girl is a queen! X factor for dayzzzzzz! Photos don’t do her justice. I actually don’t think she’s far off snippity snip. I’m actually thinking I’ll have a scope next Sunday.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 143 Days
Flip Age: 83 Days
Days in Flower: 49


I’m so in love with the scent of this auto I’m thinking I might keep her for me. I’m all about a pretty fragrant citrusy bud. She ticks every box. While she’s a pocket rocket, she’s just beautiful. She’s encrusted with diamond dust.

Daisy Bee aka Blueberry Auto
Seed from the PNW Seed Fairy
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 88 Days
Days in Flower: 49


Win is ordinary. She is big, and has lots of potential bud sites, but she’s ordinary. And omg the bugs love her.

Winter Bee aka Dos Si Dos 33
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 107 Days
Flip Age: 79 Days
Days in Flower: 30


This girl LOVES coco! Her growth has been cray cray. Shes bursting with good health.

Teri Bee aka Gelato OG
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 84 Days
Flip Age: 74 Days
Days in Flower: 1


I’ve read a lot of growers say that you have to be careful with autos. Don’t uppot, be careful how you train. Don’t make big environmental changes. Me: uppots, trains hard, completely changes medium during her last uppot and she is big smiling for us. I topped her last week when I saw my first signs of flower just coz that’s what BooWho does. I love her autos and her grow style.

Breezy Bee aka Watermelon Zkittles Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 30 Days
Days in Flower: 1



🌱Veg Girls

Omg! I fucking LOVE coco! Now I don’t know if it will come back to bite me but… I have listened to the advice I’ve received from coco growers and I have decided not to listen to any of that advice LOL! I’m just not about too many nutes, or pHing or PPMing. In fact I don’t even know what PPM means lol! I’m just using Mega Crop, and I’m gonna be honest, the MC experts would clutch their pearls if they saw my mixes. No plant ever gets a repeat dose. They get between 2-5 grams per litre from seed each feed. It works for me. Not sure if it will continue to work in flower, but so far so good. My growth is mental, and healthy as fuck! I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to get coco’ed. I totes recommend it (so far).

Loopy Loonburger loves coco! So much I could flip her now if I had room in the Bloom Room. She was a beautiful baby, an ugly child and now she’s back to being beautiful. Well I think she is. She was the sickliest looking starter I’ve had in a long time.

Lupita “Looney” Bee aka GMO
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 54 Days


Apple has just exploded with good solid healthy growth.

Apple Bee aka G13 Haze
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 35 Days


Rain is still just a boring baby.she has good colour and okay growth.

Rainbow Bee aka Gelato
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes Mega Crop by Sponsors Greenleaf Nutrients
Age: 11 Days



Do you know after all these years my Sunday Summary is still my favourite update. I just love putting together my collages and sharing my grow with you. Thanks for the support, the advice (whether I take it or not) and the friendship. I really do love ya guts! Xo
Hey Tra, the girls are looking absolutely amazeballs!!! 🌟

I love reading your updates, you seem to put so much time and effort into them and your photography is on point 👌 and your sense of humour never ceases to make me LOL everytime 🤣
Hey Tra, the girls are looking absolutely amazeballs!!! 🌟

I love reading your updates, you seem to put so much time and effort into them and your photography is on point 👌 and your sense of humour never ceases to make me LOL everytime 🤣
Morning :)

Thank you. I give time and effort to anything I consider worth my time and effort lolling. I’m not here to fuck spiders. I’m here to grow and grow well and showcase things I’ve learned to help other growers and have a bit of fun while I do it.

Are you a fully fledged coco convert yet? ;)
Morning Growings!

I think I am. If I can navigate flower okay then 100% yeah!

I can’t believe the growth. It’s cray.

I’m not prepared to fuck around with nutes and soil tests tho, so that will be the real test.
Morning Growings!

I think I am. If I can navigate flower okay then 100% yeah!

I can’t believe the growth. It’s cray.

I’m not prepared to fuck around with nutes and soil tests tho, so that will be the real test.
Flowering in coco is easier than controlling crazy veg, you just let it go BOOM!
All the work is in the veg
Omg I’m a bit excited. So my man is a nightshift tonight, and I’m a nightshift tomorrow night. That means tonight I get the house to myself, full tv remote control and the whole bed!

And coz I don’t have to get up early tomoz, I can get a teensy bit zooted. Not gonna lie, living for it. It will be cheese and crackers and a bottle of red for dinner fo sho. I have some really nice cheese too. Macadamia and mango. It’s a good hard cheese. All I have to do is survive today and I’m golden.

My workplace is cray atm. Real cray. Sick patients, stupid patients, too many patients. I swear the only thing worse than an ileostomy bag on a patient who can’t self care, is an ileostomy bag on a mental defect who bites and spits and is non compliant with cares. Watching it get bigger and bigger yesterday was frightening! It didn’t explode on my shift tho. I reckon arvo shift had the pleasure lol.

Anyhoo pray for me and see ya this avo! My XXL has been ready for weighing for days now. I’ll get numbers when I get home.
Flowering in coco is easier than controlling crazy veg, you just let it go BOOM!
All the work is in the veg
Well if that’s the case, it will be a yes from me.

I’ve always been better with veg than flower, so I still need to wait and see how I go.

Have a good night RoyBoii :)
I’m so happy!

