The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Touche Joe! I would have added you If kismet would have named you to. You are in that list buddy, nothing to worrie about ;) besides you were the fist to join the video call right?:slide::high-five:
Exactly buddy. How is my girl doing the one you named guy cav hasn’t posted yet eithier lol
Well my 420 family. I’m still struggling with leaf curls. But I think I found the issue. Now my room humidity is 46% and I was like that’s not to bad. So out of my wondering nature I placed a meter at the base of the plant. And it all makes sense now. I have vary powerful pumps and if u put your hand above the hydration you can feel air and moisture bubbling from below Omg 75%. So I did a little experiment I covered the base or the plant to reflect the moisture. And this morning I’m down to 57% I know I’ll have to replace my cover due to it being a wax covered paper plate. I don’t want mildew. But who knows after she takes off I may not need the plate anymore. Also my roots are kicking ass. It’s like chuck Norris down ther haha.
Great solve Ice! I'm wondering if the high RH in my neck of the woods is slowing my two down. Never gets below 60% here these days.
Yoooo how early can I put her outside 24/7 do we think?
I started mine on 24/0 last night. Outside all day, Mars on all night. No dark period any more.
If you are talking about mine, it is centered in with a 4 inch sleeve to ensure I am watering plant and not all the pot for now... I can see what you thought by looking back at pic, crappy phone... I water two times a day on average, but only about a fluid ounce for now each time... My little trick to keep the root rot chances way way down.... It will be removed at day 21... Maybe I can get a better root ball than I even get with photos.... Some thing to start training either way.... Green days and thanks Shed...
If you are talking about mine, it is centered in with a 4 inch sleeve to ensure I am watering plant and not all the pot for now... I can see what you thought by looking back at pic, crappy phone... I water two times a day on average, but only about a fluid ounce for now each time... My little trick to keep the root rot chances way way down.... It will be removed at day 21... Maybe I can get a better root ball than I even get with photos.... Some thing to start training either way.... Green days and thanks Shed...
You're the only one with a pail ;)!

I think an ounce two times a day is not going to be enough for you and the sleeve is going to restrict the roots. By day 21 your plant will be more than 75% done with veg and from my experience with autos, there's not a lot of root growth in flower. But I'd love to be proved wrong...not a whole lot of win with these seeds so far (Derby and PW excepted).
You're the only one with a pail ;)!

I think an ounce two times a day is not going to be enough for you and the sleeve is going to restrict the roots. By day 21 your plant will be more than 75% done with veg and from my experience with autos, there's not a lot of root growth in flower. But I'd love to be proved wrong...not a whole lot of win with these seeds so far (Derby and PW excepted).

