Trala’s Tent

London is a beautiful town. It has much to recommend it, including a distant donkey.
We don’t get the same kind of history in the antipodes.
Very good point.

My uppot girls, they’ll be living in their uppot world, bet they’ll never have a back street guy, their big Juicy buds are gonna be so fly...

(And if no one here knows Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl I’m going to sound maddddddd lolling)

So looking at my roots what do you reckon?
Just because we know a few Billy Joel tunes doesn’t mean we don’t think you’re as mad a spoon :rofl:
If you really are going round the twist I’m afraid to say you’re quite alone in it after all. We’re all as sane as the next bloke.
No, ok.
The next one along from you, GGD.
Meanwhile I have to trot. Pretty sure I saw some juicy thistles in someone’s outdoor grow just now. Mmm mm herrrre thistlethistlethistle...

(Out of respect for @Emilya :adore: I’m just gonna quietly go off and get some prickles in my mouth while you ladies discuss rooting.
You’re a better gardener than you think, you know).
Those looked like some awesome roots and I would think that they were ready for transplant... how fast are they using the water right now?
Good morning Em :)

Thank you. I’ll buy a bigger pot today. Should I check the roots on the others, or leave it a bit?

I‘m not really sure tbh. Even when I water, there is never excess left in the drip tray, but I can feel the weight in the pot. I have always used soil like potting mix when planting, and I always have water excess in the drip tray, but the mix of coco and terri really seems to hold the moisture.

Based on pot weight I water every 3 days. My largest clone Kate Bush easily uses the most water on water days.

I can’t believe it’s day 2 of my holidays and I’m awake at 5am!
Good morning Em :)

Thank you. I’ll buy a bigger pot today. Should I check the roots on the others, or leave it a bit?

I‘m not really sure tbh. Even when I water, there is never excess left in the drip tray, but I can feel the weight in the pot. I have always used soil like potting mix when planting, and I always have water excess in the drip tray, but the mix of coco and terri really seems to hold the moisture.

Based on pot weight I water every 3 days. My largest clone Kate Bush easily uses the most water on water days.

I can’t believe it’s day 2 of my holidays and I’m awake at 5am!
You are watering like I do in bloom, and it is working for you because you have a natural feel for this. If the other roots are similar to the set you showed us, they can benefit from an uppotting, and it seems to be just about the same time that I would do it as I am guessing that 80-90% of your water is taken up in the first 48 hours.
You are watering like I do in bloom, and it is working for you because you have a natural feel for this. If the other roots are similar to the set you showed us, they can benefit from an uppotting, and it seems to be just about the same time that I would do it as I am guessing that 80-90% of your water is taken up in the first 48 hours.
I actually don’t have a natural feel. It feels completely unnatural to me not to water. It has made me really look at the way I grow my plants. MJ is a plant, it has roots just like my household plants makes me wonder if I have been watering my plants incorrectly all this time.

Is this usually the last uppot? And I am concerned my tent is too small for all 4. My seedstars are definitely more immature than my clonestars. They seem to be at different stages in growth. I’ll take some close up pics when I uppot for you to hopefully give me advice.

My plants are 7 weeks old at the end of this week. I have zero idea on when to change the light cycle.

And Em, the USA is all over our news. I really hope you’re okay, and your country is okay. It seems our countries share similar loves, health, home, friends, family and education. I am really thinking about you and other American members during this time. I’m sure your country’s rainbow is not far away. Xo
Reference Tool Uppot Guide

One gallon = 3.8L

Omg I have almost developed a migraine trying to covert gallons and inches, to litres And cm’s!

There‘s 20 minutes of my life I’m not getting back!

L O L L I N G !

Given my tiny tent I have tentatively decided on a 40cm pot which holds 27 litres, and in the US that would mean a 15.748 inch pot which holds 7.13265 gallons.

Does that sound okay?
Omg I have almost developed a migraine trying to covert gallons and inches, to litres And cm’s!

There‘s 20 minutes of my life I’m not getting back!

L O L L I N G !

Given my tiny tent I have tentatively decided on a 40cm pot which holds 27 litres, and in the US that would mean a 15.748 inch pot which holds 7.13265 gallons.

Does that sound okay?
Whooooaaa there girl, a 27 litre pot will grow a big ass plant, which of course is a fantastic thing, but 4 of them in your tent and it's gonna burst.

Like Emilya says your rootball looks great and they are ready for an uppot but I'd say you want to be looking at 18-20 litre pot size.

You could go up to 20 litre, give them 10-12 days to settle in their new shoes and stretch their roots out and then switch seeto 12-12 lighting.
You might just have room doing that.

If you go too big on the pots your gonna need a bigger tent :thumb:
Perfect 7 gallons is fantastic
Good morning :)

I have literally laid in bed the last 3 hours, drinking coffee while reading these forums.

It really is time for me to bounce out of bed and get my gardening gloves on, but I just can’t seem to get my bounce happening.

I‘m not sure if all four will fit, but then again, the others might not need uppotting yet. I’m going to check their roots today - all in plant wake time btw lolling!
Whooooaaa there girl, a 27 litre pot will grow a big ass plant, which of course is a fantastic thing, but 4 of them in your tent and it's gonna burst.

Like Emilya says your rootball looks great and they are ready for an uppot but I'd say you want to be looking at 18-20 litre pot size.

You could go up to 20 litre, give them 10-12 days to settle in their new shoes and stretch their roots out and then switch seeto 12-12 lighting.
You might just have room doing that.

If you go too big on the pots your gonna need a bigger tent :thumb:
Oh okay.

Save my brain, what is 20 litres in cms?

OMG my Maths teacher always said this day would come! Fuck you numbers!!!!
Oh okay.

Save my brain, what is 20 litres in cms?

OMG my Maths teacher always said this day would come! Fuck you numbers!!!!
Haha, I've not a clue to be honest but Google knows everything.
Here ya go.
Haha, I've not a clue to be honest but Google knows everything.
Here ya go.
Hey Bill

They are currently in 25cm, which is a bee’s dick under 20litres.

To up that pot I need to go bigger baby!

I really only factored one Successful plant, I started with two weird looking clones and two seeds hoping to get one okay plant. I have ended up with quadruplets! And I have fallen in love with all four, so I’m really not sure what to do. Someone has to be thrown outside into the cold, but which child do I choose?
I don't think you will even get 4 20l pots in there as your tent is 70cm and 2 20l pots are 71cm.

You might be better going with 15l pots.

To give you an idea I'm using 20l pots and I have 4 plants in a tent 3X the size of yours.

Don't want you to run out of room.
He is 110% correct...., 7 gallons is good for plant but bad for cramming 4 in there
Someone or sometwo or even somethree has to go, outside, but how do I choose?

The tent is really only big enough for one. I’m so annoyed I didn’t get a bit bigger tent. The guy at the hydroponic shop told me I mad3 a mistake with tent size.

:( :( :(
I don't think you will even get 4 20l pots in there as your tent is 70cm and 2 20l pots are 71cm.

You might be better going with 15l pots.

To give you an idea I'm using 20l pots and I have 4 plants in a tent 3X the size of yours.

Don't want you to run out of room.
That looks AWESOME!

I am definitely looking at one, maybe two max hey.
That looks AWESOME!

I am definitely looking at one, maybe two max hey.
There is another option, if you enjoy growing and think you're gonna do at least a few grows just go buy a bigger tent.

Being able to keep all 4 plants will provide you with more than enough weed to cover the extra spend.

And you would be able to rest easy knowing you didn't abandon your poor helpless children when all they wanted to do was please you with nice tasty buds :thumb:
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