Todd's 2X4 Growing

good looking plants bro. i like the temp gauge holder. cant find a way to mount those things. but yeah still working on my watering techniques too. im going back to sip buckets, just realized i hate handwatering!!!!
Appreciate it I don’t mind hand watering inside the tent I just need to get it right now hand watering all the stuff I got going outdoor I hate and definitely looking to automate that might try some drip system indoors too idk
good looking plants bro. i like the temp gauge holder. cant find a way to mount those things. but yeah still working on my watering techniques too. im going back to sip buckets, just realized i hate handwatering!!!!
Duct Tape 🥰😉
Outdoors day 44
22 days outside
1day 5gal pots
I got all the outdoors transplanted to 5 gallon pots
The ice cold2 was done yesterday the Oreoz 2 and nfsheeesh 2 were transplanted today

For the ice cold2 I used the mix I had for the indoors for the most part and topped it up with some regular happy frog the mix was
Happy frog (about 15gallons)
Perlite(16 quarts)
Gaia green all purpose 444 (1 1/4 cups)
Gaia green power bloom 284( 1 1/4. Cups)
Worm castings (3 cups)
Then I dusted the holes and rootballs with trifecta myco supreme myco power

Then I ran out of soil so the oreoz2 and nfsheeesh are
50/50 sungro black gold and happy frog (10gallons)
Perlite (5 quarts)
Gaia green all purpose 444 (0.80 cups)
Gaia green power bloom 284 (0.80 cups)
Worm castings (2cups)
Dusting with myco

I’m thinking I might dissolve some of the diatomaceous earth I have in some water and add that in feeding for all the girls indoor and out except nfs2 and oreoz 2 the idea being as a potential source of silica for the plants the black gold already has their own silica add-in I don’t think happy frog does? Need to read the ingredients again but even so alittle extra won’t hurt. Just not sure if the plants will be able to uptake the DE will see

Here are some roots from the outdoors don’t know which is which but they look abit better than the indoor

Don’t have any daylight photos post transplant but I’m outdoors so here’s this. Left to right ice. Cold2 oreoz 2 NFS2
Day 66(46)

This is the 3rd day post transplant for the indoor girls
They seem to be adjusting fine
I’ve got temps under control
Keeping the stakes off will resume LST Monday

These girls have a defoliation coming in the near future but will give them atleast a week in the 5 gals before I mess with them too much

She is looking the most healthy I’m sure she will have this pot more than filled 14 days from now

Ice cold

She is looking well she really is about as the. 5 gallon pot already just need to even her up abit and let her grow up


She doesn’t look bad but ima have to train the right side of her down so the left can catch up and it has a lot of growing to do to fill this pot but she be good in 14 days
Day 66(46)

This is the 3rd day post transplant for the indoor girls
They seem to be adjusting fine
I’ve got temps under control
Keeping the stakes off will resume LST Monday

These girls have a defoliation coming in the near future but will give them atleast a week in the 5 gals before I mess with them too much

She is looking the most healthy I’m sure she will have this pot more than filled 14 days from now

Ice cold

She is looking well she really is about as the. 5 gallon pot already just need to even her up abit and let her grow up


She doesn’t look bad but ima have to train the right side of her down so the left can catch up and it has a lot of growing to do to fill this pot but she be good in 14 days
Are u in flower or close to it? I would wait to defoliate, if u have to tuck. Its not a good idea to defoliate in veg. Usually right before flip is ok, but i usually wait until day 21 or when stretch is done. They need those leaves the most in veg. Maybe cutting some budsites that aint gonna make it, but i like to leave the leaves in veg. Jmo babes look good bro.
Are u in flower or close to it? I would wait to defoliate, if u have to tuck. Its not a good idea to defoliate in veg. Usually right before flip is ok, but i usually wait until day 21 or when stretch is done. They need those leaves the most in veg. Maybe cutting some budsites that aint gonna make it, but i like to leave the leaves in veg. Jmo babes look good bro.
No flower yet hoping to be in another 2 weeks

I was thinking I would just remove a few of the larger leaves on each plant blocking a few potential tops I suppose I could just continue tucking them till the day before I flip I'm also about to resume the LST which may do the job
Day 68

The girls in the tent are doing well it's now the 5th day in 5 gallon pots and we resume LST until these pots are filled

She is looking real good and healthy getting thick like a small little bush



Then here she is after LST

Ice cold
she is filling out this pot nice in just 5 days might make up for some of the Oreoz slower growing

