Trala’s Tent

seriously... the leaves at the top of the plant can start curling up from the edges as if they were being baked in the oven. Too much light and too much heat look a lot alike... its good to have a LUX meter so you can accurately adjust the level of your lights to the correct LUX for that period of the grow.... young plants and vegging plants cant take as much light as a plant in full bloom.

Oh Em

I think I have made a mistake.

When I looked at my plants yesterday morning, their leaves looked really light green after the uppot, which is why I thought giving them sun was a good idea. I put them back to bed at 1:15pm. Then checked them last night when the lights went on and they looked, not bursting with health, if they were human I would be thinking jaundiced with a sprinkle of anemia. I gave them a good water using my vitamins after the uppot, then yesterday (I don’t know why and I’m so mad at myself) i gave them 250mL each of a product called root Roids, which the packet advised after repotting, and I followed their ratio for uppotting.

I just felt they were needing something to make they feel better, and I went straight to feed and now I’m worried with the initial uppot, nutrient drenching after, the shock of uppotting, and then the extra vitamin water, despite being warned about overwatering and I think I have done something wrong.

This is how they look this morning. Please give me your opinion and advice.

B5B9CA4D-5BFC-4D7B-A13B-EEE9B2ACC46F.jpeg 1B4B06BF-1B71-4EA1-9D8B-BB16B22736E0.jpeg 2F81AD05-C708-4D51-88DF-1A73A7560FB7.jpeg

2325DE4A-98E7-4918-8AF4-2C98D1149C6F.jpeg 6B792737-8714-4E78-9CEB-B284178D7A72.jpeg

I 100% feel something is not right. Their colour is not right.
Hi TraLa.

I'm here :cool:
Aunty Em will be along soon, she's the best one for advice, they maybe look a little hungry, I don't see anything disastrous here, maybe a bit too much light out in the sun.

Looks like a few bleached spots, could you have dropped water on the leaves?

Just remember now they have bigger pots they will need water even less frequently until they spread those roots to the edges. :thumb:
Hi TraLa.

I'm here :cool:
Aunty Em will be along soon, she's the best one for advice, they maybe look a little hungry, I don't see anything disastrous here, maybe a bit too much light out in the sun.

Looks like a few bleached spots, could you have dropped water on the leaves?

Just remember now they have bigger pots they will need water even less frequently until they spread those roots to the edges. :thumb:
Good morning Bill.

It’s 100% not the sun. They were like that before.

Hmm, when you put the nutrients on, can they nutrients touch their leaves? Because that does happen. Because they are very ground covery, it is almost impossible not to hit leaves.
Good morning Bill.

It’s 100% not the sun. They were like that before.

Hmm, when you put the nutrients on, can they nutrients touch their leaves? Because that does happen. Because they are very ground covery, it is almost impossible not to hit leaves.
If you can try not to spill nutes on the leaves, the water acts like a magnifying glass and can burn the leaves.
Again it won't kill them but best avoided if possible.

Don't water again until they are as dry as an AA meeting.
Just add a little more of your nutrients when you do water.

As they get bigger they will need feeding more and more.
If you can try not to spill nutes on the leaves, the water acts like a magnifying glass and can burn the leaves.
Again it won't kill them but best avoided if possible.

Don't water again until they are as dry as an AA meeting.
Just add a little more of your nutrients when you do water.

As they get bigger they will need feeding more and more.
Now you say it, I think that is exactly what is happening.

An embarrassing admission, despite reading Em‘s clear instructions to water the roots not the plants, I felt it wouldn’t really matter so I have really in essence been watering the plants to get to the roots, and now I’m really thinking about it, the sad looking new growth and leaves are smack bang in my water path. I’ve got to get down low to water, I absolutely drench all the leaves in the process, particularly in the middle. This explains why the growth that is a bit higher looks a good green as opposed to bad green.

Will I ever learn Billy boy? Lolling!
When you say feed, does that mean nutrients or water?
Now pay attention in class :laugh:

I'm absolutely no expert but one thing I have worked out is nail the basics and you're half way to success.
Watering, feeding and light.

