Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

I ordered some new timers. Hoping to get my environment a little more dialed in. I want to put my exhaust on a timer that allows for me to run it for maybe 5 mins at a time every 30 mins or so. Right now it runs continuously. I also have a heating pad that I’d like to come on at lights out to see if I can reign in the daily low temps some. And humidity.....well....let me see how adjusting the fan effects that first, but I do have a humidifier that could be put on a timer as well if needed.
I’m not sure Mr.S. My fan is way over kill for my tent. I keep it on the lowest setting and there is always negative pressure. It exchanges the air in there several times per minute as is. I don’t think it needs anywhere near that. It certainly doesn’t hurt. Lol. But I think if cutting the exhaust back a bit helps raise my Rh and temps some then that is the better option. And it may be that I start at a certain interval with the fan running and adjust it if needed. Maybe I should start with it cycling on every 15 minutes so it’s not such a shock....:hmmmm:
I've heard that you need to exchange the air in a tent 2 1/2 times per hour for plants to receive enough co2 for good growth.
Ok. So maybe if I do The 15 min off and 5 min on, that will be 3 5 minute run cycles per hr. Should keep the air fresh enough for the ladies to be happy and allow the average temps to raise a bit and allow some of the humidity to hang around as well instead of being sucked straight out.
I've heard that you need to exchange the air in a tent 2 1/2 times per hour for plants to receive enough co2 for good growth.
Thanks Derby.. that's actually really good information. As long as one can control temps and RH then you could set your fan for optimal efficiency re power consumption.

I’m not sure Mr.S. My fan is way over kill for my tent. I keep it on the lowest setting and there is always negative pressure. It exchanges the air in there several times per minute as is. I don’t think it needs anywhere near that. It certainly doesn’t hurt. Lol. But I think if cutting the exhaust back a bit helps raise my Rh and temps some then that is the better option. And it may be that I start at a certain interval with the fan running and adjust it if needed. Maybe I should start with it cycling on every 15 minutes so it’s not such a shock....:hmmmm:
Not sure, but I always like it when someone else tries first ;)
I think if you just add up the cubic feet of your tent, and use the max CFM value on the fan, you can work out how much you need to move in a set amount of time.
Yeah. I had all that figured out for my first grow but I’d have to go back and look. I have a 6” fan on a 2x4 so it’s always sucking in the sides, lol. I know it exchanges the volume of air in the tent quite a few times per minute. I figuring if I run it 5 mins at a time then maybe that will be enough to get a lot of fresh air in there. Because I’m sure a lot of the air it pulls out comes straight from the vent holes at the bottom. Like a jet stream. So hopefully 5 minutes would give a full exchange at least.
So hopefully 5 minutes would give a full exchange at least.
If your fan did 200CFM, then it would move 1000 cuft. Your tent is much smaller than that. A 4" fan I would think doesn't pull more than 300cfm.
I was more curious if there was a defined amount of air changes and Derby pointed out his info.
It helps when I come across it again and I can pass that info along.
If you do a search on the T4 AC Infinity Cloudline it has some nice features that ramp the fan up and down as it gets closer to the setpoint. You can also set it to several different speed settings.
The newest version also uses some sort of RH control. I haven't read up on it but it sounded like maybe an output energized when RH got low.
If you do a search on the T4 AC Infinity Cloudline it has some nice features that ramp the fan up and down as it gets closer to the setpoint. You can also set it to several different speed settings.
The newest version also uses some sort of RH control. I haven't read up on it but it sounded like maybe an output energized when RH got low.
That sounds pretty neat. If the laws......when the laws loosen up around here and I can have more space to grow more plants, I’d like to really upgrade a lot of stuff
Your plants are looking great Magoo. Congrats on your recent harvest.

I try to be patient on the cure too. It makes such a huge difference.

My Royal Gorilla has been curing about a month and a half now, and it's in a pretty good place at this point. You'll enjoy yours. A few others here have grown it and been happy with it. I've gotten 2 slightly different experiences, maybe a sweeter pheno and a chemmier pheno, and both are good.
That’s good to know Dobe! Thanks a lot. I hope they both turn out good. I’ll be watching your grow as well! Anyone that hasn’t already, should go check out Dobe’s new journal.
G13 Haze
Day 150
Flower Day 70

She’s getting close. Not spotting many clear trichomes up top at all. Lower has quite a few though. Still throwing a fresh pistol here and there and still drinking. She got her growth drench tonight. Water will be next and then another Growth if she goes that long. You can really see the foliage being consumed now. She’s been doing that for a bit but it has really progressed this last week. Beautiful to me! Here she is!

Chemdog 91’
Day 124
Flower Day 24

Well....I decided to defoliate today. I didn’t go as wild I normally would have because.....well....her leaves are just too pretty. But I came to the conclusion that it needed to be done so that we can focus her energy into fewer tops (she’s still got 24 lol) and when these buds start to fatten up it was gonna be awful tight in there. Still may be. She got her TP drench last. Will get water next and then a Growth drench. Also will be looking to fit the Cat drench in there sometime soon. Others who have grown this chemovar from this breeder have had her go for 70 days ish. I’m thinking the Cat drenches may be given right in the middle...around day 35ish. We will see how she’s looking and hopefully get the approval of some of the brixers here. Here she is before the defol.

She’s gorgeous!
And here she is after defol. I cleaned out underneath and removed some flimsy branches. Tried not to take too many leaves from the branches that I left. Only had to take a few to uncover some bud spots. Here she is now!

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