Trala’s Tent


The plants do benefit from the broader light spectrum of the sun, but your mite issue might just not be worth it.
I can’t do that. I wouldn’t achieve the joy I feel growing with them inside. I think I can do it. I just have to stay focused and treat, treat, treat.
Hey @Trala your plants all look great.. I think mimmy's buds will stack up nicely because more energy will go towards them. I think bringing them outside is your mite problem. Keep them in the tent. Contamination (mites) are blown in the wind so you'll always have that problem outdoors..imo.
I know. I just have to stay on it.
I take my plants outside for 2 seconds here and they get thrips. Neem is not for flower, I didnt watch how you use it but it works very well. 1 liter of luke warm water, in goes the 8ml neem then 5ml babysoap (i use lavender jonsons baby) SHAKE and SPRAY. Once they hit flower i use ISO, I mix 900ml water with 100ml 99%ISO. The problem with ISO is it kills stuff it hits and then evaporates off so IMO once you have resorted to ISO you need to keep on the plants. With neem and ISO it needs to be applied every 3 days to stop the life cycle of the bugs.

I dont , I just do a epic ton of reading. Research is part of my actual job so I just apply that to growing now. Im scientific by nature. And also I have a thrips problem and I was looking into predator bugs too but I am also not sure I will use them. They do work though apparently.
I really appreciate you helping me. I’ll get some lavender tomorrow :)

I have just sprayed them to hell and back.

Are you good at math? My 65% iso would be around 140mL per 1L aye?
Omg so I have washed, and iso’ed. I didn’t wash Mimmy coz of bud rot, but I sprayed every single leaf.

Now question. I had this brain explosion to take off every leaf from Mimmy, but then thought, I better ask first. Remove every leaf yay or nay? Every single leaf is affected or effected, I always mix those two words up. Her buds still look okay tho.


I took 6 spider mite damaged leaves off and they look good.


There were casualties as I got wetter my legs got slipperier and I slip dropped MC on my fucking foot. She lost a little hand for her trouble.

Blissfully unaware a waterboarding is acoming in hawt! Lolllll


Drowned hopefully nit reduced rats.


I had the busiest day at work today and I got home and hit the ground running. I have cleaned and surface sprayed all hard surfaces, and got drip trays with water them then a dry tray in that so ants can’t get in.

Thank you so much for your help. Fingers crossed this helps.
I’ll keep fighting the good fight. It’s just so annoying. I really do put a lot of work into these plants, like we all do. I read in here somewhere that some just pick off the effected leaves. While I really am a reformed leaf picker, it’s something I will consider.

Oii Mr Otter do spider mites eat buds too or just leaves?
I haven't had the displeasure to have them so I don't know.
Are you good at math? My 65% iso would be around 140mL per 1L aye?
Um I don't know if i did this right but 150ml to 850ml water. You might be able to go a bit stronger try weaker first and make sure a section of the plant is ok with it. Then once you know you gucci spray the whole thing. I have increased it a bit in my grow so you can likely go up to 200ml of the 67%ISO to 800ml Water. or maybe even a tiny bit higher ration. (.99 x 100 = .99) (.67 x y = 99) (99/.67=147.7ml) so at ~150ml of 67% you have the same amount of alcohol as what is in 100ml of 99% just more water since 37% of the 150ml is water (55ml) so we add 850ml water to = ~900ml so they are the same. This seems to check out.
I can’t even say how upsetting it is, look I can and just did. I’m all about the trama mate lolllllll

You like in a hot climate don’t you?

Have you got any like remedies? I’m open to any ideas. At this point I’d piss in a bottle and spray that if it would help.

Tho tbh my urine is on fleek. For those of you who don’t know, your wee should look like water with a squeeze of lemon juice. If it’s darker than that drink more water. Your kidneys are screaming for it.
Yes mam it’s pretty hot here in the summer. Also very low humidity. It was my summer grow that I had fungus gnats. I had to place sticky traps, spray neem oil, soak the soil with hydrogen peroxide/water mix for the larva and heavy fan use. Pretty sure they came from the Miracle Grow soil. Since switching soil I’ve not seen a single gnat. Could be that’s it’s cooler also due to being winter here also?

Anyways I know the pests you are dealing with aren’t fungus gnats but that’s all I got Miss T. Best of luck eradicating those things!

Once they hit flower i use ISO, I mix 900ml water with 100ml 99%ISO. The problem with ISO is it kills stuff it hits and then evaporates off so IMO once you have resorted to ISO you need to keep on the plants. With neem and ISO it needs to be applied every 3 days to stop the life cycle of the bugs.
But alcohol is used to dissolve trichomes to make extracts after harvest. Wouldn't that dissolve them in flower, just like the neem oil?
The neem can be incorporated into your soil mix and then it will be taken up with your fertigation mix when you water. It then gets into the plant tissues and acts as a systemic. When the bug bites a leaf it gets a bit of neem. Enough of a dose can kill them, but it also seems to act as a deterrent (maybe the taste? Not sure if bugs have taste buds, but whatever it is it will also deter them from inside the plant.)

Interesting. I've never heard of using neem oil in the medium before.

Would you stop using it in flower, the way you would with the foliar spray?
Interesting. I've never heard of using neem oil in the medium before.

Would you stop using it in flower, the way you would with the foliar spray?
I incorporated neem meal in my mix per @bobrown14 's Coot's recipe. As the microbes break it down the plant takes it up and it gets incorporated into the plant tissues becoming a systemic.

I would not use the neem oil spray in flower for the reasons given above. The neem meal is probably mostly broken down by the time flower comes around, but there is no specific flowering mix that has separate ingredients than those used in veg.
I haven't had the displeasure to have them so I don't know.
They are so annoying!
I have read rosemary oil can help. As can added humidity. I havent ever had them on Canna, but I have had them in the garden in the past. You're doing the right thing, just need to stay at them.

Breed like its the apocalypse unfortunately.
Maybe I’ll keep the humidity up in the flower room then?
Um I don't know if i did this right but 150ml to 850ml water. You might be able to go a bit stronger try weaker first and make sure a section of the plant is ok with it. Then once you know you gucci spray the whole thing. I have increased it a bit in my grow so you can likely go up to 200ml of the 67%ISO to 800ml Water. or maybe even a tiny bit higher ration. (.99 x 100 = .99) (.67 x y = 99) (99/.67=147.7ml) so at ~150ml of 67% you have the same amount of alcohol as what is in 100ml of 99% just more water since 37% of the 150ml is water (55ml) so we add 850ml water to = ~900ml so they are the same. This seems to check out.
I mixed 140ml:860mL

You: do a tester
Me: Fucking hell!! I drowned every inch of every plant.

I hope they’re aren’t cooked.

One more important info. I wear a respirator for organic Vapor’s. I also wear other safety supplies like gloves and safety glasses.
I didn’t really think it would hurt your skin, or your respiratory tract if sprayed outside.
First day of 3 days off and I’m awake at 0500 and filled with anxiety that my plants are all burned up from the iso.

One more hour till lights on.

I want to nip every leaf off Mimmy and I’ll tell you why.

1. Every leaf is fucked
2. Everytime I look at her it makes my heart sad.

What are your thoughts. Do it or not?
First day of 3 days off and I’m awake at 0500 and filled with anxiety that my plants are all burned up from the iso.

One more hour till lights on.

I want to nip every leaf off Mimmy and I’ll tell you why.

1. Every leaf is fucked
2. Everytime I look at her it makes my heart sad.

What are your thoughts. Do it or not?
50 minutes
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