17:45, all jobs are done and dinner is ready to be eaten at any time of my choosing:-



Had another enormous day at work. But it ended with such a nice thing. The Clinical Coach shouted us pizzas at handover. There was pizza for dayzzzzzz lol. It is gestures like those that keep morale up during these fucked up hossy times lol. Omg I ate so much! Defs gonna need to walk extra in the morning.

And cheers, and have a look at this!


My son bought it for me last year. Between you and I I fucking hate orchids as a rule. They are my least favourite flower. But this one. Omg I love it so much! And as you can see, it’s big smiling!

I have no idea how tonight will go! I have so many options from responsible to reckless. It’s the upside of having a sprinkle of the bipolar bears. I don’t even know which way I’ll go! Keeps life interesting ;)
I forgot!

She’s 🔥🔥🔥

Final Yield: 141g/5oz

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 147 Days
Flip Age: 76 Days
Days in Flower: 67

I forgot!

She’s 🔥🔥🔥

Final Yield: 141g/5oz

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 147 Days
Flip Age: 76 Days
Days in Flower: 67

nothing wrong with 5oz, good looking bud there Trala have a good day
Happy HumpDay!!!

(Or as I call it the shit day before the nightshift)
It’s not even 8am here and I’m kicking goals! House is clean, humpday pics are done, and dinner tonight is cooked!

Just gotta walk, yoga, clean the pool, make scones, then it’s lay on the couch and cry at the prospect of another nightshift tonight lolling.

I’m not gonna down play it. Both areas are fire. Even my Do Si Dos 33 has stopped making spidermites (for now). The warm weather and the coco has given my veggers a huge and happy nitrous burst!

🌹The Bloom Room


🌱The Veg Tent



Right! I’m gonna pack this day with some good shit!


Hope to see you tonight. I’m working with my two least favourites, and that’s okay. They are both good people. Just not my people, and I’m sure I’m not their people either. You can’t get on with everyone aye.
Happy HumpDay!!!

(Or as I call it the shit day before the nightshift)
It’s not even 8am here and I’m kicking goals! House is clean, humpday pics are done, and dinner tonight is cooked!

Just gotta walk, yoga, clean the pool, make scones, then it’s lay on the couch and cry at the prospect of another nightshift tonight lolling.

I’m not gonna down play it. Both areas are fire. Even my Do Si Dos 33 has stopped making spidermites (for now). The warm weather and the coco has given my veggers a huge and happy nitrous burst!

🌹The Bloom Room


🌱The Veg Tent



Right! I’m gonna pack this day with some good shit!


Hope to see you tonight. I’m working with my two least favourites, and that’s okay. They are both good people. Just not my people, and I’m sure I’m not their people either. You can’t get on with everyone aye.
❤️ See? That's Trala Pretty plants! ❤️
I’m so happy!

17:45, all jobs are done and dinner is ready to be eaten at any time of my choosing:-



Had another enormous day at work. But it ended with such a nice thing. The Clinical Coach shouted us pizzas at handover. There was pizza for dayzzzzzz lol. It is gestures like those that keep morale up during these fucked up hossy times lol. Omg I ate so much! Defs gonna need to walk extra in the morning.

And cheers, and have a look at this!


My son bought it for me last year. Between you and I I fucking hate orchids as a rule. They are my least favourite flower. But this one. Omg I love it so much! And as you can see, it’s big smiling!

I have no idea how tonight will go! I have so many options from responsible to reckless. It’s the upside of having a sprinkle of the bipolar bears. I don’t even know which way I’ll go! Keeps life interesting ;)
I’m seriously jealous of that plate of food!!

We can get ok cheese in the states but the normal block here “aged cheddar” here vs any where else on the world is night and day. Here it’s has a rubbery consistency and none of the yummy salt crystals….

And when you get to soft cheese forget about it.

I mean if you really know your cheese, where to get it and willing to pay the price you can get good cheese. Just not as readily available
I’m seriously jealous of that plate of food!!

We can get ok cheese in the states but the normal block here “aged cheddar” here vs any where else on the world is night and day. Here it’s has a rubbery consistency and none of the yummy salt crystals….

And when you get to soft cheese forget about it.

I mean if you really know your cheese, where to get it and willing to pay the price you can get good cheese. Just not as readily available
Omg cheese = life for me. I had no idea good cheese was hard to get. Even in the most bogan of supermarkets you get a huge selection to choose from. I love a good Brie too.
You got frost from hell in there , NICE
And cheese, yea what KeOncp said You got to pay for it here like 12-15 $ a pound !
Thank you :)

And yeah you have to pay for it here too. I work hard enough to afford it tho.

🧀 🍷❤️
And this nightshift!

I’m on a 10 hour and it’s been so good work wise, but company wise, omg! So the thing about nightshift is I’m my worst me.

Me on dayshift when you ring the buzzer: Hi! How can I help? What do you need? If you need a kidney, or a coffee, or a hug, I’m your girl!

Me on a nightshift when you ring the buzzer: who dares press their buzzer? WHO DARES?!

Same with people:-

Me on a dayshift with workers I don’t prefer: *thinks to myself* they aren’t one of my kind, but they are a good person. It’s the differences and diversity that makes life interesting.

Me on a nightshift with workers I don’t prefer: *thinks to myself* you are literally the most boring, bland, human tofu of a person, and if I seriously have to look at you for another second I’m gonna punch you in your dull dreary face!

On the upside I’ve got just over 5 hours to go!
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