After LST

Looks healthy but has a way to go hopefully in the next 2 1/2 weeks

After LST
No flower yet hoping to be in another 2 weeks

I was thinking I would just remove a few of the larger leaves on each plant blocking a few potential tops I suppose I could just continue tucking them till the day before I flip I'm also about to resume the LST which may do the job
Yeah bro your doing a great job. Those babes look great to me. Got em spread out!!! A leaf or 2 here and there wont hurt, i was referring to a full defoli. But all plants are different so my way might not be applicable to your gals. Just keep doing what your doing, and dont make the mistake i made...switching from sip buckets to regular hard 2 gallon pots for flowering, stupid!!!! If it aint broke......!!!!
Yeah bro your doing a great job. Those babes look great to me. Got em spread out!!! A leaf or 2 here and there wont hurt, i was referring to a full defoli. But all plants are different so my way might not be applicable to your gals. Just keep doing what your doing, and dont make the mistake i made...switching from sip buckets to regular hard 2 gallon pots for flowering, stupid!!!! If it aint broke......!!!!
Don't fix it 😂 appreciate it man and will take heed yeah won't do a major strip until day prior to flower or the 21 days into flower I think most do both
Day 72
9 days in 5 gallon pots

I'm debating if I just want to go another 5-8 days and just throw the trellis on and flip these girls but don't think I'ma do that

I'm having trouble determining exactly when I should add the trellis and/or flip with the goal to fill most of or all the tent I've seen some people veg super long and trellis weeks before flipping to flower with probably 30-40 tops on the plant and the tent gets filled. But I also see some people who veg 6-8weeks have maybe 8-15 tops and they throw the trellis on the day of they flip and the tent fills up. Not sure which direction I should be going .

The ice cold and NFSHEEESH are becoming difficult to train via stake as they are overgrown the pots have stronger branches that often pull the stakes out the soil and are just more massive than the Oreoz so I think the Ice cold and sheeesh are probably ready for the trellis now .

she's doing good looking healthy still has a good growth rate I'm pretty sure but will more so judge that in 5-8 days
Hasn't completely filled all ends of the pot but it's bout there think we're working 17 tops on her with the way she has been growing I don't think it was actually such a bad thing she got topped im starting to see she really prefers vertical growth probably why its taking so long to fill that last part of the pot

ICE Cold
She has really taken off the last couple weeks solfire gardens(breeder) describes ice cold as a "large plant" and the NFSHEEESH as "tall" and I'm now really starting to see that even with the training the NFSHEEESH really wants to grow up (tall) while the ice cold is just spreading and branching out like crazy ,was pretty much as wide as the 5 gal on transplant day and is now the only one pretty much extending past the pot 360degrees and I think were working on 22 tops here shes supposed to be a heavy yeilder and I see why with the Way she loves LST

I believe I once said I liked the way this was branching out I believe I lied boy she is so far behind the IC and NFS . She doesn't look bad or sick and is growing just way behind the others again trellis could probably go on today but the Oreoz wouldn't reach it she's giving me doubts I'm gonna fill the whole tent but hopefully we get something close and hey she was a freebie I assume the QC isnt as big a deal or maybe this IC and NFS are just superior genetically.

And here is all 3
Left to right
Ice cold,Oreoz, NFSHEEESH
I think you can throw the net on at anytime. I ususally do it when the plants get wider than the pot. Then I'll start stretching her out with net. If you know how much the plants will stretch, also plays a part in when the net goes down. If you do it before flowering your able to stretch plant out and create more budsites, but if you wait until after flowering you can see structure and place buds in squares, plus you can also train them for 1st 3weeks into flowering, or as long as you can bend branches. And some people use 2 nets. So basically it's up to you bro, no decision is bad. Just give yourself some space to work on plants and to feed them.
I think you can throw the net on at anytime. I ususally do it when the plants get wider than the pot. Then I'll start stretching her out with net. If you know how much the plants will stretch, also plays a part in when the net goes down. If you do it before flowering your able to stretch plant out and create more budsites, but if you wait until after flowering you can see structure and place buds in squares, plus you can also train them for 1st 3weeks into flowering, or as long as you can bend branches. And some people use 2 nets. So basically it's up to you bro, no decision is bad. Just give yourself some space to work on plants and to feed them.
Much appreciated I'll just have to get alil more decisive
Outdoors Day 51
29 days out doors
7 days in 5 gal pots

These girls are finally getting me excited for them being outdoors
We now have all 3 branching out and growing up quicker.
I'm still not sure what the issue was or if there was one but they are finally coming together

We are no longer just watering the center of the pot expanding to fill the whole thing with roots now

She was a long bald stem forever then like 2 or 3 days she shot out these auxiliaries not a clue why but hey will take it for sure tho the original train if thought was top when they start to branch out i still wont be topping her she's is 24in tall and 18inch wide

