Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

That plant won’t get water or food for 30 days. Now ? Huh ?
Hey KJ! That soil has got lots for that baby to feed on. Moisture too, for a good long while. With Doc's kit, the plant won't need nutes until she's at 5 nodes. We want her roots to reach out. They get a good soaking at first. A drizzle of water around the edges promotes her to reach out until her first drench. Doc's kit is a specific way of growing. I had to teach myself that root-bound is not a bad thing. My first and second grows were eyeopening for me. The produce, sealed the deal. I won't grow any other way now! Such a joy!
No checking ph either. Lol. I went to water that first time and realized I hadn’t read anything about ph. Looked it up in Docs threads and found that it doesn’t matter with this soil as long as it’s noting crazy.
No checking ph either. Lol. I went to water that first time and realized I hadn’t read anything about ph. Looked it up in Docs threads and found that it doesn’t matter with this soil as long as it’s noting crazy.
Haha! Have no idea what happened to my PH probe. Not needed. I just open the tent to gaze at their beauty!:battingeyelashes:
You're gonna love that MB2. Only downside is the 2 cup minimum but if you're making topical oils or butter it's great!
Hmmm. I want to do some of both but may not out of the blue Dream harvest. I’d like to do some gummies sometime soon.
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