Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

I’ve thought about the struggles with space from your last grow when deciding wether or not to add the 2 autos. I ended up saying F it! Lol. Too many strains I want to try. But hopefully I can handle them with some good training. Gonna give it my best shot anyway. Lol

I have no worries! I know you ll do a good job!
All looks well though. Even with the rootbound and droop she still looks in perfect health colour wise. That kits awesome ay.
Very happy with the root development. Vigorous. I just need to create more drainage for future reference. I really don’t want to have to flip before the chem is ready. Wish the chem was the older of the 2.
G13 Haze
Day 51

Guess What!!!!!!!!!
Droopy Drawers!!
Thought about up potting her today but decided to wait another week if i can. She was due for a growth drench today so I went that route. Cut a few more holes in the bottom of the pot. Also let her drain about 10 minutes on each side at an angle like this...
Clipped a few small branches that are growing from the bottom of the 4 mains. Will follow up with destress foliar tomorrow night. At this point I just hope she acts right when she gets a bigger pot. I have a feeling she is gonna show her stuff then! Here’s a couple more pics!

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