Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

She'll be fine Magoo. So you don't need to give her anything for about 30 days, you really want the pot to dry out fully before each drink. At that time you can do a transplant drench but you could also give plain water, there is a lot of good stuff already in the soil. @Duggan doesn't give any drenches until they're in the final container but that's an advanced move. You can and should give a cup of water on top every now and then to promote the roots to grow upwards and completely fill the pot. Looking forward to watching the Quad training.

Thanks Stone! After my last post I went ahead and raised them up to about 30”. I lowered the light when I took the humidity dome off and that’s when it started I suppose. Must have been pushing it there. Speaking of humidity and it ok to put the humidifier in the tent? I opted against it last grow because I wasn’t sure if higher humidity would effect the light. But I’m not able to get it as high as I’d like this time so far.
Yeah most lights that she 26-30” let it grow into it kind of thing
@Duggan doesn't give any drenches until they're in the final container but that's an advanced move.
hey ween, I think it’s only Growth Ionic (GE/GI) Drench that Duggs doesn’t give early. I’m pretty sure he uses Transplant Drench (TP) all through veg in the small pot. Maybe he’ll clarify. Still an advanced move tho ;) :thumb:

It’ll come good Magoo - cant be anything to do with the kit yet. I’m sure in a few days it’ll be looking mighty!
hey ween, I think it’s only Growth Ionic (GE/GI) Drench that Duggs doesn’t give early. I’m pretty sure he uses Transplant Drench (TP) all through veg in the small pot. Maybe he’ll clarify. Still an advanced move tho ;):thumb:

It’ll come good Magoo - cant be anything to do with the kit yet. I’m sure in a few days it’ll be looking mighty!
You may be right Amy. I'm getting old and my brain don't work as good as she used to, ha! :rofl:
Nobodyhere and I have a collaborative grow journal up. I hope some of you choose to join us through this grow as we grow 707 Headband. The link is active and in my signature. Hope to see you there as well!
:high-five: We do have that in common - but only fails in some areas, it’s still obsessive about details and for some reason details related to cannabis growing seem to stick... selective retention I guess ;)
Lmao for real i feel the same way lol i was actually jus saying this to my cousin the other week bout how my memory is slipping all except for when it comes to the garden :rofl:
Nobodyhere and I have a collaborative grow journal up. I hope some of you choose to join us through this grow as we grow 707 Headband. The link is active and in my signature. Hope to see you there as well!

Is this a grow for any1 to join or is it jus a certain grow u guys r doing that only has 707 headband?
Is this a grow for any1 to join or is it jus a certain grow u guys r doing that only has 707 headband?
Anyone is welcome for sure! If you are growing or would like to grow that strain then by all means feel free to jump right in there with us!
Anyone is welcome for sure! If you are growing or would like to grow that strain then by all means feel free to jump right in there with us!
I would love to join u but i dont have any 707head beans an my account is dwn rite ao unable 2 make any bean purchases rite now. Man its killing me not being able 2 get any new strains thats actually a part of y i started tryn my hand at breeding autos. So far nuthing worked except my bluedream auto fem plant n i crossed her with pineapple express auto but when i got back from being on tour with my cousin i found i had a massive mite outbreak and the person who was supposed to refill the res while i was gone must have forgot 2do it i guess. So needless to say i lost a bluecheese ana master kush but those where photos not autos then my bluedream pineapple express auto cross i was making didnt make it lol oh well i guess live an learn. One good thing is i got some more auto beans so ill b able to try an recreate my blueberry pineapple auto but sadly i dnt have any 707 lol. Well good luck on your grow ill have to swing by an sub it up n watch if u dnt mind
Top of the afternoon mr.G how ya doing. I love the new journal with mr.Nobody looks like a cracking strain, will have to look into it...... Otherwise ya waiting for magic to start

I would love to join u but i dont have any 707head beans an my account is dwn rite ao unable 2 make any bean purchases rite now. Man its killing me not being able 2 get any new strains thats actually a part of y i started tryn my hand at breeding autos. So far nuthing worked except my bluedream auto fem plant n i crossed her with pineapple express auto but when i got back from being on tour with my cousin i found i had a massive mite outbreak and the person who was supposed to refill the res while i was gone must have forgot 2do it i guess. So needless to say i lost a bluecheese ana master kush but those where photos not autos then my bluedream pineapple express auto cross i was making didnt make it lol oh well i guess live an learn. One good thing is i got some more auto beans so ill b able to try an recreate my blueberry pineapple auto but sadly i dnt have any 707 lol. Well good luck on your grow ill have to swing by an sub it up n watch if u dnt mind

Howdy mr.Jones how are ya doing this fine day....... Please forgive me for chirping in like this but ice also been verified interested in autos also for seed making purposes....

