Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

Thanks so much guys. Yeah no light for MoM but I do get a magical butter machine. Can’t wait for that!
We gonna be messing with some oil now Magoo! *fist bump*
G13 Haze
Seedling Day 14

Still haven’t watered her. Looking pretty healthy. That just amazes me. Lol. I keep expecting to look in there and see her looking thirsty AF but no. Been spreading the tips with my non dominant hand as well! :rofl:Here she is.
Looking right on Pace my dude :cool:. Only thing I will suggest, when you dunk the soil and it condenses add some fresh soil to the top of the pot. That's my plan anyway since we are basically on the same day :high-five:.
Looking right on Pace my dude :cool:. Only thing I will suggest, when you dunk the soil and it condenses add some fresh soil to the top of the pot. That's my plan anyway since we are basically on the same day :high-five:.
That’s what I was planning to do with the first watering as well. Also, I was wondering if the soil I drenched with transplant for the Headband will still be fine to put the new seed in after it pops? My thinking was put some roots powder in the hole and just a little plain water since the soil already has the tp drench in it. Is that acceptable ya think?
That’s what I was planning to do with the first watering as well. Also, I was wondering if the soil I drenched with transplant for the Headband will still be fine to put the new seed in after it pops? My thinking was put some roots powder in the hole and just a little plain water since the soil already has the tp drench in it. Is that acceptable ya think?
Yessir, you should be good to go. At least you remember the roots poweder! First bean I dropped had to dig up and sprinkle roots
Top of the morning to you mr.Magoo.... Seeds are temperamental I found especially when I'm fondling them with my non-dominant hand but all is forgiven when I get them into
I've had a weird one from my brother this week I must actually ask him to send me the pick otherwise I wouldn't of believed him either to be honest...

He had a seedling that popped above soil then just stopped growing and started dying although it was perfectly healthy looking, so he dug around and found the whole taproot was inside the shell still and the seedling had grown out but not the taproot.......interesting I found.....

Hope ya having a cracking day....
G13 Haze
Day 18

Topped the soil off this evening! Temps and humidity have been looking good! Once I put the fresh soil on top I poured about a cup of water on it. Did some more tip spreading. She’s lookin nice. Already has a little smell when you touch her! Here she is!
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