Trala’s Tent

You're past fucking them up now, Tra!

Congratulations on getting them to this stage. Look forward to the close-ups :cheer:
If I use history as my guide, I can ALWAYS find ways to fuck up.
Okay so please bear with me. I know they’re not great, I will get better I promise.

So for any newbie scientists, the first thing you need to do to get a less smoky impossible to see looking shit pic, you need to take the lens cap off. That’s 17 minutes of my life I’m not getting back...

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I thought this part would be “fun”. How fucking wrong was I?!

I hated every. single. second!

I had to stop trimming half way through because it got to the stage I wanted to throw petrol on it and strike a match.

So I still have to finish it tomorrow


B791F26B-A45E-4D39-A510-F966241E863C.jpeg CA625573-5DD4-4E0B-86F8-2CC0BA32E769.jpeg

I graded the buds like strawberries

A grade, B grade and C grade
76BCF53F-03C5-43DE-B171-15B2D690226B.jpeg CD9C4DAE-45B7-4B3D-A96F-EC9ABDBDCE0F.jpeg
And then there were two

Lol the smallest spog of a plant ever, yes. It yielded practically nothing, but it still stressed me the f out :laugh:
Omg it is so awful!

I honestly thought it was going to be awesome. I bought a packet of twisties to eat while I trimmed, but then I had the danger of getting twistie dust on the buds, so I had to eat the twisties with tongs, and it just went to shit from there really.
I thought this part would be “fun”. How fucking wrong was I?!

I hated every. single. second!

I had to stop trimming half way through because it got to the stage I wanted to throw petrol on it and strike a match.

So I still have to finish it tomorrow


B791F26B-A45E-4D39-A510-F966241E863C.jpeg CA625573-5DD4-4E0B-86F8-2CC0BA32E769.jpeg

I graded the buds like strawberries

A grade, B grade and C grade
76BCF53F-03C5-43DE-B171-15B2D690226B.jpeg CD9C4DAE-45B7-4B3D-A96F-EC9ABDBDCE0F.jpeg
And then there were two


Yeah, I guess we forgot to tell you about "Trim Prison"! :sorry:

Congrat's on the harvest, Tra! You're officially a Grower, now! :high-five:
Yeah, I guess we forgot to tell you about "Trim Prison"! :sorry:

Congrat's on the harvest, Tra! You're officially a Grower, now! :high-five:
Thank you!

I didn’t learn until it was too late that I’m meant to cut as I go. I thought cut meant cut the lot!

I understand why it costs so much per oz. So much work and thought goes into it!
Thank you!

I didn’t learn until it was too late that I’m meant to cut as I go. I thought cut meant cut the lot!

I understand why it costs so much per oz. So much work and thought goes into it!
I could be worse...You could have to trim these!
Omg this is stressing me out when i have ro cut what do u mean when u said cut as you go? Oh man im nervous hahahaha aww good job im so happy :woohoo: :bravo:
I could be worse...You could have to trim these!

Honestly I thought trimming was going to be so fun. I had The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on, a packet of Twisties, my fav lemon fizzy drink, I was confident I would have the whole plant cut and hanging in around an hour, two hours tops (remember my telling you about my confidence vs my ability? This is a clear example of it). Took me a fucking hour to do one branch! And I still had a zillion to go!

Make scissor jizz they said. It will be great they said! Umm no. Just no. This house is a no SJ zone. I had an open mind, I tried. Twice. First go I ended up directing all of my anger at it, and it became collateral damage and was destroyed. Today I thought, I’ll have a better plan for SJ given I now know it is the most annoyingly sticky substance to deal with, I’ll keep a calm head, scrape with a stanley knife, and ball. It went well too, until almost at the end, and it got stuck on my glove, and my rage exploded! SJ 2 wants to play, we play Fight Club style! Yeah SJ 2 is laying destroyed somewhere in this pile of rubbish.

Well turns out I hate trimming. I hate it so much. But I have learned don’t cut the whole plant, do it branch at a time. I have learned it’s leaves are sticky, I went for a walk to try and calm myself so I wouldn’t douse it in petrol and about 2km into my walk I look down and realise I prolly got a 1/4 of an ounce of leaf stuck to the front of my shirt. And it was everywhere in my lounge. At one stage my dog had a leaf on his back. It was in the bathroom from my pee breaks, in the kitchen, everyfuckingwhere! And I’m a neat freak so I was literally up last night vacuuming and cleaning!

But it’s done! Two to go!

I have graded it.

A Grade

F45B3708-DE0A-4ABF-8EBF-695495D94FF4.jpeg B003ECC4-3D2D-4813-8905-E0F6DC07EA2C.jpeg

B Grade


C Grade


21AC17BF-4050-4AE3-B1DD-0FF5BD0E7486.jpeg 7F611E36-39B5-436E-809D-4458EE7CE095.jpeg D6014981-E7D5-41F5-85D5-F8CE8F2A37E9.jpeg

So serious question. What do I do with it now?

I have jars but have no idea when to put it in jars. And this whole burping business is new to me.

Now I need to do math and add the two cuts. Fucking hate math almost as much as cutting!
:love: CloneStar: Twiggy Bee :love:

Planted 18 April
Cut 3 Sept at Week 20
80 days since 12:12 flip
Day 57 of flower

Wet Weight

A Class - 258.68

B Class - 58.29

C Class - 45.92

Total. - 362.89 g

Hopefully I got the numbers and dates right. Neither are my strong suit LOLLLLINGGG
Omg this is stressing me out when i have ro cut what do u mean when u said cut as you go? Oh man im nervous hahahaha aww good job im so happy :woohoo: :bravo:
Take it one branch at a time.

I cut the whole thing. Oh my days, trimming is a HUGE job chick! I hope I learn to love it, coz I want to be a perennial grower!

Thank you. I’m stoked TBH.
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