Total 1000W CFL Auto Grow

Ur young 1 looks fine mate think ur worrying about shouldnt be looking for anything at the mo defo not calmag.let her grow abit mate does ur soil have ferts in it ;)
Curling up has to do with overwatering / ph. I'm now at day 28 and they just got their first feeding, cal-mag has nitrogen content as well as your grow, so I 's take it easy on the nitrogen until they actually start yellowing. as well as your PH, 6.5-6.8 is the soil range, not 5.5. 5.5-5.8 is hydro. coco has natural acidic properties so 5.8-6.5 is your range so if you put in a low ph solution its only going to lower it, giving you a PHOS deficiency around week 3-4. focus on keeping the ph around 6.5 then wait till they start showing deficiencies. cal - mag was at week 2 half strength. I used my 3-2-2 fish and seaweed with it both at half strength and I have Nitrogen built up in my dark ass leaves, when they get bigger you will see them claw down telling you that they have too much N.

Ok guys I'll post picture soon but my little sweet tooth plant came above soil 2 days ago or more, since being up it hasn't grown at all really it has the first 2 leaves then the next 2 and its droopy and just staying there not growing..... I keep it watered everyday 2-4oz of water.... Just straight water it's in coco/perlite so I know it needs feeding.... Suggestions?
This seedling is in just coco and perlite, so it needs fed right? I'm new and loving the input, but last night I fed with 3oz of my feed mix and this morning is standing full salute! I'm so relieved now I'll update pics today as I'll be topping the bigger plant within this next week. Thanks all I love the support and feedback here!
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