Now you're in 20l pots those plants should take 4-5 litres of water each, that's every time you water, water slowly and make sure you get all of that soil wet.

As they have just been transplanted they are gonna take around a week before they need watering again.
Try and water the soil not the leaves.
You have your plant shape now so if it makes it easier take those shackles off so you can get underneath.

When I say feed I mean the nutrients you are adding when you water.
Do you have a feed chart for your nutrient line?
I would try an increase by adding around 15% more of what you have been feeding.

You just need to wait until they are ready for water again.

You got this :thumb:

It all seems a bit complicated at first but you will start to get a feel for things after a while.
Now pay attention in class :laugh:

I'm absolutely no expert but one thing I have worked out is nail the basics and you're half way to success.
Watering, feeding and light.

Now you're in 20l pots those plants should take 4-5 litres of water each, that's every time you water, water slowly and make sure you get all of that soil wet.

As they have just been transplanted they are gonna take around a week before they need watering again.
Try and water the soil not the leaves.
You have your plant shape now so if it makes it easier take those shackles off so you can get underneath.

When I say feed I mean the nutrients you are adding when you water.
Do you have a feed chart for your nutrient line?
I would try an increase by adding around 15% more of what you have been feeding.

You just need to wait until they are ready for water again.

You got this :thumb:

It all seems a bit complicated at first but you will start to get a feel for things after a while.

OMG I know! And it really does feel super complicated. I’m never sure when to water.

I use Australian stuff. And the hydro people said to use 3 times per week. I get the feeling admin don’t like us naming unsponsored products, and I bought them before joining. I could PM you if you wanted to have a look and give me your opinion.

I‘ll be watching them like a hawk and I will not be giving any extra water nutrients till they need it!

I will never water the leaves again!
Hmm I've just looked back at your first post and it looks like it's your green dream you need to be feeding a bit more of.

I'm a bit confused as to what you have them growing in.
Terri professional?
Would that be Canna terra professional?
50/50 Coco and perlite.
So have you mixed these together?
Hmm I've just looked back at your first post and it looks like it's your green dream you need to be feeding a bit more of.

I'm a bit confused as to what you have them growing in.
Terri professional?
Would that be Canna terra professional?
50/50 Coco and perlite.
So have you mixed these together?
Yes it is.

Sorry, Damn you auto correct.

The guy at the hydro store recommended half and half Mixed together.

How much more?
Yes it is.

Sorry, Damn you auto correct.

The guy at the hydro store recommended half and half Mixed together.

How much more?
Right ok.:rolleyes:

That soil/Coco/perlite combo might change things a little.
Coco should be watered and fed daily at a lower pH range but as you only have 25% Coco it probably needs treating more as soil. I'm not sure what to advise if I'm honest.
@Emilya will know for sure :)

I think your hydro shop guy has made it complicated with some crap advice :confused:
Right ok.:rolleyes:

That soil/Coco/perlite combo might change things a little.
Coco should be watered and fed daily at a lower pH range but as you only have 25% Coco it probably needs treating more as soil. I'm not sure what to advise if I'm honest.
@Emilya will know for sure :)

I think your hydro shop guy has made it complicated with some crap advice :confused:
Oh shit!

You see I set it up before I knew about this place.

I have zero idea on what coco even is tbh.

Okay, I’ll wait patiently for @Emilya

Once this lot is done, what would you recommend soil wise? Your plants look lush.
Oh shit!

You see I set it up before I knew about this place.

I have zero idea on what coco even is tbh.

Okay, I’ll wait patiently for @Emilya

Once this lot is done, what would you recommend soil wise? Your plants look lush.
Nothing wrong with the Canna terra pro you've got, I used it on my last grow. I'm just not sure why they told you to mix it with Coco.

Shouldn't be a problem but I don't want to give you bum advice when I don't know.
Nothing wrong with the Canna terra pro you've got, I used it on my last grow. I'm just not sure why they told you to mix it with Coco.

Shouldn't be a problem but I don't want to give you bum advice when I don't know.
Oh bugger.

Probably to increase his sales!

