Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

Your quad is looking a lot happier now a days bud! No more droop. I would say she is digging having all that soil to play in.
Definitely! She’s perked right up!
Chemdog 91’
Day 54

Went ahead and uppotted her today. She wasn’t rootbound yet but she was getting to where she wasn’t ever looking real perky....kinda like the haze was. I think I will just pull her out of the tent during dark hours and leave her close to the sliding glass door. Do you think that will keep her from flowering? She was watered with a transplant drench after transplant. 1.5 gal. Will give her a couple days and then do a bit more training. Here she is.
Dark Devil Auto
Day 43

Gave her the second Cat drench today. She seems to be drinking a lot more lately. Bugs are getting a bit bigger. Not a lot of density yet but we are still not quite half way done yet. Looking for a 90-100 day grow. I think keeping her in the 1gal has worked out well so far. I know it’s not really recommended but I was looking for something to not take up my horizontal space and she is accomplishing that perfectly for me. Added some more soil to the top of her today just to fill the pot back up. Here she is!

Girl Scout Cookies Auto
Day 30

So I decided to go ahead and switch her to a different pot of soil today since I was up potting the chem anyway. She has growth at the 5th node now so maybe she will take it ok. Her roots were pretty undeveloped. I don’t put a lot of faith in her making much of a turnaround but I will keep working with her and maybe get something out of it in the end. Added roots powder to the roots and soil and watered with a transplant drench. Hopefully we can see some improvement in the new growth. If not, would you guys think it was the genetics of the plant or something else? Here she is!

SwAggNiFiCeNt just tossed a plant smaller than your misfit to make room for new seed. Not every plant is destined for greatness.

Do you think that will keep her from flowering?
All a plant needs to keep it from flowering is more light. To keep my AK-47 from flowering, I keep it under a CFL all night and in the sun during the day. I would aim for at least 18 hours of light if you can do it (stick a desk lamp over it!) as when a plant senses the days getting shorter in July it starts the flowering process even though it may be getting 14 hours of light.
Hiya Mr. Magoo,

I just finished reading through your journal. Very nice read. Thank you. I just love the look of the DDA. They always grow out so beautiful looking. I remember DocBud looking at some plants and diagnosing that's up with a few pics. He's really good! Your trouble plant looks like it's not genetics. Looks more like a soil problem, or environment, but I can't nail it down. If Doc can tell you, (and I'm sure he can) it might save some trouble in your next grows. I'm surprised it has made it this far. If you replaced it, the next one might produce more bud. Food for thought. I hate nagging problems like that!
Hiya Mr. Magoo,

I just finished reading through your journal. Very nice read. Thank you. I just love the look of the DDA. They always grow out so beautiful looking. I remember DocBud looking at some plants and diagnosing that's up with a few pics. He's really good! Your trouble plant looks like it's not genetics. Looks more like a soil problem, or environment, but I can't nail it down. If Doc can tell you, (and I'm sure he can) it might save some trouble in your next grows. I'm surprised it has made it this far. If you replaced it, the next one might produce more bud. Food for thought. I hate nagging problems like that!
I’m hoping the changing of the soil will clear things up some. Fingers crossed. If it wasn’t the soil then maybe humidity. I’m struggling to even get it up to 30% right now with a humidifier. But all the others have been in the same environment so I’m leaning toward soil issues. All the soil for this run has come from the same tote but it may have just been an area that wasn’t mixed well prior to cooking or something. IDK. I’ll give her a week or so and hopefully we can tell if she is doing better. If not....:rip:
Everything is looking nice save the CC which is not your doing...weird plant.

Hows life other than fighting low rh?
Life is good. Hectic with all the Christmas hustle and bustle but good nonetheless. Bought my son his first car last week. Yikes. I know he’s excited but it’s really sad and scary for me. Lol. I worry enough without him running the roads. Something I better get used to I reckon! How are things in nobody’s world?
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