Trala’s Tent

Happy Sunday!
Happy First Day of Spring!
And Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads

Big shout out to the good dads, the deadbeat dads, the mums who played the dual role of mum and dad, and a big BIG shout out to the men who stepped up and became the father role, which fatherless children so desperately need. You guys are the best.

Also a shout out to the dads who are dead 😵. My dad. Tbh he was a pretty shit dad. That said I wouldn’t have swapped him for a good one. I really loved him. More than he deserved.

So let’s dirty dance!

Sunday Summary

🌹The Flower Girls

This is one tiny compact little auto. She reminds me of a bonsai. She has tiny little fat nuggets and I’ll scope her again next week.

Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 101 Days
Days in Flower: 66


Min is such a joy to grow. She’s a phat girl and she’s full of Coca-Cola sites. I’m really excited to see if that apex cola is in any way different to the others.

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 119 Days
Flip Age: 76 Days
Days in Flower: 39


Trix is turning it on. She’s bursting with good health.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 94 Days
Flip Age: 83 Days
Days in Flower: 8


Daisy is such a delicate girl. My son loves a Blueberry and I have a good feeling about this one.

Daisy Bee aka Blueberry Auto
Seed from the PNW Seed Fairy
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 46 Days
Days in Flower: 7



🌱The Veg Tent

Win, like Trixie and Min is an untopped plant. I’m really happy with my training. She will flip maybe once I harvest Minx or next week. I’m unsure.

Winter Bee aka Do So Dos 33
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 72 Days


TB is finally getting her groove on. She will get an uppot this week.

Teri Bee aka Gelato OG
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 42 Days


And then we have this absolute fucking idiot. When she was born I thought she was the most beautiful seed I’d ever woken. She peaked early lol. But you know me. I never give up trying to make them sing. I think she’s gonna take some work. For now she’s loopey, but fingers crossed I can hep her.

Lupita “Looney” Bee aka GMO
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 13 Days



1,2,3 back to me lol. I had the BEST nightshift last night. I was on with a great crew and the gossip was top shelf. I’ve come home and kicked every goal. I even slept for 3 hours which has absolutely revitalised me. I have had such a fabulous day. My man got so spoiled by my son and grandsons. And rightfully so. We have a hand made card tradition in my family. It is the highlight of every special day.

Tonight I will continue to celebrate my man, the best step dad ever, the best man ever, with a couple of beers, a twilight swim, a prawn salad, and nice clean sheets.


My son’s handwritten words make me so happy I had to share them. He is such a good kid. He represents everything I got right. And gear change… OMG that dinner and bed! I’m not sure which looks better to me right now lol! The fact there will only be two bowls to wash up tonight makes it even better!

Have the best arvo and I’ll see you in the morning. I’m straight back to the wards for an early shift FML. Xo
Omg this weather! I have a dreaded nightshift tonight, and the fact I get to enjoy this day means I can’t even be dread about it. And to make things golden I even have a cheeky day to myself!

My sky is so blue! Best part, I’ve done all my chores, so I can legit do anything I want.

Just put the little girls out. My ginger is on spidermite watch.


My big two stay in


In case you’re wondering, it’s 11am and I’m sitting by my pool in my swing egg chair about to eat brekky… if my little ginger terrorist doesn’t eat it first.


Hope you have a good one. Xo
He nose what's up! 😁
Yeah nah, I was more meaning in the forum. Give yourself a couple of grows to establish yourself in here.

I don’t want this to come across as rude but… lol. You’ve only been a member for a few of weeks. I’m a super annoying person. In this place it usually takes me time to grow on people.

Give it 6 months and we can circle back if you’re still keen :)
Fair call, I wouldn't wanna get showed up by the new kid on the block either 😉🤣
Sounds like a plan 👌
Fair call, I wouldn't wanna get showed up by the new kid on the block either 😉🤣
Sounds like a plan 👌
Yeah nah, you got me all wrong mate. I grow with members I consider close friends, so for me I’ve already won. I don’t grow with members to try out do them. I love to grow with good growers to try and show case them, cheer for them, learn from them. It’s what this site is meant to be about.

I look forward to seeing how you grow :)
Gosh you almost make me miss being with women ,, Your a good person Trala like it or not !! Our Fathers day was in June , looks like your man had a good one ! :Namaste: :passitleft:
Yeah nah. I’m actually a bit of a cunt. Hell hath no fury like a mildly inconvenienced Tra…


He had a good day :)
Right I gotta go grab this day by the balls and make it my bitch!

If you can’t be awesome just stick on those false lashes and fake it till ya make it baby!

Need to find me some false buds
Yeah nah, you got me all wrong mate. I grow with members I consider close friends, so for me I’ve already won. I don’t grow with members to try out do them. I love to grow with good growers to try and show case them, cheer for them, learn from them. It’s what this site is meant to be about.

I look forward to seeing how you grow :)
I know Tra, I was only kidding!
I get that, I've gotta earn my stripes on here yet 🦓
Look forward to having you follow along 😀
Congratulations on 1st Trala you have some amazing photography! Definitely looking foward to more. I'm an outdoor guy myself but your blacked out tent makes me want an indoor grow!10/10
Hello there 🙂

Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say, and welcome to our Tent of Debauchery. It’s a safe place for sinners lol.
Hello there 🙂

Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say, and welcome to our Tent of Debauchery. It’s a safe place for sinners lol.
That's very good to hear! sadly I think I have sinned enough for one lifetime haha I'm doing my best these days but I always enjoy a bit a Dubauchery here and there.
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