Todd's 2X4 Growing

Hey TT, just cruising by, looks good so far. If you do the bottom water deal then you need 40% extra aeration added to your soil mix. It does couple things it allows water to wick better and still leaves enough oxygen for the roots. Note it does take about 2 weeks lag time that is slow growth / no growth for the plant to convert from soil roots to water roots, but once adjusted they grow pretty fast.

If you don’t have the 40% extra aeration that probably what’s up and it’s perhaps best to carry on with normal wet dry cycle methods. If you are further interested in self watering / no pumps then check out the SIP & SWICK journals linked below

SIP club
SWICK thread

hope it helps, later!
Hey TT, just cruising by, looks good so far. If you do the bottom water deal then you need 40% extra aeration added to your soil mix. It does couple things it allows water to wick better and still leaves enough oxygen for the roots. Note it does take about 2 weeks lag time that is slow growth / no growth for the plant to convert from soil roots to water roots, but once adjusted they grow pretty fast.

If you don’t have the 40% extra aeration that probably what’s up and it’s perhaps best to carry on with normal wet dry cycle methods. If you are further interested in self watering / no pumps then check out the SIP & SWICK journals linked below

SIP club
SWICK thread

hope it helps, later!
Welcome, thanks for stopping by it probably is the aeration thing will probably primarily use top watering for the rest of the grow hopefully they aren’t to stunted
The tent is now fully set up
2 viparspectra v1000(100w)
1 aglex k1000(100w)
IPower 4inch duct fan +filter
Temp/RH monitor
2clip on fans and a ground fan

The rh monitor and ph pen are mainly for redundancy

I got this stuff in just today​
Cool deal on the new gear, you’ll have it dialed in soon! Yes they should pull thru just fine

Also just in case… helps to elevate tent on a pallet or two to get above concrete slab. An indoor or covered concrete slab stays about 55 degrees all year long with only a degree or two of fluctuation from winter to summer and that huge cold sink can play havoc with your plants. I’d suggest placing a hygrometer on tent floor and see what temp you get….
Cool deal on the new gear, you’ll have it dialed in soon! Yes they should pull thru just fine

Also just in case… helps to elevate tent on a pallet or two to get above concrete slab. An indoor or covered concrete slab stays about 55 degrees all year long with only a degree or two of fluctuation from winter to summer and that huge cold sink can play havoc with your plants. I’d suggest placing a hygrometer on tent floor and see what temp you get….
I didn’t even think about that thanks might see if I can find something around the house to prop it up with I was also thinking about using a space heater outside the intake vent part of the day to atleast stay around 78-80degrees
I’ve got the tent most of the way set up I’m waiting on a more official inline exhaust fan with a filter and ducting aswell as a couple more clip on fans I’ll be getting rid of the box fan takes up space other than that I’ve got everything for the tent… in the mean time the box fan and makeshift exhaust fan I’ve got will do the stuff should be here in a week or two


I used the small fan on the ground in top pick sticking it in top port of the tent then. The top one in the bottom where I feed wires will be the intake the rest are sealed set up won’t really change unless needed just different equipment from some of what’s pictured plus a carbon filter which will go outside the tent​
Here is how the tent is set up now this should do for veg I’ll have to adjust something’s come flower more than likely.
The thought process with the small fan on ground is that it would help the vent with the cords act as a fresh air intake while the duct fan exhaust through the top

My new therm pro and old have two different readings so I’m taking them outside to compare with weather in the area to see which is more accurate idk if these things have a way you’re supposed to calibrate them so this is what I thought up

So far it’s looking like the old one is more accurate I took. The plastic screen cover off the new one don’t know if that would affect anything will continue to see over course of blunt

Also I’ve got the lights around 16inches from plants all 3 on 50% so about 150W running in the 2X4 I think this should be good going off the charts I posted​
Nice setup, that should put some green in your jars! Yes I had 4 hygrometer with readings all over the place some of mine were out by 10 degrees F, that’s a lot of variation

Here’s how to calibrate your hygrometers… InTheShed how to calibrate hygrometers

Thanks for the link I’m trying that now I’m using tubberware hopefully that’s a proper way
Day 13

the nfsheeesh and ice cold look worse than they did not sure if this is still from the overwatering or something else haven’t bottom watered since yesterday but seems worse today now all 3 of the plants have roots coming through the bottom of the cup the Oreoz doesn’t look so bad

I’m sure they are abit stunted don’t seem to be progressing as they should hopefully by next week things are back on track and growth picks up things will be more dialed in during veg

Also due to not having the timer power outlet I had been turning on and off lights manually and missed the lights off point a few times which probably doesn’t help​
ok the cup in a cup hurts you on drainage & airflow…. I’d remove the outer cup and here’s cool trick. Tilt the cup to steep 45 degree and and prop it up so it won’t tumble over. Leave it propped at that angle for an hour or two, the cup of soil should take a pee and release some excess water. We’ve now reset water table to lower level but don’t worry there’s still plenty of water left in the soil for your seedling.

I reckon Tupperware will do just fine
Day 19

The girls are slowly recovering
I went ahead and transplanted them around day 14-15 now in 1gallon grow bags with a 50/50 mix of sungro black gold organic soil and FF happy frog added dynomyco to the medium other than that nothing more than what comes in the soil(s).