... I can dig it.... To be honest, I really dont care too much about BS either I see the same results as you.... I am just doing it to be a part of something on here... Fun to experience with others... My main concerns are my Other photos I have out, they are the heavy hitters.... I am however impressed with GGa I have.... Nine days and second leaves already... That one I do actually care about... I am letting the BIL take care of the BS, me the GGa... Kinda a practice run for him, he is wanting and is sold on an auto heavy Perpetual... For now I guess... IDK, not my suggestion at all, but others he knows woo him with grandioso dreams... His money, He paid me for the tutorial... He is soon to be completely on his own, EXCEPTION getting his ass on here finally and getting some peeps to share/learn with/from... DIG??? Always a pleasure to see and hear from you, not one I often get... Green days... and to all
If you are talking about mine, it is centered in with a 4 inch sleeve to ensure I am watering plant and not all the pot for now... I can see what you thought by looking back at pic, crappy phone... I water two times a day on average, but only about a fluid ounce for now each time... My little trick to keep the root rot chances way way down.... It will be removed at day 21... Maybe I can get a better root ball than I even get with photos.... Some thing to start training either way.... Green days and thanks Shed...
still the dry soil will suck up a lot of moisture
Agree, it is only 5 day, and I get the whole auto thing... I am just gonna give it a couple more days... GGa is gettin 10 fluid oz's a day, and in like a week or when it needs to be, I have noticed others have ramped up with nutes and all... Being someone who rarely grows autos, I have trouble with the nute thing so early.. However the growth time dictates so away we go... Thanks for the input as always PT... Green days to ya... and to all
Agree, it is only 5 day, and I get the whole auto thing... I am just gonna give it a couple more days... GGa is gettin 10 fluid oz's a day, and in like a week or when it needs to be, I have noticed others have ramped up with nutes and all... Being someone who rarely grows autos, I have trouble with the nute thing so early.. However the growth time dictates so away we go... Thanks for the input as always PT... Green days to ya... and to all
If you're going to give it a shot, might as well give it a real shot. Water that poor thing!
... I can dig it.... To be honest, I really dont care too much about BS either I see the same results as you.... I am just doing it to be a part of something on here... Fun to experience with others... My main concerns are my Other photos I have out, they are the heavy hitters.... I am however impressed with GGa I have.... Nine days and second leaves already... That one I do actually care about... I am letting the BIL take care of the BS, me the GGa... Kinda a practice run for him, he is wanting and is sold on an auto heavy Perpetual... For now I guess... IDK, not my suggestion at all, but others he knows woo him with grandioso dreams... His money, He paid me for the tutorial... He is soon to be completely on his own, EXCEPTION getting his ass on here finally and getting some peeps to share/learn with/from... DIG??? Always a pleasure to see and hear from you, not one I often get... Green days... and to all
WOw if you don’t care you shouldn’t have entered. Your lack of respect for the vault. And this opportunity you should have passed and let someone else have the experience. Just my 2 cents
If you're going to give it a shot, might as well give it a real shot. Water that poor thing!
and as goes for the moment to start the nutrients (in coco for sure not sure for soil) the babyleafs are a good give tell if they start to shrivel and turn more yellow that means the seedling is on its last reserves, i start usually at day 10 with a very very light feed so my babyleafs stay green and swollen for alot longer as the plant doesnt needs its reserves as bad ...
Perhaps what you guys are saying makes sense, but I think that to be critical at this stage is childish... My intentions are to work with my BIL, and his interests... That is why I did this... To say and or think that it shoulda been passed to someone else is strictly ones opinion... To show someone something is often times to learn oneself... I am trying to help him learn with his passions, and am in the position of second chair.... Whether I agree or disagree, I can only suggest and guide...

.....Sometimes I wonder if it would be beneficial for him to be tied in with you Ice, you know with you massive respect for a group of people you dont even know.... I try to make everyone feel comfortable around me, and on here... He is a bit timid, and some of the members have a hard time remembering it is a site to share and compare... To learn and to show/teach...

..... I would think that those that I have connected with on here would understand, or have at least been in the position of teaching a noob in any field... Encouragement and guidance go hand in hand... I fear that for the best results for him, it would be better to just post the end harvest...
.....I myself find your demeanor and attitude apalling Ice, and dont value it much for that reason... You are continually critical of others, and undermining in your words from what I have noticed... I hope that is a misread, but dont really care... I thank you for your input, however degrading it is... In the end to be perfectly honest, I did pass it on to someone else, My BIL, and am also letting my BIL experience it.... Again the only reason I am here, and helping him is to help him further his skillset and such at his pace... Mistakes and all... Green days all... and good luck...
@InTheShed I was just sitting in there pondering wtf. I’ve grown about 100 autos. And never hade this issue. So my curiosity was like let’s check at the base and there it was upper 70. So the plate is diverting the rh away from the base of the plant. I also adjusted my ventilation so I hade air moving at the base also. So far she looks way better and man the roots. Amazing in 3 days. I’ll share a pic after work
and as goes for the moment to start the nutrients (in coco for sure not sure for soil) the babyleafs are a good give tell if they start to shrivel and turn more yellow that means the seedling is on its last reserves, i start usually at day 10 with a very very light feed so my babyleafs stay green and swollen for alot longer as the plant doesnt needs its reserves as bad ...

....Sound advice there PT.... Thanks for that bit of knowledge to pass on to the BIL... Nice to hear I was not wrong about EVERYTHING... Then again The rest of my personal plants are stomping through the grow season to a decent end anyway...
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