Thanks for trying. Hopefully I can rescue them because atm they look unhealthy.
Oh bugger.

Probably to increase his sales!

Thanks for trying. Hopefully I can rescue them because atm they look unhealthy.
It's worse than that. Hydro store guys hate soil growers, and they despise worse of all organic growers, because they know that those people will never bring big ticket sales to their store and most people who taste organically grown pot never look back... it is that much better. So secretly, the hydro store guy wants you to fail. They will invariably sell you the wrong nutes to use with soil and they will advise to do silly things like 50/50 mix soil and coco.
So now you have a mixture that is both soil and coco, and the pH needs of each are in a different range they are so dissimilar. You are not alone, this happens all the time, but thankfully I have seen enough of this to know what to do. For your future uppottings, please consider a good strong organic soil filled with good stuff, not inert coco. I like Fox Farm Ocean Forest... one of the best soils out there for cannabis.
The coco isn't going to hurt a lot as long as you know what is going to happen. You will not have as dramatic of a pH drift after you water, like a full soil grow would do, but you can manage it by strictly coming in at no higher than 6.3 most of the time. This is the point where mathematically the most nutes are the most mobile and available to the plant. Since you won't rise up to 6.8 pH between waterings, you should come in about every 3rd or 4th watering at a slightly higher pH, such as 6.5 pH, so you are sure to pick up things that are most mobile at the high end of the scale.

So now, I am almost frightened to ask, but what sort of nutes did this weasel sell you?
It's worse than that. Hydro store guys hate soil growers, and they despise worse of all organic growers, because they know that those people will never bring big ticket sales to their store and most people who taste organically grown pot never look back... it is that much better. So secretly, the hydro store guy wants you to fail. They will invariably sell you the wrong nutes to use with soil and they will advise to do silly things like 50/50 mix soil and coco.
So now you have a mixture that is both soil and coco, and the pH needs of each are in a different range they are so dissimilar. You are not alone, this happens all the time, but thankfully I have seen enough of this to know what to do. For your future uppottings, please consider a good strong organic soil filled with good stuff, not inert coco. I like Fox Farm Ocean Forest... one of the best soils out there for cannabis.
The coco isn't going to hurt a lot as long as you know what is going to happen. You will not have as dramatic of a pH drift after you water, like a full soil grow would do, but you can manage it by strictly coming in at no higher than 6.3 most of the time. This is the point where mathematically the most nutes are the most mobile and available to the plant. Since you won't rise up to 6.8 pH between waterings, you should come in about every 3rd or 4th watering at a slightly higher pH, such as 6.5 pH, so you are sure to pick up things that are most mobile at the high end of the scale.

So now, I am almost frightened to ask, but what sort of nutes did this weasel sell you?
Oh Em, looks like I got shafted!

If only I had joined pre plant :(

So after my semi successful outdoor plants I looked at indoor off season. While googling lights Mars Hydro kept popping up, and it was in my price range so I bought a tent and light on eBay. I had no idea how to grow, and I didn’t realise this sort of community existed. Then I went to the hydro store, thinking that’s who knows and the rest is history.

Without any hesitation I bought what he suggested. He commented that I’d already made a huge “rookie error” going with Mars hydro and a tent that was too small, so I felt he was the expert and I followed his exact instructions.

He told me mix the nutrients together, and water with them three times per week, and normal water every day and use the Root Roids once per week, which he said he would give me (no doubt I more than paid for it through purchasing the other products he told me I needed) then go back in 8 weeks, and get the extra flower stuff I will need and to call him with issues. I then found this place, and got so lucky meeting you, G, Bill, 013, DD and Preston, and just tried to follow the advice, while making mistakes on the way when I have put my own twist on it.

I don’t understand Ph is soil, I know blood and urine, ie acidic vs alkaline, but not with soil and I don’t know how to measure or fix It.

Is it too late for me to change soil? I will buy what ever you recommend. Or should I just see this through, and start afresh next time? If you give me a plan I will follow it to the letter.

And he was a weasel, kept calling me baby girl, I’m nobodies baby girl.
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