The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

I speak from the heart take it as you wish. And so far in my years of 420 magazine your the first. No disrespect here from me just words typed from your brain. Also I’ve never crossed your path for u to b able to say I’m critical of other and undermining woah. Total respect for everyone we all have the equal goal here. I’m not the one saying I don’t care. Truthfully I’m not that active. I’ve never seen you post on any of my other grows. Sorry to offend you. But the best teacher is not one who lets some one fail to learn from there mistakes.
Good enough then, this is a first for me too... But as you say, take it as you wish...right... I dont post on yours, you know almost everything so nothing to say that would be beneficial.... I am not a hateful or dismissive person, and people on here do say they dont care about plants that piss them off or whatever man... I really do wish you a Green day, and such....
I know nothing. And I learn everyday. And I’m grateful. The canna gods blessed me with the pain in the But seeds. But if I don’t give up they won’t
Perhaps what you guys are saying makes sense, but I think that to be critical at this stage is childish... My intentions are to work with my BIL, and his interests... That is why I did this...
I believe what Ice was saying is that this isn't a company handing out free seeds so you can teach your BIL how to grow. This was supposed to be a comparative grow among vetted experienced growers to see how different techniques produce different plants. There was a reason we submitted our user names to The Vault when we signed up. Your BIL would not have made the cut.

Maybe we're guinea pigs for this strain but the seeds were free and we committed to giving each one our best shot. Ice was saying that another member could have used those seeds to legitimately participate in this comparative grow. You may not like how he phrased it but his idea stands on solid ground.
@InTheShed I was just sitting in there pondering wtf. I’ve grown about 100 autos. And never hade this issue. So my curiosity was like let’s check at the base and there it was upper 70. So the plate is diverting the rh away from the base of the plant. I also adjusted my ventilation so I hade air moving at the base also. So far she looks way better and man the roots. Amazing in 3 days. I’ll share a pic after work
Not much I can do about the RH but it's amazing that the leaves are this sensitive to humidity. Add that to the growing guidance.
I apologize for the tension maybe I took your words the wrong way I’m only here to learn and make friends with people I’ll never see. Including yourself @MaddHacker. I toste to our new friendship with a gorilla glue nug shot in beginning bud faze
I can definately get down with that bro... No harm no foul... I probably just needed to smoke the joint I rolled like an hour ago... F in stoners, LOL
I’ve bin at work for 11 hours. Sweating my ass off I’m a industrial mechanic doing over the road calls. I need to smoke also. But please water that girl. She a will put out happily. Lol
I shoved the Auto Masszar off to the side in the Oval of Brightness® to get the Brooklyn Sunrise Autos under the MarsHydro 300. It's getting chopped tomorrow anyway! (That's a CKS Haze Xtreme photo on the bottom.)

They both looked thirsty this morning so I gave them 16oz of nutes in a circle and 8 oz down the middle. I also tightened the reins and tucked some leaves on #2.

No more dark time for these babies!
I have 2 seeds left

Once I clear room, or add another room, I'll try another go at the Brooklyn girl

Curious about this strain for sure, not as many running the Blue Dream'matic, or at least posting, and this was the one I was more interested in
Just keep humidity on the low side and they seem to love light and nutes.
I live on the surface of the sun, high humidity is not an issue

I’ve bin running 24/7 for autos. For the past 4 years. But when I get this qb Sunday. I believe I prob shouldn’t run 24/7. Any input. I don’t wanna burn my new light out
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