Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

G13 Haze
Day 30

She was looking pretty droopy and sad and dry today. So gave her a little top down watering. Just waiting on the branches to get longer so I can tie those suckas down! Here’s a few pics! Her stalk is pretty fat for her least compared to what I’ve seen.

Looking good Mags.
Roll that beautiful bean footage!
Dark Devil Auto is in the pool!

Gonna grow out a DDA in a 1 gallon nursery pot. I hope to keep her small so that she doesn’t require a lot of space in the tent. I just gotta try her out. Lol. Thanks to @dynamo1 for the genetics. She will be the offspring from his DDA #4.
Damn magoo. You're getting worse than me for dropping beans lol. Not gonna lie though im strongly contemplating taking my girl outta the little tent as soon as the big room gets flipped and dropping 4 more beans lol.
Where do you plan to grow it my friend?
Gonna try to keep the autos pretty small. Want the photos in the big pots to have all the room they need. The autos will stay in the 1#s for their entire life. No topping. May be a total fail but if I like them in the end then maybe I can grow them out in a bigger pot next time. Got plenty of Auto beans so if I can keep them small and just throw them in here and there for a little variety, I’d like to. We’ll find out together how it goes! Lol
I'm keeping an eye on the 1 gallon autos...
Me too man, me too! Lol. May be a total bust. And at the end I’ll need to decide if it’s even worth the effort for the amount.
Some plants just droop more than others but I bet you got a really nice root system going! Have you taken a look? How many days between water/feeds?

Haven’t looked yet. Thought about that this morning though. This time it was just 3 days between the tp drench and this watering and she was dry. Gonna do a light Brix spray tonight. I’m not sure what’s going on. A few hrs after the water she perked up quite a bit. This morning....droopy again. I’m draining the soil well. I’ve been watching some videos on this strain this morning and came across a guy who has grown this one in different media and found that in certain types of soil he couldn’t water to runoff. He had to lower the amount of water and water more often.
She is growing good but just doesn’t seem to look happy very often. I won’t deviate from the course just yet but will probably update on her every couple days for a least some pics so y’all can see how she does at different times. She’s a fickle girl so far! Lol
I grew out Pineapple Chunk and she was the touchiest plant I've encountered, any little change in environment and she would squeal like a pig! Once she went to 12/12 she turned into a friggen beast! Still haven't figured that one out yet.
I grew out Pineapple Chunk and she was the touchiest plant I've encountered, any little change in environment and she would squeal like a pig! Once she went to 12/12 she turned into a friggen beast! Still haven't figured that one out yet.
This ones time looking healthy lasts about 10 hrs then she’s sad again. Lol. I’m having a hard time keeping the humidity where I want it and it gets cooler than I would like with lights out. Gonna start playing music in there for her pretty soon if she don’t perk up! Lol
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