ICE cold2
She is my favorite outdoor plant because she is behaving the best lmao she was the first to branch and has been doing good after a slow recovery from toppings. I implemented very light LST just coming and occasionally bending the tops down by hand to help some of the smaller ones catch up been super low effort and pretty effective she is 17in tall and 19 wide

She definitely must have an extreme preference for outdoors or maybe the 1st Oreoz(indoors) is just a weaker pheno/seed otherwise I'd expect this one to be slower and behind the SHEEESH2 and IC2 like the indoor but she's not in fact you can say she has surpassed the SHEEESH2 and is bout equal to the IC2 SHe is branching out good and tops are starting to recover well from when we topped her I'm also doing light LST on her and she still has an odd amount of pistils she's about 21in tall and 18in wide

Left to right
We're on day 78 for the indoor girls
15 days in 5 gallon pots

In about 2 days I'm gonna judge how much growth we've had since transplant if things are still going well all plants should have 3x-4,x in size.

I'm thinking I want the girls ice cold and NFSHEEESH at least to be 18inches high before I flip to flower however I also want to flip by 21 days post transplant I haven't been readjusting the stakes the past few days just letting the girls grow up to get some height on them.

I'm thinking I'll just hook the trellis up on day 17 post transplant regardless of when I decide to flip I lowered the plants some getting them further from the lights the NFSHEEESH and ice cold were too close and the Oreoz is kinda now to far away.

I've got a compost tea been brewing for 31 hours will use around hour 44
1.5gal distilled water
1/2 tablespoon down2earth alfalfa meal
1/2 tablespoon down2earth kelp meal
.75 tablespoon worm casting
1 tablespoon blackstrapp unsulphured molasses

She is growing well still looks very healthy besides light bleaching on tips I did push them on nutes so that's fine probably got 19 tops she pretty much is wider than the 5gal pot now and is around 13-14inches at her tallest

Ice cold
She is looking great very wide with around 24 tops standing around 13 inches excited to see her flower

Oreoz shes still just plain smaller than the other 2 but she is growing out nicely hasn't filled the pot yet but you can see she's getting there she's about 9 inches tall

Here is all 3 indoors left to right
Ice cold, Oreoz, NFSHEEESH

Outdoors Day 56
These girls are prog well now no more complaints although still worried about the Oreoz looking like it's flowering but hey idk what's going on there and she's growing so will take it I went ahead and topped the NFSHEEESH2 because she is already 24 inches tall and I want these girls to stay under 5foot tall might actually top the Oreoz2 and ice cold a second time they are 20-23 inches tall

Can see where she was topped I tried to fim her I've only used fim technique once and it was on accident don't know if it worked here starting to doubt there's a real difference between fem and topping a plant based on the research I've done but will see

ICE cold2
she unfortunately lost one of her main tops during LST I broke it beyond the point of tape and prayers other than that she is doing well I'm using these trellis for my tomatoes to help LST the outdoor phneos


She is doing well you can kinda see all the pistils she's popping but I don't think she is in flower or she should've stretched way past the ice cold2 and NFSHEEESH2
Notice above how the Oreoz has some weird/cool looking mutated leaves it started popping those after topping got some closer pics today and she still looks like she's flowering but probably isn't? First time seeing so many pistils prior to flower
Today will make day ,80 indoors
17 days since transplant

All the girls have around 3x if not more in size since transplant a good sign to see I went ahead and took them all out the tent gave it a good cleaning before setting up the trellis

I got some pics of them with their outdoor sisters just as a little comparison between outdoor VS Indoor can't wait to see the difference in mugs while they are different phenos and not clones i still find this interesting
The outdoor girls are day 58,36 outside,14 in 5 gallon pots

The outdoor and indoor are both respectively the tallest plants the outdoor (NFSHEEESH2) is some how 30 inches tall it randomly shot up way past the other two which is why she was topped. Our indoor NFSHEEESH is about 15 inches tall she might have got too close to the light for a couple days but everything has been adjusted hope at least one of these phenos have the swirls of purple like in the webphoto

Ice cold 1&2
These both are the ones branching out the best unfortunately one of ice cold2 branches were. Broken but still going strong ice cold 1 is about 14.5 inches tall number 2 is about 25.5 inches tall

Oreoz 1&2
These showcase the biggest difference in outdoor VS Indoor with oreoz1 being 9.5 inches tall and #2 at 23.5 inches

All 6
Ice cold,Oreoz, NFSHEEESH

Then here is what the tent looks like now
The trellis is about 18 inches above the base of the plants so the IC and NFS should have 3.5&3 inches before they reach the trellis I'll defoliate sometime between now and then and flip to 12/12 when they reach. The IC and NFSH are 11-12 inches from lights so Oreoz is probably18-20 away I went ahead and turned all 3 lights to 100so full 300watts
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