Let them get fairly dry after transplant watered today temps are from 75-82 degrees F humidity is somewhere between 50-60 I’m pretty sure I’m currently using the salt and water method and will use the wet paper towel method to test my hygrometers thinking humidity has probably been too low

I also calibrated my ph pens. Today however don’t think the one I was using was to far from accurate

Think this one is recovering the best however the stem is still pretty sad but all of them are

Think this one might have nute burn unless the leaf tips mean something else really not sure. The bottom of the stem kinda split/snapped so tape



This one is looking the most iffy not sure what the lighter ring around edges of leaves means

I actually went ahead and popped another of each strain simply because I’m tired of growing stunted plants and want to see actual explosive growth won’t overwater these seedlings and will now have more accurate readings from hygrometer should be a more dialed in environment to promote the growth im looking for all 3 of my 2nd phenos popped above soil so I atleast have a 100% germination rate with all these seeds​
Day 20

I think I’ve got the humidity and hygrometers dialed in the humidity probably had been in the low 50s we are now around mid 60s

The conclusion of the salt test the new hygrometer was minus 3 both times I tested and the old hygrometer was +14 I also did the wet paper towel test once which got different results but I’ll go with the salt

If the old hygrometer has been off by +14 that would explain the slow vegetative growth I had my first two grows essentially had a late flower RH during veg given that they were bagseeds idk if genetics or the off RH plays a bigger factor but both grows it was a slow crawl to around 12 inches then it would be nearly 2 weeks to get past that height

HEre is how the tent is looking now

This one is bouncing back nicely stem is already seeming better

This one has started to bounce back nice aswell I think in a couple days maybe I’ll take the tape off the stem

This one is still funny looking might be replaced with the second one that sprouted today

Also I noticed this probably no good for flower this is went the tent zipped up don’t know how or why but it’s recent

Day 22 (week 2 day 2 veg)

Think things are still progressively bouncing back for the most part.

With discoloration on the leaves of Oreoz and ice cold I’m debating whether to just add gypsum and epsilon salt to the next watering or to brew the first compost tea I think I’m leaning towards a light tea as I’ve been letting the soil dry back quite a bit (ptsd from overwatering) might help the microbiology I don’t want to burn or shock the plants so will probably be a light tea

I also decided to start LST on the NFS and ICE cold today as the girls have 3-4 nodes and auxiliary branches are starting to develop might aswell get them bent over and those auxiliaries growing out

Think this one is doing the best so far coloration is the best with her

Ice cold
This one has some light green around the edges similar Oreoz I’m thinking calmag would help here
This one kinda shows the coloration on the edges

This one I feel is too small and ugly looking to start LST it does have auxiliary branches but I just want to see it develop more
Day 25

Yesterday I got some diatomaceous earth and added a layer on top of all soil in the tent to help with gnats aswell as some sticky traps and a different oil based spray

I should’ve turned the fans off from the start but the stuff is like flour and got all over I’ll have to wipe leaves off I’m hoping I stop seeing gnats​
DE is effective when it’s dry… once it’s wet they seem to skate right across it… Just be wary that top of soil doesn’t get too caked up, reduces oxygen & slows down rate of soil evaporation. Ask me how I know… Seriously what a dumbass I am.. I applied so much DE over time that it nearly turned into concrete slab… should have painted strips as landing zone for the gnats. Ha too freaking funny but once realized the impact I used a fork to gently excavate down to clean soil.

For funkus gnats I like mosquitoes bits or mosquito dunks, they contain a biological called BTi, (bacillus theringeinsis israelensis might have misspelled that) Theres another one called BTk but it’s for caterpillars Add a measure to your water bucket and let it sit out & activate overnight plus sprinkle some across top of your soil. I use mosquito bits with every watering… Also remember to wear a mask when applying DE, it’s ground up super fine and it’s bad stuff for your lungs

Good job on the fan, it’s disrupts their flight, if they can’t land- then they can’t lay eggs. Think they’ve got brief adjustment phase to get settled but will be rolling in high gear very soon
DE is effective when it’s dry… once it’s wet they seem to skate right across it… Just be wary that top of soil doesn’t get too caked up, reduces oxygen & slows down rate of soil evaporation. Ask me how I know… Seriously what a dumbass I am.. I applied so much DE over time that it nearly turned into concrete slab… should have painted strips as landing zone for the gnats. Ha too freaking funny but once realized the impact I used a fork to gently excavate down to clean soil.

For funkus gnats I like mosquitoes bits or mosquito dunks, they contain a biological called BTi, (bacillus theringeinsis israelensis might have misspelled that) Theres another one called BTk but it’s for caterpillars Add a measure to your water bucket and let it sit out & activate overnight plus sprinkle some across top of your soil. I use mosquito bits with every watering… Also remember to wear a mask when applying DE, it’s ground up super fine and it’s bad stuff for your lungs

Good job on the fan, it’s disrupts their flight, if they can’t land- then they can’t lay eggs. Think they’ve got brief adjustment phase to get settled but will be rolling in high gear very soon
Yo thanks for sticking around the grow you’ve been very damn helpful

And yeah I definitely put too much in that right corner seedling I scraped extra from it too put in some of the others

And I learned real quick a mask is probably for the best when the fan blow a good dusting straight at my mouth and nose 🤣 mouth felt super dry for a while after that

I’m hoping the wind DE oils and traps together get rid of them might look into that mosquito product if I don’t like where we are in a week or so​
Aww appreciate that, just paying it forward. It’s about to get busy for me so I might be in the wind, but if you ever get stumped and need quick answer then drop a question on the faq page

Yes sir that BTi is pretty cheap and can be had at tractor supply or mart of wall if you are US based. Think the bits go further than the dunks. It’s a staple around here, every bucket of water gets some, top dressed on soil of course and even put them in my swick reservoir. Funny thing is- I still have few in my room but not like before. They can smell that decaying soil and come for food, housing and mating opportunities, mine aren’t totally eradicated cuz I see a flyer every now and again but much less of nuisance.
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