Why could you not order regular autos and use the pollen for crossing with your female autos as we do with regular photo strains...... I understand if you are aiming for female pollen to get female seeds but that's tricky but I'm also going to try it once I have a lot of reg autos to play with.....

So the blue pack is " Kush van Stitch " regular autos and the other is dr.Shiva fem super autos....
The breeder " Stitch " is known for his crazy height on the super autos but also runs in his other auto lines.....

Flash seeds is the bank but all the big banks will have in stock I reckon as mine came from seedzman over in the uk......
Top of the afternoon mr.G how ya doing. I love the new journal with mr.Nobody looks like a cracking strain, will have to look into it...... Otherwise ya waiting for magic to start

Howdy mr.Jones how are ya doing this fine day....... Please forgive me for chirping in like this but ice also been verified interested in autos also for seed making purposes....

Why could you not order regular autos and use the pollen for crossing with your female autos as we do with regular photo strains...... I understand if you are aiming for female pollen to get female seeds but that's tricky but I'm also going to try it once I have a lot of reg autos to play with.....

So the blue pack is " Kush van Stitch " regular autos and the other is dr.Shiva fem super autos....
The breeder " Stitch " is known for his crazy height on the super autos but also runs in his other auto lines.....

Flash seeds is the bank but all the big banks will have in stock I reckon as mine came from seedzman over in the uk......
Nice beans there Smeegs! So what makes a super Auto?
Afternoon mr.Magoo I honestly couldn't tell all I know is it's his signature genetics involved in the super part... Thought it was regular


But she is very suited to my climate and I can't find a cbd% anywhere though....
But I'm scared to try her as 2-4m height is scary....haha

But the reg autos have a 60day flower according to specs so thinking of back crossing which I'm slowly learning about theoretically so imagine bringing the 2-4m height into a 60 day flower period would be crazy....haha
Top of the afternoon mr.G how ya doing. I love the new journal with mr.Nobody looks like a cracking strain, will have to look into it...... Otherwise ya waiting for magic to start

Howdy mr.Jones how are ya doing this fine day....... Please forgive me for chirping in like this but ice also been verified interested in autos also for seed making purposes....

Why could you not order regular autos and use the pollen for crossing with your female autos as we do with regular photo strains...... I understand if you are aiming for female pollen to get female seeds but that's tricky but I'm also going to try it once I have a lot of reg autos to play with.....

So the blue pack is " Kush van Stitch " regular autos and the other is dr.Shiva fem super autos....
The breeder " Stitch " is known for his crazy height on the super autos but also runs in his other auto lines.....

Flash seeds is the bank but all the big banks will have in stock I reckon as mine came from seedzman over in the uk......

Those sound like they guna b some tasty ones atleast lets hope right lol. An as for ur question about using reg beans instead of fem? Well first off space i cant really afford any xtra room to go to a male n then i lose a spot where buds cud have been forming plus for rite now my auto area is in my veg area an wen i do fem plants i can do certain branches for seeds an the rest buds so i have meds on hand. Atleast thts how ive always done it with my photos but now im thinking with autos maybe i need to spray more of the plant like half of it. Ive noticed tht with autos if i start spraying alil earlier i have better chance of getting pollen to form. Also i use an sts ( Sodium Thiosulfate solution) to reverse the plant i notice its way easier on the plant ive had better success using this then using colloidal silver altho tht has worked 2 jus this stuff is way cheaper n u get a TON more then colloidal silver. But if i had more room i would love 2 just get reg beans but gotta wait for the house 2 get done n then ill have a way bigger nicer setup then i cud prolly do sumthn like tht. But for now i stick with the fems.
Very interesting stuff! I definitely would like to reverse one of my chem 91’s for pollen and more seeds. But I’m in the same boat as far as space. So it will probably be springtime so outdoors can provide me some extra space. But at the same time I want to veg a lady for a while indoors and transplant her into the ground as soon as I can in the spring and see how big she can get. So the tent may belong to the boys next spring/summer. Lol. Plus I have some Stank genetics I’d like to get some pollen from as well. ATF, DTF, Stankberry. Have some 79’ X-Mas bud regs as well. So little space and so little time. Lol.
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